she didn't know that i was deeeeead

Oct 13, 2005 21:20


holycrap. these people rool. their house is hyoooge though. i got lost. it has like 4 floors. BUT ANYWAY. i opened the tv cabinet thing and noticed the CD binder. judgmental personne i am, i started flipping through.
i swear, they own EVERY BOWIE CD THAT EXISTS. SERIOUSLY!!! WOWOWOWOW! and a million prince cds, and some iggy pop, and some t rex. WOWOW.

the kid is awesome her name is emma, she's 4 and talks SO MUCH. she's so cute though. i have to feed her and give her a bath and put her to bed. she wouldn't go to sleep though. i read 3 books, and sang 2 songs with her. sigh. I HATE CHILDREN.


today i had no skool. yay. i did nothing really, cleaned my room some. it's in baaad shape. it'll be better soon though i promise. fo'real. i'm putting up some stuff on ebay, and then i'm hunting down a snack. later.
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