I feel inclined to give an actual update on my life. I don't promise that it will interest anyone but me, or provide any service other than reminding me, in two weeks' time when all of this has inevitably slipped my mind, that I did actually do some things and enjoy myself this summer.
last week I went to the beach for three days (among other adventures) with my mother, my brother, and my mother's awesome sister, who flew up from Florida, in part to escape the continuous reign of bullshit for which she can thank her crappy divorce and psychotic ex. my mom's side of the family is definitely the rowdy, hilarious one, so that was a rollicking good time.
on thursday I had a fantastic day at my internship, where I think I've finally graduated beyond the ranks of "unskilled plebian" and into the role of someone whose opinion earns respect. I was the first to read and edit/provide commentary on the newest draft of my coworker, Harrison's, screenplay, and afterwards Harrison, Bruce (my boss) and I sat down for two hours to discuss its strong points and marketing potential and to work out its problems. at the end of the day, Bruce called me over to say some very nice things about me. I left feeling really happy; I don't like some of the administrative parts of this job, but when it comes to reading good work, looking for strengths and weaknesses, and brainstorming with good minds and fantastic writers, I absolutely love this and want to do it for a good chunk of the rest of my life.
on friday I worked my last day at rita's. even that job wasn't so awful by the end, largely because I just quit caring how much the preppy little high schoolers and customers judged me, and started being my weird-as-hell self and trying to get at least a little enjoyment out of the long hours stuck in a room with people completely different from myself. oddly, I became kind of a rita's novelty. but no more, rita's, no more! I've informed my coworkers that if I return next summer, when no lack of degree and no conflicts in the fall can prevent me from getting a decent job, they are free to help me slit my wrists with the ice scoops. I also hope that they pump my blood into the cherry ice in order to express my disdain for the corporation and its customers. really, I do. and some decent person can have my organs. but I want to
donate my bones to art.
anyway, that night I dropped by Nicole's and celebrated very appropriately, if somewhat idiotically. saturday involved chocolate chip pancakes (Nicole is my hero) and a surprise invitation to go camping with Jon, Skippy, Billiam, Marielle and her friends Sadiyyah and Catherine near an adorable town called North East, Maryland.
on sunday I wandered around the town for a while after everyone else had left, enjoying the cute shops and the old cemeteries on the riverbank, before driving back home and joining my family for a crab feast (so Maryland-y) up at the house of our family friends in Pennsylvania. something made me dreadfully sick with allergies yesterday, so I holed up in the house, mostly watching tv and working on intern-type things. I read a wonderful interview with M. T. Anderson, who I must remember to investigate more and had a great, long conversation with Harrison, who I must say I'm coming to respect and like more and more. he's a nice lad.
I cannot imagine what has possessed any of you to read this far, if you really did. you must be less than sane or bored as hell.
finally, a list of things I should do in the near future:
1. doctor my laptop
2. become close friends with some guys who are actually single
3. get a teeny bit of closure on an old friendship from which both my friend and I are moving on
4. find a loophole in the time continuum and read for several years straight