May 02, 2008 21:10
Fashion show today. I woke up late and rushed over to the studio. Being already late, I didn't want to park in the deck, I wanted to be closer. So I parked on the street, at a meter, figuring I'd move it when we got a break before the rehearsal. I went to the studio about 20 minutes late, and my professor is just taking attendance...I know the whole reason that we were supposed to be at the studio at 8am instead of 8:30am was because the professors knew people would be late. Anyway, we were told who was going to do set up and clean up and who was going to be dressers. I was assigned to be a dresser: a good and a bad thing. A good thing because I'd get to see what really goes on backstage and all that jazz, but a bad thing because when they had explained it to us at the beginning of the semester they made it sound like we'd volunteer to be dressers and so I had bought a ticket to watch the show. Anyway, after we got all the clothes over to the building and room that was to be "backstage", the dressers were told to go get some breakfast and be back in 45 minutes for a dress rehearsal. So I decided now was a good time to move my car, even though it had only been about 45 minutes since I parked and I had put enough money in the meter for 2 hours. And it's a good thing I did: I had a parking ticket. I had seen the sign that said "No Parking 9am-11am Wednesday" and the sign that said "2 Hour Parking", but I had missed the sign that said "Tow Zone 7am-9am." I guess a ticket isn't that bad, seeing as how it was a "tow zone." So I moved my car and then went back to the building. I had left my purse with Christi and I couldn't find her. Finally I found Rocio, who at least had a phone and Christi's number. I finally found Christi and Jackie in Starbucks and we sat around for a few minutes before going back to the Commons Ballroom for the dress rehearsal. They ended up not being ready yet, so Jackie, Christi and I watched the walkthrough. Then we went "backstage" and were given our model assignments. It was pretty sweet, actually: I was assigned - totally randomly - to the one model I know, Justine. Even more interestingly, the person who I met Justine through is the person I was supposed to go to the show with. Anyway, we did the dress rehearsal and then were told around noon we could go, and we should be back at 6pm. So I went to the new apartment to do some unpacking before I picked up my cake rack from Tom and Jonathan's. I've been looking for it. So once I got that all done (and now my room is all arranged in the new apartment), I came back to the old apartment to do some work. I knew I might lose track of time, so I set a few alarms and got to working on the computer. I fell asleep pretty quickly and slept most of the afternoon. Thank goodness for those alarms. I went back to campus, did the show, and came home. Now I'm going to do more work. The more I get done tonight (since it has to be done by Sunday so I can print it and paste it to the mount board for Monday morning), the more packing I can do tomorrow.