HAHAHA. Yeah, it's probably just a period issue, I used to have that problem, and has nothing to do with amounts of action you get. Unless it's not your period and it's bleeding because of the amounts of crazy sex your having!!! LOLZ. JAYKAY. Yeah, go on the pill man. That shit is awsome.
HAHAHA. Divacup. I think I have heard of this nifty period bandaid before.
well, periods technically fall closer to a lunar cycle than a month...so having them be like 25 days apart as opposed to 27 or 28, I don't really think it's too big a deal...then again, I'm a dude, so I know nothing about periods, right? Right.
i used to get it once every three weeks. Read, two weeks happy time and then get it again. then i went on the pill and now i'm happy for three weeks at a time. and if i don't want to get it for longer, i just take extra. so i advocate the pill.
thats the worst name for that sort of thing, although can you imagine what they might've named it? "the divacup" just makes me think of like whitney houston or diana ross. It could have been like "the cup of menstral tissue and gore." "Little cup o' horrors" Whats in yer wonder ball? urghh. seeya bright and early tommorow.
Comments 9
Yeah, go on the pill man. That shit is awsome.
HAHAHA. Divacup. I think I have heard of this nifty period bandaid before.
it's way cool! you never need tampons or pads again!
it's a silicone cup that you stick in yer vag and stuff and it's way healthier and better for the environment and stuff
and i want a divacup too!!!!!
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