Here are some more cell phone pics I took on a walk in my neighborhood last August. I guess there won't be any new cell phone pics. I just discovered a couple of days ago that my cell phone won't send pics to my email address anymore. I have no idea why, but it won't. Really bums me out!
This is one of my favorite homes in the Azalea District. I love, love, love the crooked bricks!
I've posted a pic of this house before, but from a different angle. It has such a magical mystisque to it.
This house is on a corner and it has a garage and a driveway in back but I guess they wanted to be able to pull right up to the front door because they had this circle drive put in several years ago.
I adore this house! It is so quaint and cozy looking. I love its "cottage look." It was very difficult to get this picture because it has a very large magnolia tree in the front yard that just about total blocks it from view at street level. I walked back and forth in front of it several times, trying to find a place to capture it!
Some of the homes in my neighborhood have plaques like this on them. This plaque is on an empty house, right next to the front door. The home is one block away from where I live.
This plaque is on the house that is right next door to the other plaque but you can see it is a little different.
This house is much larger than this pic shows it to be and it has now been turned into several apartments. It catches your eye though because of the entrance. It's for rent right now. I'd love to see the inside!