Oct 12, 2005 10:45
*yawns.* if you're a guy and PERIODTALK freaks you out, don't read the rest of this.
yeah so, my vag started to bleed right at the end of first period. WHAT THE HELL! okay, two months ago i got it on the 20th. last month, 15th. this month, the 12th?! GOOD GOD, WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME. maybe the mad amounts of action i've been getting started to mess with it? iunno. either way, i'm see my vagdoc in 3 months to talk about me possibly going on birth control. thank god, because then it'll be regulated.
i wanna get a divacup thing. it costs like $33 but it's worth it, i think. instead of pads or tampons, it's a little silicone cup thing. and yeah.
you save a lot of cash and don't throw out as much.
i dunno. i'm in the library, wasting away my lunch period. i want food but eh.