P is for --

Nov 08, 2012 21:38

I've been browsing LJ posts circa 2007-2008 for the past hour because I was looking for a post with content I can no longer remember nor particularly care anymore. Why? Because instead I found a treasure trove of capslock-abusing, fangirl content that's forced me to  -- for better or for worse-- (re)learn a few things about myself. And fandom. And Kat deeply immersed in Jdrama/anime fandom.
  1. I used to throw "porn" into a lot of my posts, just because I could.
  2. I managed to use "porn" at least once in a real life professional environment.
  3. THIS was totally, completely, 100% canon Naruto manga and I am flabbergasted that after 5 years in archives, the imageshack link still works.
  4. I watched through ALL of this movie. No subs, no dubs. Just Quentin Tarantino talking in English as if he were Japanese trying to speak English but it comes out more ENGRISH than JAPLISH.
  5. Hold on, I'm still reeling from the fact that I watched a Japanese Western Tarantino movie done entirely in (sometimes questionable) English and live-action anime style. WARNING: BLOOD. It's a Tarantino movie.
  6. Sukiyaki Western Django was not the weirdest thing I ever watched and liked.
  7. It was A Sleeping Forest (OMG FULL EPISODES ONLINE! And yes, its so old its a VHS rip!), the jdrama series that taught me the true meaning of liking and being so hooked on a series because its just SUCH A DAMN CRAZY THRILLER that you just HAVE to marathon through it once in your life... and then never ever watch ever again. Because so much stalkers, psychopaths, creepy love triangles (squares? Pentagons? Octahedrons?), and DRAMA WITH A CAPITAL D to the tune of U2's With or Without You packed into a mere 12 episodes can be a bit overwhelming. All capslocks were mandatory.
Hmm. Does anyone know if #3 was ever animated in Shippuden? I mean, it must have been, right? Yet somehow I completely missed seeing screencaps of it! WHY IS THERE NO SCREENCAPS?!

Must. Not. Watch. A Sleeping Forest. Must..n't. But. Starts so innocent. I should check anyway that it works. I should hit pause now. Or now. Oh, hubby says it looks interesting. OH HELL.

canon sasuke porn, nostalgia, sasuke is a *good* boy, a shallow subconscious does a kat make, for the record

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