Fanfic: Yoru to Hanabi Chapter 3

Aug 10, 2012 04:22

TITLE: Yoru to Hanabi
MAIN CHARACTERS: Kei Inoo, Yuto Nakajima, Kota Yabu, Yuya Takaki
DISCLAIMER: I don't own anything except for the plot
RATING: PG-13 to NC-17 just to be safe.
SUMMARY: "To forget about your first love you should find a new love.". Kei is suffering from a great heart break coz his first love, the guy he fell head over heels will going to marry. In order to forget about his old failed romance he needs to find another love but what will he do if there are more than one that comes to his life?

Yoru to Hanabi
Chapter 3

"Kei-chan, do you know what have you done? You made everyone worried. You are older right? How come you think that way? Why did you go away without asking for permission. I didn't raised you to be like that, just to go to amusement park you even bring Yutti with you. I know that i didn't bring you there yet but then you should consider the situation." Aoi scolded Kei as they are in the dining room. She is really worried about them that she keeps on dialing numbers and contacting his cellphone but she is not receiving a respond.

My mother is always worried, in every single thing that can happen. She easily panic when something happened. I remember when i am 7 years old and i went to the backyard of our house just to search for something my mother hurriedly search for me. She is very protective and i grow up to be spoiled around her but i think that's the way she likes it. But even she said so many things, even she nag about it in the end...

"I told you I'm sorry." Kei replied back. He knows that his mother will nag about what just happened and he prepared himself already for that.

"You're sorry is not accepted since you don't sound that you are sincere. Mother superior is so worried that we look everywhere. I'm calling your phone but you are not answering. Didn't i told you to make it available 24 hours."

"I'm sorry." Kei said again. Aoi sigh and then she hug his son back.

In the end she still hugs me tightly and gently like a true mother do and whenever she did that i feel really happy and that just reminds me of how childish i am in the end.

"I'm so worried i thought you are kidnapped already that i even called papa and onii-chan. My son, you should not do that. You will going to kill me because of worry." Aoi told him as she hug him tightly. It is obvious that Aoi is really worried and her eyes are even swollen because of crying. She is very protective over him sometimes he didn't want it but sometimes he feels being loved.

The two stayed there for the night since its already late for them to drive going back to their house. Aoi and Kei sleep together in one room and while Aoi is brushing her hair and Kei is lying down the futon already she started to talk about the detective came this morning and searching for Yuto. She told him what the detective told them a while back, that another individual killed Yuto's parents but the child didn't want to say a thing at all. He is hiding something from everyone and Kei knows that as well. His actions in the cemetery explained it all.

"I wonder what really happened." Kei asked.

"Kei-chan, don't force that child to say a thing. If he doesn't want then it's fine. The mother superior planned of protecting Yutti, she will wait until he is ready to say a thing. Forcing him will just make things harder."

"I know... Of course i know about that."

"Seems like you are getting closer to him. Is he talking to you? How did you convince him to go with you in the amusement park?"


Oh yeah i told her that we go to the amusement park. There is no way i can say that we went to Yutti's parents.

"Why are you shocked? Didn't you tell it yourself that both of you went to the amusement park? Did you ride the roller coaster? I want to try that one but i am really scared. Let's go together with papa and onii-chan. That will be fun." Aoi asked. Kei lied coz he didn't want to be find out. If he told the truth to her that they went to the cemetery, his mother will asked why the two of them went there and of course he can't answer that it is because Yuto found out that he is a guy and he asked for a condition so that he will shut up his mouth.


Kei wakes up and on his way to the bathroom he saw Yuto digging something in the backyard. He is an early riser for a child like him he thought to himself. "Yutti, what are you doing?" Kei asked him. He has a feeling that after what happened yesterday he has gotten closer to him "Why are you digging early morning?"

Yuto turns around and then show Kei what he is holding on his hand. It is an earthworm wriggling in Yuto's hand. Kei feels disgusted by the first moment he saw it. He hates earthworm and snake and anything that is long and slimy and soft. "Do...don't go near me." he step back a little making sure that there is a big distance between the two.

"Why? Are you afraid of earthworm?" Yuto asked him which hit the spot.

"I warned you Yutti." Kei said but Yuto keeps on coming near him. "I told you to get that away from me. I hate snakes and earthworm." Kei shouted but Yuto didn't listen to him and follows him with the earthworm on his hand. The running reach around the main gate and then that time the same detective is standing in front of the gate.

"Excuse me, are you Yuto Nakajima?" the detective asked Yuto who stop from chasing after Kei. "I am Detective Hasshi and i am responsible in investigating about your parent's death. I want to asked you some question if you don't mind."

Yuto let of the earthworm that he is holding. "I... I... I don't know." he whispered. "I didn't know anything. I don't know anything." he shouted to the detective and then Kei heard Yuto shout and so he went back and then he saw the detective chasing after Yuto who is running away. Kei follows them and then he stop the detective from chasing after Yuto and said that he will be the one to chase after him. Yuto went to the forest that is near the orphanage. He heard that Yuto always went there when he is depressed or wanted to run away from everyone.

Kei look for him inside the forest but the place is a little spooky and so he is scared. It is also his first time entering a forest and so he didn't know what to do and it is hard to navigate the place and he has no idea which direction Yuto went.


"I...i don't know... I didn't know anything. I didn't know...i don't know." Yuto keep on repeating as he runs away. He is trembling, his hands are still dirty because of the digging and also he is not wearing any slipper but he doesn't care what mess he could step on to. He just wanted to run away, he doesn't want to say a thing, he doesn't want to talk, he wanted to shut his mouth and keep it a secret to the whole world. The whole truth about what happened that night.

While he continue to run, he step into a sharp stick and it hit his right foot giving it a cut. It is bleeding and hurt but he doesn't care. He tear off a part of his clothes and then tie it up to the wounded part and then continue to run away but before he totally leave his place he heard a voice calling his name. It is Kei's voice and he is searching for him.

"Why?... Why? Why did you follow me?" he asked in whisper.

He heard his voice again, he is calling his name again in that vast forest. He is running away, always running away but no one ever tried to follow him in that forest. No one except for Kei.

"Yutti! Where are you?!" Kei shouted. "Yutti! Answer me! Where are you?!"

"K...Kei-nii." Yuto whispered and when he is about to shout that he is just around someone grab his hand and cover his mouth so that he can't say a thing.

"I finally find you Yuto... I finally find you." a guy with a long hair said as he point a knife to Yuto so that he should not resist. "So you are really sent to that orphanage after what happened. Did you say a thing to them? To the people in the orphanage? Did you say a thing?" Yuto sway his head saying that he didn't say a thing.

"Yutti!!!" Kei shouted again and it is nearer to where they are.

"Who is that? A friend of yours? Did you say anything to him?" the guy asked Yuto again and then he let go of Yuto's mouth so that he can answer.

"" Yuto answered with his trembling voice.

"You will come with me. You will not come back to that orphanage. A detective keeps on coming back to that place right? You will come with me. You will live together with me. We will stay together forever."

Yuto can't say a thing as he remembered everything that happened. The one who is really hurting him is no other than this guy, he is his uncle named Tompa. He is his father's younger brother and deal with illegal drugs and a syndicate. He is hurting Yuto whenever his parents are not around and the tortured continue until his father discovered about it and then try to kill Tompa because of what he is doing to his son but he is the one who is killed and also his mother is been killed by Tompa.

The more he remembers, the more he doesn't want to go with him. The torture he suffered, the pain he feels all over his body, the fear inside of him is all because of this guy. If he leaves with him there is no way he can escape anymore. His parents protected him but it doesn't turn out right but he wanted to run away.

"I...i don't want." Yuto whispered back to him. "Kei-nii! Help me! Kei-nii!!!" he shouted but Tompa immediately covered his mouth and drag him away from that place.

Kei heard the calling and he feel that it is just near from where he is. He went to the direction where he heard the voice and then he keep on calling Yutti's name as well. On his way he saw blood and then for some reason he feels that it is Yuto and so he follow it.

"I don't want to live together with you. I don't want.... You will just hurt me again. You will just slap me again." Yuto said when they reach the cliff.  "You killed my parents... You will kill me as well."

"You brat...'s better if i will just kill you so that i can be safe. As long as you are alive my secret of killing your parents has still possibility to be exposed. When you are gone their is nothing left anymore. I will just kill you and my problem will be gone." Tompa told him and then he slowly approach Yuto with the knife on his hand. On the hand Yuto keeps on walking backward making him nearer and nearer to the end point of the cliff and it is dangerous if he slip and fall down from it. But actually that is Tompa's plan, if Yuto falls down then that means it is an accident and he didn't do anything. He can pretend that he help him but its too late. "Die you brat... Die!" he shouted and then that make Yuto make another step back and without noticing that he has no place to step on. Hard to control himself he right foot falls down and then totally loss his balance.

" me." he whispered.

"Yutti." someone shouted and then he feels a hand grab his arms. He look up high and then saw Kei's face. He grab his hand and didn't let go.


"I made it in time." Kei said. "Don't you think I'm cool." he said and then he smiled.

Tompa saw Kei helped Yuto and that pissed him off. When Kei is trying to drag Yuto up, he feels something heavy hit his back and actually it is Tompa's foot stepping on him. "How brave you are saving that brat."

Kei moaned in pain as Tompa press tighter on his back and then he put out a knife and then grab on Kei's hair. "Wow you have an smooth hair. Son of a rich family?"

"Kei-nii... Do...don't."

Tompa point the knife on Kei's neck. "Let go of him and i will spare your life. "

"No..." Kei replied back.

"Kei-nii, let go... Let go of my hand. Kei-nii..." Yuto cried. " will going to die... Kei-nii... p...please."

"No... I will not."

"How heroic... So you want to die together huh" Tompa said. "Yuto... Are you bringing someone together with you in heaven again? You sent your parents in heaven because they protected you and now you are doing the same thing. Well so that you will not be lonely let me bring him together with you." he continued and then he press the knife on Kei's neck and blood start to come out and drip down from Yuto's face. With that blood, the memory if his parent's death flash to his mind again. Those red liquid all around him, he feels like his surroundings is already painted with that crimson colour.

"K...Kei-nii, let go... Let go of my hand." Yuto wanted to let go but Kei is grabbing on his hand tighter, he really didn't want to let go of his hand no matter what. Tears start to fall from his eyes. He doesn't want someone to be dead again because of him. It's the same thing happened that night, when his parents died. They protected him and so they died and now it is happening again. Kei is protecting him and so he will going to die.

"Yutti... Don't cry. I will not die." Kei assured him and that just tick Tompa's patience and when he is about to slit Kei's neck a bang was heard and it hit Tompa down. With that chance, Kei pulled Yuto up and now he is saved. Kei pant, his back is aching and the wound on his neck keeps on bleeding. Yuto look at Kei with his crying face but Kei just smiled back at him and then tap his head. "I told you, i will not die."

Aoi together with the detective and some of the sisters arrived on time. It is the detective who shoot Tompa down. The sisters immediately give a cure to Kei and Yuto's wound and then immediately brought him to the hospital to check if there are still something wrong on them. Aoi was really worried and she can't stop herself crying. Kaito, Kei's big brother together with Yuya, Kei's best friend came and visit him to the hospital coz they are really worried upon hearing what just happened.

"Yu...Yuya, why are here as well?" Kei asked Yuya when he saw him together with Kaito.

"What's with that question. Of course i am worried about you. I am in your house when your mother called Kaito's phone and she is really hysterical and so i came with him. You look horrible, I really never thought that a princess could be a hero though." Yuya joked.

"Shut up."

"But your face is ruined a little because of that scar but what you did makes you more beautiful."

"You talk as if Kei is a girl. Yuya, he is a guy...don't be fool by our mother's childishness." Kaito told Yuya and then the three of them laugh.


Aoi is on his way to Kei's room when he saw Yutti standing in the doorway. He is using clench to walk because his right foot is still wounded. "Are you here to see Kei?" she immediately asked and that make him jolted in surprised.

"L...later... He is talking with someone inside." Yuto answered her.

"Oh yeah, his big brother and best friend is there to visit him.." Aoi said. "Then... Do you want to go to the cafeteria for a while. Let's eat cake."

Aoi and Yuto went to the cafeteria of the hospital and look if there are any pastries that are sold and luckily there are some. Aoi ordered for  slice and then a coffee and hot chocolate then they sit and start digging in. "Wow this is good. Not bad." Aoi commented to her first bite.


"Aoi... Call me Aoi"

"A...Aoi? B...but..."

"I know you are younger, but i want you to call me Aoi. I want my sons to call me by my name so that i can feel young but they didn't want and insist calling me mama. My sons are not listening to their mother's request... It's something i hate about them."

"But you worry about them so much. You love them right?"

"Of course... They came from me so i love them. Like what your mother who protected you, she loves you so much that she can sacrifice herself." Aoi said. "Are you feeling fine now? I know it's hard to confess but you did the right thing."

"I...I'm sorry." Yuto told her. "I'm sorry, it's my fault why he is in the hospital right now. I'm sorry."

Aoi smiled and then tap Yuto's head and started ruffling his hair. "Oh by the way, do you believe that Kei-chan has a twin sister? Keiko?"

"No... You know that i know about it right? You saw me that time i overheard your conversation but you ignore me as if i am not there."

"I really wanted to have a daughter but it turns out that i have 2 sons and so i experimented on Kei and let him wear girl's clothes and teach him girly manners. Maybe i am stupid but i don't care i love Kei so much, of course i love Kaito too. Oh by the way look.. I have Kei-chan's picture when he wears his first girl outfit. He really looks like a girl, so pretty." Aoi said and then she put out her phone and then show Yuto Kei's picture when he is in the same age as him and he is wearing a pink lolita clothes and his hair is long like a girl too. "But what should i do... I think it is my fault that my son is now interested with guy. I know that he likes Yuya, it's obvious though it is cute that he is trying his best to hide it. But since Yuya is too dense he can't sense it. What should i do... I don't want my son to be hurt."

"Hurt? Why? Is Yuya going to kill Kei-nii?"

"Yeah... A really brutal kill coz he will make Kei-chan's heart broken and divided into two pieces." Aoi joked but that time she is not expecting that Yuto will take it literally. How can she used such metaphor when she is just talking to a 6 years old boy.

Wow, what a heroic deed i did in the past. I didn't know i was so careless that time. Bu....but mom is talking about that boy? Yutti? Since we leave the orphanage that year i didn't have a chance to come back so i don't have any news about him. I write some letters to him but he is not responding at all which i don't understand. That time when i am in the hospital he visited me to say sorry for what happened. I know that he is sincere, it is obvious on his face and i think he is so cute. I want a little brother all this time, someone to take care of and maybe that's the reason i did that that time. But still he is the first guy who have a chance to touch that... In the end the impression left on me is that he is a little pervert.

"Kei-chan, here here." Aoi called her son. She is already forty plus but still she acts the same way as she is 10 years ago. "Look at you, you're not cute at all. You look exhausted and tired. Why are you working so hard to live?"

"Mom, hardship is needed to live , you are the one who thought me that." Kei answered her. "So what about the boy in the orphanage?"

"You remember him already?"

"Yeah... I have a little recollection while on my way here." He answered as he sit down.

"Like i said on the phone he will study here as a first year student in M university and he will live together with you. Besides since you know each other already then that will be better and your apartment is too big to you right?"

"How come you decided like that. I don't want someone to accompany me."

"Kei-chan, since you leave the house i know that you are not eating well. Look how skinny you are. Where is my cute cuddly Kei-chan huh? That boy knows how to cook and he will help you clean the apartment. You can rely on him if you need to. His a grown up now and he is taller than you. He looks so handsome as well. I never thought he could grow up to be like that, smart and admirable."

"Where is he?"

"He did some shopping but for sure he is on his way back here. I told him that you are working near here. Did he not visit you?" Aoi asked him but Kei didn't say a thing. While drinking the coffee that he ordered Aoi stand up from where she is sitting down and then wave his hand. "Yutti... Here here." she said.

"His here." Kei whispered and then he look at his back to see how is that boy looks like now and when he saw him he was surprised. He is the brat that he meet in the park a while back. ""

"I told you... We will going to meet again. Kei-nii."

To be Continued:


Author's Note: Hello everyone^____^ i am not supposed to update since i want to update together with the other chapters of my other fic but i am not yet done yet. but since it is Yuto's birthday i will post 2 new chapters that focus on the past of Kei and Yuto. I feel like there is something wrong in this chapters but oh well O___o Do you like Yuto's personality in this fic? Why did i asked? Coz i love it too.... very very love. he is somewhat tsundere or not really something who loves to teased ahhh i don't know how to describe it.

Alright Happy Birthday again Yuto,  you're getting older reading. The time i first choose you to be my ichiban you are still so cuddly and now your grow up to be a mature one. Hope you will have such a great day^___^

I want to help to the floods victim but i am far away from that place then maybe i can do some food donations since it is really the demand of the victims. Please take care everyone and i hope for an immediate recovery for the people who suffered.

EDIT: i have a little changes to this fic. Which i'm going to point out in this post. First and foremost, i change the age gap of  Kei and Yuto from 8 years to 5 years because i think that the gap of 8 years is too far but i think there is nothing wrong with that since mostly on the manga that i am reading there are situation like that. ^___^ Second i made changes to the chapters but very very very minor only. i just change the age of them. In the present time Yuto is 20 years old and Kei is 25 years old and in the story of the past Yuto is 10 years old and Kei is 15 years old.  If you read the chapters already there is no need to read it again unless you still want to. Alright, that's all i wanted to say. i guess i point things clearly.

See you in next chapters and thank you for those commenting and reading this fic. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!


pairing: inoojima, chaptered: yoru to hanabi

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