Fanfic: Yoru to Hanabi Chapter 2

Aug 10, 2012 04:10

TITLE: Yoru to Hanabi
MAIN CHARACTERS: Kei Inoo, Yuto Nakajima, Kota Yabu, Yuya Takaki
DISCLAIMER: I don't own anything except for the plot
RATING: PG-13 to NC-17 just to be safe.
SUMMARY: "To forget about your first love you should find a new love.". Kei is suffering from a great heart break coz his first love, the guy he fell head over heels will going to marry. In order to forget about his old failed romance he needs to find another love but what will he do if there are more than one that comes to his life?

Yoru to Hanabi
Chapter 2

I was 15 years old when my mother sent me to the orphanage together with her. It is her big break in the entertainment industry and she wanted to try something new. She wanted to do something unique for a change and experience how to work in that kind of place and so she asked one of her friends to fix it. But she can't do things alone and so she brought me together with her and in that welcoming day she challenged me to dress up like a girl and when the whole day ends up without discovering my disguise then she will give me an award. That time I had something I really wanted to have but my money is not enough and so i accepted the challenge though I know it is embarrassing but I've been treated like that since i am young so what's the big deal.

Zyren Paradise, that is the name of the orphanage where we go. There are a total of 20 children in that orphanage, their age ranging from 0 to 18 years old. There is one 18 years old guy and then next to him is a 16 years old girl and then a guy and a girl who is the same age as I am. There are 5 children at the age of 8, 4 children with the age of 7, a child with an age of 6, 2 children at the age of 4, 2 at the age of 3 and then 2 babies that just recently joined the family. When the mother superior told us about how they received those babies, both are abandoned in front of the chapel. Isn't that cruel? A mother abandoning a child that they bear in their stomach for 9 months.

"Good morning, children I am Aoi Inoo and today I will start working here. Oh and this is my daughter Keiko Inoo and he is... Ohhh... I mean she is she is 15 years old." Aoi, Kei's mother name, introduced while she chuckled. Kei knows that she intentionally do it.  All the children are amazed on her beauty but more with the child standing besides her. Yes, they are fooled and they didn't realize that Keiko is actually a he.

"You're daughter is cute, madam." one of the children commented and then Kei smiled back at her.

"You're even cuter." he answered back.

Kei is born to be the youngest son and so he didn't know how to deal with children at first. He has friends but those people also came from rich families and so they act differently from the children on the orphanage who are acting so childish though it is accepted since they are still young.  Since Kei is raised acting and dressing like a girl, it is not hard for him to move like one and so in the first half of the day he has no flaws at all but the day didn't end that well.

"This is tiring." Kei complained as he went back to the dining area where his mother is resting as well.

"Yeah, you mention it right. Raising so much children is not that easy, but I raised you alone and it turns out well." Aoi answered him back.

"How does it turns well?" Kei asked her but in just a whispered manner. "by the way mom i noticed that when the children are eating there is someone missing. They are just 19, are you sure you call everyone for lunch?"

"Yeah but there is one boy who doesn't want to eat together with everyone and so he only eat alone to his room." she answered. "They said that he is just new and it is really hard for him to deal with other people. Well the mother superior said that he experienced such tragic trauma so it will not be easy for him to recover easily. He is undergoing psychological council."

"Why? What happened to him?"

"He saw his mother killed his own father and his mother killed her own self."

Kei was shocked with what he heard. It is his first time to encounter someone with that kind of situation. Those kind of stuffs, he thought that it only happened in television and novels. "Wh...why? I mean why did his mother killed his father?"

"When he is brought in the orphanage that guy is full of wounds and bruises. There are burns of cigarette on his body and he is really skinny. The sisters conclude that the father is hurting him and his mother just tried to protect his son but when she realizes that she killed him with her own hand she panic and then stabbed her own self. That boy witness everything and he is in total shock that he even didn't say a thing."

"That's cruel."

Aoi top Kei's head and the raffles it "Life is not as easy as you think it is. You still have this small territory, the reason why i bring you here is to expand your world a little and to learn how things work in the real world."

"The way you talk as if i came from another world."

"But Kei-chan only stay at home and so i am sure you didn't know other things about the world and as a mother I am responsible to show you how vast the world is."

My mother is childish, she doesn't act like her age. Well she is just 32 years old, she is pregnant with my big brother when she is 16 years old and then for me when she is 18 years old. There is a 10 years gap between her and my father because actually it is an arrange marriage but i know they love each other coz they are type of people who do what they love to do and will not allow other people to affect their decision. And when we asked her why she get pregnant early she answered "coz i want that when my children grows up our age gap is not that far."  Like i said my mother acts childish but she is mature enough to understand the world. Her actions, reckless as it look but you can assure that there is a good result on it and that is one thing i like about her. But what i hate about her is the fact that she raised me as a girl even though i am a guy. She is the root of everything.

Kei is walking in the corridor to meet the other children but on his way he saw that boy his mother is talking about. She mentioned that his name is Yuto Nakajima, 10 years old  and they called him with a nickname of Yutti. He is small, his height is just around Kei's chest and he has long black thick hair  near the shoulder and the wounds that Aoi is talking about is still visible. He is alone there, sitting in that corner and just look at the sky.

"Don't you want to play with the others?" Kei asked him and that make the latter jolted in surprised. "Oppsss, sorry I didn't mean to scare you."

Yuto just stare at Kei for a moment and without saying anything he stand up from where he is sitting down and then walk away. Kei tried to follow him but that boy keeps on walking away from him. The existence of that boy makes him feel interested and he wanted to know him more. "Wa...wait, i want to talk to you." he said but that child didn't stop from walking away from Kei. "I said wait...." he continued and then that time Yuto stop walking and so Kei smiled thinking that the boy already listened to him but when he stand just a few inch away from him the boy suddenly step on his right foot and that make Kei screamed in pain. Yuto run away without saying anything to him.

That brat... Is he pissing me off? No Kei...temper. It is not right to show your other self or else you can't achieve what you really wanted.

Despite of what happened Kei still follows Yuto wherever he goes but it turns out the same way. Yuto will try to step on his foot or punch him in the stomach and now he is following him not because he is interested but he wanted that boy to apologize for what he did to him.

"Hey, kid. Don't you know how to say sorry?" Kei asked Yuto who is already inside his room and is reading a manga. Kei is already pissed off that he immediately grab the manga away from Yuto to get his attention. "Don't you know manners? You must listen to someone if they are talking to you." Yuto didn't say a thing, he is looking at the manga that Kei get from him. He tried to snatch it away but Kei is taller than him so it is not easy. Yuto stand up on the chair that is beside him and then try to grab the manga from Kei but the latter didn't allow him to get it back. It is obvious in Yuto's face that he is starting to piss off but Kei is the same. He doesn't want this child's personality and how he treated people.

Yuto tried to reach for the manga but Kei effortlessly take it away from him. He finally settle down and then Kei thought that he already give up snatching the manga on his hand but it turns out the opposite. Yuto jump off from the chair to grab the manga  from Kei and that is a shock to the latter. He is not expecting it coming.

The two fall down the floor with Yuto on top of Kei.

"Shit it hurts..." Kei hissed but all of a sudden he feels a electrifying feeling from his body. Yuto is starring at Kei with his hand pressing on Kei's private part. He doesn't know what to do at that time. Yuto's small hand pressing him makes him feel bad but what more is that... He loss from his mother challenge.

"So... You are really a guy." Yuto said all of a sudden and that make Kei surprised even more. For the first time he heard his voice, for the first time he speak and say a thing. It is a big accomplishment? His mother said that this boy never talk and so now that he did... Now that he did... Well it is not really a good stuff.

"How long are you going to press on that, you little pervert." Kei told Yuto and then he grab his hand and take it away from him. The two sit down and face each other one on one. Yuto is starring at him without saying anything.

"I know it." Yuto started to say a thing again. "I heard you and your mother talking about a deal when you first enter the orphanage. I am outside that time and overheard you talking."

" know?" Kei asked. Yuto nodded his head.  "Then why the hell you still did that to me?"

"To confirm." he answered directly. "When I saw you, you are already wearing that disguise and you really look like a girl that i can't say that you are actually a guy and then i confirmed that you have balls as well." he continued and he talks like it is just ordinary to talk about their private parts.

"Liar... You just wanted to touch it right? You pervert."

"ahhh... So you know."

Kei's thread of patience already snapped and he wanted to hit that boy sitting down in front of him but in the end he was not able to do it. He remembers about the deal with his mother. If she knows that someone discovered that he is a guy then it means that the deal is over but since his mother is not around and only Yuto is the only one who knows then maybe he can plead for his silence. "Don't worry i will not tell it."

"About what?"

"Playing dump?" Yuto asked Kei. "I heard about the deal with your mother and i will not say a thing to her but in one condition..."


"Bring me to where my parents are buried."

I promised him, not because i didn't want to loss the challenge but i see the sincerity on his eyes. He is serious when he said that he wanted to see his parents lapidary. I can sense it and i can feel it. I asked him where is his parents buried but he said that it is not told to him. People who cares for him think that it is better if he didn't know at all coz it will just be a heartbreak to his young heart. He will just remember everything that happened to him and that will just worsen everything.

The day ended with me winning the deal. Yutti didn't say a thing to everyone about my real identity and i am quite happy that he mark his words. The next day i am introduced as Keiko's twin brother and said that Keiko already went abroad to study and so i stand there as a replacement. Everything is my mother's make believe stories which everyone accepted.

I gathered information as to where Yuto's parents could be buried and then i receive an answer from the mother superior. That day me and Yuto escape to the orphanage so that i can bring him to that place. He doesn't want the orphanage to know about it and so we make it a secret. But i just realize that the place is far from the orphanage and the only way to go there is to ride a train and it will be an hour travel and in my 15 years of living i didn't ride a bullet train yet.

Kei stand in front of the ticketing booth. He didn't know what to do and he didn't know how much a ticket cost. Yuto stare at him and then he know by first look that Kei doesn't know how to buy a ticket in a bullet train. "give me money." Yuto suddenly told him.


"You don't know how to buy a ticket right? I'll buy it myself."

Kei give Yuto a money to buy the ticket and he is surprised that a 6 years old boy knows how to do it. The two ride in the bullet train and since it is Kei's first time he is really amazed on how it looks like. He can only see it on magazines and internet but it is his first time to ride one and so he is happy. He immediately look at the window and look at the scenery outside. "This is awesome." he uttered.

"You look weird." Yuto commented out of the blue. "It's like your first time riding this."

"Well it is actually." Kei answered.

"What kind of world did you came from?"

"Can't you give me a little respect? I am older than you by 5 years but the way you talk to me as if we are in the same range." Kei told him.

"Homo." Yuto suddenly uttered and that startled Kei.

"What did you say?" Kei asked Yuto.

"I heard you a while back talking to someone in your cellphone. I know it is a guy since you mentioned Yuya. You talk to him so delightfully, you are like my auntie when she is talking to her boyfriend but you are not a girl at all and so that means you are a homo."

"What do you mean?"

"Homo means that you are attracted with someone who is in the same sex as you are. My uncle is a homo so i know things like that."

"Geez, of course i know what homo means."

"It is because you are one right?" Yuto asked him again and Kei didn't know how to deal with this child. How can he talk like that? He is just 6 years old right? Yuto get something on his pocket and it is a candy. He is trying to open it but he is having a hard time, Kei grab it from him and he thought that Kei wanted it and so he get another one on his pocket and then Kei grab it from him again but in return he give the first candy that the latter snatched away from him and now it is opened.

The two arrived to the town and then they searched for the cemetery written on the paper that the mother superior give to him when he asked about it. From the station, its another 30 minutes walk to the cemetery. As the arrived to the cemetery, Kei and Yuto look for the lapidary of his parents. They walk for a moment and then found it at last.

"This is it right? The Nakajima's tomb." Kei said and Yuto just nodded his head. Yuto put the flowers that they bought on their way to the cemetery and then light up candles and then offer prayers for the dead. Kei watch as Yuto just stare at it, he wonders why Yuto wanted to see his parents when they did something bad to him. He saw the bruises and scar left to his body because of excessive abused but still he is here and standing in front of them. Is he too nice and didn't bare a grudge? Or it is just too hard to accept everything that happened.


"Good day, I am Detective Hasshi from Injun Police Department. I am the one assigned to investigate about the Nakajima's death and i heard that their son is sent to this orphanage."

"Yeah he is, what do you need to that child?" the mother superior asked him.

"I just want to asked that child about something. We just discovered that the couple didn't kill their own self but they are killed by another party. The finger prints detected on the knives used to killed the father is not of the mother and also the finger prints on the knives stab to the mother is the same as the one to the father. That child witness everything and so he knows... Who could it be." the detective explained.

"That means... Another person killed Yutti's parents?"

"Precisely." the detective replied back. "that's the reason i am here to asked the child. I know it is hard but to give justice for his parents death we need to find the culprit."

While the mother superior and the detective are talking Aoi knock on the door and entered the place. "Mother, Yutti is not around and also my son."


Kei didn't know what to say to Yuto since he is just standing there and not doing anything. He look back at Yuto and then he is surprised when he saw tears are flowing from his eyes and he even tried to hold it back so that it will not fall. He wipes it away but still another water droplets falls down from his eyes. He is used to see that child without any expression at all but now he is crying his eyes out.

"Y...Yutti, are you alright?"

"I... I want my parents back." Yuto cried and now he can't hold back his emotions anymore. He cried like a child do, in the end he is still a 6 years old boy who cried like his age. "I want mom back, i want my dad back. Why do they need to die? Why?" he snorted.

"Do...don't you hate your parents? Aren't they are the one who is... Abusing you?"

"There is no way i will hate my parents. They are not the one abusing me." Yuto mentioned but he immediately cover his mouth realizing that he said something he should not say but it's too late Kei heard what he just spilled out. Yuto gasped and immediately grab Kei's hand "Do...don't tell them. Don't tell them that i said that to you." he cried. He is trembling and nervous, Kei can feel the cold hands touching him. He is afraid, he looks terrified over something.

"What do you mean? Yutti... If it is not your parents then who could it be?" he asked out of curiosity.

"No... You don't need to know about it. You don't need to... h...he... He will going to kill me as well. He will going to kill me too." Yuto's face started to get terrified and Kei can feel that his whole body is shaking in fear. His small hands that is groping over his arms is cold and trembling. Yuto knows something that old people didn't know. He is hiding something that he didn't want to spill out and that's the reason he remained silent and didn't say a word even how many times he is interrogated.

He wanted to know the truth but if he asked more and dig deeper that will just cause more problem to that child. Like his mother said, Yuto is experiencing a trauma from what happened if he asked more it will just affect his thoughts and he can remember the past that may cause him insane. At his young age and body lies a life with a very big experienced. Physically, Kei is older than him but emotionally and spiritually there is no doubt that Yuto is on the lead. "Fine... I will not asked anything so calm down." Kei told him as he tap his head and smiled back at him.

After 30 minutes of staying in the grave they left. His mother already called him by his cellphone and they are worriedly sick because of their escaping without saying a word but he didn't told them that they went to visit Yuto's parents. He said that they went to an amusement park coz he feels bored and Yuto tag along with him. They ride on the bullet train again and that will be an hour of travel again. Yuto feels tired and exhausted that he falls asleep his head leaning on Kei's shoulder.

"Yutti, you're so small." Kei commented as he look at that little boy and then he chuckled a little but still that day end up with a question on his mind. Why is Yuto so afraid? Who is he afraid of? And why is he remaining silent all these time?

To be continuedXP

pairing: inoojima, chaptered: yoru to hanabi

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