IC: Personnel File

Jul 16, 2010 20:24

Phillips, Adrian

**updated addenda pending

Rank: Lieutenant
Last recorded assignment: Shuttle Pilot, USS Enterprise
Full Name: Adrian Michael Phillips
Birth Date: 2226.136
Species/gender: Human male
Home Region: Station MX-439, Deimos, Mars Orbit

Father: Evan Phillips
Mother: Rachel Phillips
Spouse: Leigh-Anne Harper [Ex-wife]
Children: Dominic Harper-Phillips

Starfleet Academy: 2244 - 2248

Starfleet Career Summary:

USS Enterprise (2258.286 - present)
Utopia Planitia Shipyards (2254.336 - 2258.280)
USS Veridian (2253.229 - 2254.16)
Promotion to Lieutenant (2253.227)
USS Heriott (2248.173 - 2253.215)
Graduation from Starfleet Academy (2248.168)

Academy Grades:

[A - Excellent, B - Good, C - Satisfactory, D - Weak, F - Fail. An '*' beside a grade indicates scoring in the top 5%]

Advanced Aerial Tactics - A*
Advanced Pilot Training - A*
Advanced Subspace Geometry - C
Applied Mechanics - B
Astrotheory 101 - A
Astrophysics - A
Avionic Control - A
Basic Warp Design - B
Flight Mechanics - A*
Fluid Dynamics - B
High-Speed Aerodynamics - A
Intermediate Hand-to-Hand combat - B
Intrasystem Peacekeeping Operations - C
Strategy and Tactics - A

Kobayashi Maru: F


- Joined Starfleet straight out of high school at eighteen.
- On medical leave as of 2254.17
--- Returned to active duty as of 2254.336

Notes From Commanding Officers:

- Undeniably gifted, but inclined to be cocky. Takes unnecessary risks. [Lt. Valenti, USS Heriott, 2249.261]
- Reckless; just lucky for everyone involved that he's good enough to pull it off. [Lt. O'Connor, USS Heriott, 2253.117]
- An excellent pilot, despite suffering from occasional bouts of poor decision-making [Lt. Cmmdr. Mbewa, USS Veridian, 2253.358]
- Shows a natural aptitude for small craft [Cmmdr. Hannigan, Utopia Planitia Shipyards, 2257.296]

Notes from Psychiatric Evaluation:

-Though Phillips appears to be recovering psychologically from the crash with surprising ease, I am suspicious as to how much of the improvement is genuine and how much is a front. Though I do not believe keeping him off of active duty any longer will do any good, recommend close observation [Dr. Lewis, Starfleet Medical Centre, 2254.320]


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