Tanya’s Favorite Things of 2010. Just like Oprah, but better.

Dec 22, 2010 11:44

1. Flannel. You would think as someone who idolized lesbians from an early age and ultimately was one, I would have had a much earlier introduction to the world of flannel shirts. However, 2010 will always be remembered fondly as the true beginning of my love affair with flannels. I knew I had a problem this morning when I realized that none of my flannels were clean and in turn, felt legitimately depressed. Also, I asked Santa for some new flannels for Christmas (specifically one that included a hood), and I am hoping he’ll deliver. If not, I swear I’ll stop believing.

2. Secret Clinical Strength Deodorant. I’m not one of those girls thats going to pretend she doesn’t sweat, fart, or poop. I do all of the above and often. I’ve tried just about every deodorant on the face of the planet throughout my adult life and when someone suggested I upgrade to this bad boy shortly after it came out, I thought: “Oh great another crap-stick that’s not going to work.” I was glad to be proved wrong on this was, as much fun as it was to pit out every shirt I own.

3.Boots. This year also marked my obsession with boots. Specially these boots:

These boots were like a gift from God, or actually: Jess Lakoff. Lucky for me, but not her, after arriving from ebay she discovered they were much too large for her dainty little feet. Since I have the feet of a Sasquatch, I happily acquired these boots-which I’m aware in this picture look as though they belong on a homeless person. These babies are the real deal. I imagine they were handcrafted one magical night when some elves snuck into a shoemakers shop.

4. Netflix. Some people think that kinship with other people brings joy to their lives. You know what’s brought joy to my life? I’ll give you a hint: It involves on demand episodes of such TV Classics as: Angry Beavers, Hey Arnold, Chappelle’s Show, Strangers with Candy, Arrested Development, 30 Rock, Upright Citizen’s Brigade, Mystery Science Theater, and of course: gratuitous re-runs of the L word. Be still my beating heart.

5. Pandora. So what if Pandora has existed since 2005? One of my constant favorites in life is discovering new music, and Pandora just makes this hobby of mine oh so easy. In the old fashioned days you had to discover music as it came at you or sit in a record store for hours on end listening to these old things called “compact discs.” I am a huge fan of anything that does the work for me, and Pandora does just that.

6.The Internets. The internets has come quite a long way since my parents installed AOL 2.0 on our ginormous PC. Remember how long that shit took to boot up? And the horrible noises it made? It was impossible to sneak on late night at my house as the booting up process sounded like an alien was trying to make communications with your computer. As much as I scoffed at the fact Mark Zuckerburg got TIMES “Person of the Year" this year, realistically I have to hand it to him. Facebook, that damn thing, has completely changed how we network and communicate with people. I’ve connected/reconnected with people I never would have otherwise. It would also be ridiculous of me if I didn’t mention my quasi obsession with YouTube. Since I started last year I’ve made over 60 videos and have upwards of 1,000 subscribers who listen to me inanely babble every week.

7. Powder Skis. Since I made the switch from snowboarding to skiing several years ago, I’ve been skiing K2’s One Love. While they were suitable for the first two seasons, I now liken them to riding a tricycle when you should have taken the wheels off a long time ago. A few weeks ago, on a November powder day, I demoed the Rossingnol Vodoo Pro BC 110’s. Besides the fact that’s an incredibly unnecessarily long name for a pair of skis, the experience now makes me cringe when I have to put my K2’s on. Luckily, the holidays are afoot and since my parents are incapable of buying me anything slightly relevant to my life, they will be hopefully be giving me the moneys that will translate to new skis.

8. Higher Education. I don’t like doing the work, and I don’t like the idea of paying back my loans-But I do like the fact that when it’s all done and over I will finally have a job that won’t make me want to punch babies in their faces. I also couldn’t have found a more ideal program than Goddard if I tried. I mean Phish went there, and look how good they turned out. Really there’s no connection in that, as I don’t think having my LPC will entitle me to tour the United States and sell out stadiums-just wanted to throw that in somewhere. I make no apologies.

9. Spandex. I started wearing spandex again this year, for the first time since I was forced into doing dance lessons as a child. Thank god this got cool this year, because I was more than happy to jump on the train with this one. Something about spandex. Maybe it's the fact I can spontaneously kick in ways that regular jeans would never allow me too. Also when I'm feeling especially lazy after a night out, I can sleep in them. That being said, I do NOT support jeggings.
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