IC: Medical File

Jul 16, 2010 21:11

Phillips, Adrian

Name: Adrian Michael Phillips
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Height: 6'0"/183cm
Weight: 202lb/91kg

Spouse: Leigh-Anne Harper [Ex-wife]
Children: Dominic Harper-Phillips
Next of Kin: Peter Phillips [Brother]

Blood type: O+
Allergies: Mildly allergic to pollen
Chronic Conditions: None

Past Major Illnesses/Injuries:

2229: Severe food poisoning (3)
2232: Broken arm (6)
2233: Torn ligaments in left leg (7)
2235: Ovine Flu (9)
2238: Broken leg (12)
2244: Broken nose (18)
2245: Three broken fingers, dislocated thumb (19)
2249: Unidentified alien contagion (23)
2254: Concussion, fractured skull, subdural haematoma, broken jaw, broken nose, fractured cheekbone, broken collarbone, dislocated shoulder, broken arm, broken ribs, fractured pelvis, six cracked vertebrae, broken leg, internal bleeding, severe lacerations to the torso, 2nd-degree burns. (28)

Family Medical History: Diabetes, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis
Current Medications: None
Sexual History: Has been treated for STDs.
Mental Health: No known issues

OOC Notes:

It might be noted in his file that the rather impressive collection of injuries from 2254 were caused by the shuttle he was piloting being shot down over an uncharted planet by hostile natives. He was transferred off of the USS Veridian so that his injuries could be treated properly, and spent the next ten months on leave to fully recuperate.


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