Fanfic: Never to Betray You Again (Chapter 13)

Jun 23, 2012 06:14

Title: Never to Betray You Again
Disclaimer: I don't own anything except the plot.
Characters: Hey Say Best, Yuto Nakajima, Keito Okamoto & Ryosuke Yamada
Genre: romance, angst, death
Rating: PG-13- NC-17, this depends on the chapter but in this chapter it is PG-13
Summary: The story focus on Kota Yabu who after 3 years meet his first love and try to correct the mistake that he did before by protecting him. In the process, he is also trying to solve who is that someone who start to ruined the life of those 5 individual who is engaged in an event happened 3 years ago.

Never To Betray You Again
Chapter 13

Daiki came back to the apartment for a while to have a change of clothes and also to have a rest for a while. Because of school and travel going to Kei's place he feels exhausted and tired. It's already night when he came back and he thought that Yuya is not still around but he saw that the light is turned on. When he open the door Yuya is busy working on some papers while drinking coffee. He is also surprised that Daiki came back home. He thought that he will stay in Kei's house for the last night before the burial.

"Why didn't you send me a mail that you will come back? I should come and pick you up." Yuya said as he watch the younger guy walk to where he is sitting.

"It's fine I know you are busy on your work and i don't want to trouble you anymore." Daiki answered and then he sit down besides Yuya. He raised his hand and the covered his eyes with his palm. "I'm so tired."

"How is Kei doing? Is he feeling better?" Yuya asked him. He take off his glasses and concentrate on talking to his chibi servant.

"Yeah, i guess. His not as weak as i thought he is." he answered. "Seems like he improve after all this years."

"Why are you saying nonsense thing. Do you want something to eat? I can cook for you."

Daiki take of his hand from his eyes and glare at Yuya coldly. There is something wrong with the guy sitting besides him, that is what is playing on his mind at the moment. "Aren't you being too nice to me? Did you eat something weird when I am not around?"

"Are you questioning my kindness to you? Can't I be someone who is nice even for a day?" Yuya asked him back. He wear his eyeglasses again and stay writing on the papers that he is doing a while back. "If you don't want to accept my kindness then just go to your room and rest."

"I didn't say i didn't like it. I am just afraid..." Daiki mumbled but Yuya didn't hear it clearly because the volume of his voice tone down and his head hit Yuya's shoulder all of a sudden. He thought that Daiki is playing with his head but he feels that there is something wrong about the little servant. He push gently Daiki's head whose eyes are close and then he touch his forehead and noticed that he has a fever. Upon checking, he lift Daiki up like a prince lift up a princess and put him to his bed.

"I think its better if i will bring you to the hospital." Yuya said but Daiki suddenly grab into his shirt, stopping him to leave the room. "Daiki..."

"No.. This is just a slight fever. This will be gone ones i have a good sleep. Don't worry too much."

"What are you talking about. You are sick."

"Like i said don't talk too much. I always deal things like this on my own before. I know how to take care of myself." Daiki whispered as he turns to the other side of the bed. He knows Yuya is worried about him but he didn't want to cause trouble to the older guy. That time Yuya watch Daiki as he do what he want, he knows the reason why Daiki is being stubborn and hard headed even he is sick. He runs away from his house and try to live on his own. Working on part time jobs just for him to survive and no one is there to take care of him whenever he is sick, he is always doing things on his own, hiding things on his own, fighting life on his own.

He realize that no matter how he convince Daiki he will not make a bulge. He doesn't want to go to the hospital and he stick to his words. Yuya went to his room to get the medicine that he is hiding on his cabinet and went to the kitchen to start cooking a soup that will be best for a sick person.

He meet Kei and Daiki when they are still in elementary and he is in junior high. The two are playing together in the park like normal kids do while he loves to watch them from a far. Yuya came from a rich family and mostly he is inside the house doing unnecessary things. He never tried to play with other children, nor dirty his own delicate hands.

Everyday he keeps on coming at the park and realize that Kei and Daiki are not really close friends. It is just that Kei always follows Daiki around, wherever he go, whatever it is. Daiki even tried to push Kei away but the latter stick to him. He doesn't know the reason behind those actions, he really thought that they are playing together but the truth is they are playing with their own self.

One winter day, it's the first day that he talk with the 2.

"Eh? What should i do? Dai-chan you are sick? Why did you go out in this condition?" Kei asked Daiki while he is lying on the ground piled up with snow. "Dai-chan, hang in there."

Yuya saw what is happening and that time no one is passing around because of the heavy  snow. He immediately approach Kei and Daiki and see what is going on. Kei said that his friend has a fever and when Yuya check it he is right. He lift Daiki into his back and run, Kei follows him holding Daiki's stuffs from school. Yuya went to his house where he is greeted by the maids and they are surprised that the young master is holding a little child on his back.

"Young master, who is this child?" the oldest maid ask him.

"He is sick, can you call Dr. Flamin to come here." Yuya ordered the maids which they obediently did. One of the servants lift Daiki and put him inside the room to check his condition. He is trembling and his skin is so pale. Yuya look at the main door where Kei is still standing and waiting for something. It is obvious to his face that the latter is frightened by the sight. "Come here... Don't worry you're friend will be fine."

"I should not follow him. i...i didn't know that he is sick.'s my fault why he collapsed." Kei blamed himself and then he start crying but Yuya wipes his tears away.

"Don't worry, he will be fine. I assure you."

"Th..thank you. Thank you for helping us. i...i really don't know what to do that time. I am so weak...Dai-chan is my friend but i can't do something about it."

Yuya grab Kei's hand and let him enter the house, the cold winter is just in its midway and the weather is really freezing everything. That time the doctor also came and check over Daiki's condition. He injected him something and then the doctor said that he is already fine. Kei volunteer to look after his friend until he wakes up and that time before the doctor leaves he told Yuya something about the real condition of the little child.

"As i inspect his body, there are bruise on his hands and also a wound on his legs. Where did you meet that child young master?" the doctor asked him.

"I meet them in the park, but don't worry i know they are not bad people. I always watch over them so i know a little bit of who they are." he answered briefly but he is surprised when he heard that. He is not expecting that Daiki is hit by someone and he knows that his friend didn't know it as well.

Yuya went back to his room and do his assignment and then after that he realize that it is already 8 in the evening. He went to where Daiki is sleeping and then he saw Kei sleeping holding Daiki's hand tightly. He thinks that the relationship of the two is quiet good but they can't literally see it. While starring at the two, a maid suddenly came and tell him that a mother is looking for her son and that is Kei's mother. Yuya wakes Kei up so that he can go back home already but that time he really didn't want to go back home.

"You should go back home."

"But Dai-chan will be alone."

"We called his mother already."

"But his mother didn't love Dai-chan. She will not go here and take care of him." Kei told him. "I am not sure about it but Dai-chan always go to school with a wound and i am really worried about him. I thought he is bullied and so i always follow him around. I am so worried about him but he didn't want to tell me something."

"Don't worry i will not leave his side, besides your mother is really worried about you. Go home, you can freely visit him tomorrow."

Kei smiled and then he said goodbye to everyone and thank you as well. Like what he promised he stayed on Daiki's room to look after him. Even the maid said that he should sleep already he didn't bother about it, he said he will stick to his words. When Yuya feels so sleepy already and wanted to sleep that's the time that Daiki opens his eyes. The little child is looking around, realizing that it is not his own house and when he saw Yuya he immediately drawn back that he almost fall into the bed but fortunately Yuya grab his hand and stop what is about to happen.

"Wh...who are you?"

"Yuya Takaki, i am in 3rd year junior high."

"Eh? Wh..why am i here?"

"Seems like you are fine already. You got fever and i brought you here to my house. Your friend is with you a while back but his mother come and pick him up. He didn't want to yet but i told him that you will be fine since i will take care of you."

"What the hell is that? Why is a stranger will going to take care of me?" Daiki asked him childishly. "And... Kei is not my friend! He is just an annoying kid who keeps on following me around besides i hate him..."

"He is worried about you." Yuya told him. "Do you know the reason why he always follows you around? You go to school with a new wound and he thought that you are been bullied, with that thinking he always follows you so that those bully will not approach you anymore but you on the hand try hard to keep it as a secret and always lead him to the park after school and wait until his mother pick him up. You are not bullied... You are hit by your own parents right?"

Daiki glare at Yuya and then he get a pillow and hit Yuya with it. What an aggressive child, Yuya thought to himself.

"How did you know it? Did you check my body while i am sleep you pervert!"

"The doctor told me that, besides you are the type of person who will not be bullied because of your laid back attitudes and more likely you look more of a bully than being bullied."

"Shut up! Shut up!. Stop it. Don't dig it up." Daiki shouted on him and he face palm. Yuya feel bad about what he just did, he knows that he touch on a topic that is sensitive but he knows that Daiki will not say it to anyone and hiding it on his own will just give him pain. With such a little body, there is already a big burden he is holding on his own.

"Do...don't tell Kei. Promise me don't tell Kei." Daiki told him.

"Eh? Why?"

Daiki was about to hit Yuya on his face by his punch but the older boy protected himself by grabbing to that small arms. He pulled Daiki closer to him and their eyes meet each other. Yuya doesn't care at all but Daiki is, he is the first one who back off and lay down again but turns his back away from Yuya.

"He is a cry baby, he always cry over small matters. If you will tell him about my situation he sure will cry and will be...worried."

Yuya smile and ruffles Daiki's hair but the latter turns around and look at him. He hates when someone ruffles his hair and make it messy but he didn't have a chance to yell at him. Yuya is smiling at him sincerely and he thought that he is a good looking guy and his heart start to beat differently.

"You don't need to do this." Daiki told Yuya when he is buttoning the pajama that Daiki just wear. "Just do your work. I'm big enough to take care of myself."

"Daiki... I am not your parents. I am not someone who will abandon someone sick." Yuya answered him back, he is done with the last button and he knows that there is something Daiki is hiding from him.

"You liar." Daiki whispered on him, his eyes are just looking at the blanket that is covering half of his body. "You abandon me... This 3 whole years that you are gone, you... You even didn't say goodbye to me." he continued but he didn't continue to say anything anymore. He lay down again and turns the other side where he can't see Yuya at all.


Keito went early to Kei's place to tell Hikaru about the bad news that he just receive a while back. He knows that it is not a good timing to say such depressing words besides it is Kei's grandfather's burial but it is something that should not be ignored. Ones he arrived he saw Kei and Hikaru together, they are talking to each other like their relationship start to get closer. Kei is the first one who noticed him and wave his hand as a greetings.

"Good morning." Keito greeted.

"I thought you will not come today." Hikaru told him as he pat his shoulder.

"Hikaru, i need to tell something to you."

"You can tell that later, i need to help Kei for the burial."

"No... There are lot's of people who are helping so... It will be fine." Kei replied back. "I'll be going back inside so that you can talk."

"Kanata..." Keito whispered, he didn't know how to say it to Hikaru. He needs to construct a sentence that will not affect Hikaru that much but he knows that no matter how he says it he will be totally affected besides he is the type of person who really treasure his friends. "Hikaru... Kanata is dead." he directly said.

"Ha? Wa...wait are you telling the truth?" Hikaru asked. "How? Why? What happened to him?"

"I went to the hospital yesterday and they said that Kanata is not in the hospital anymore. His parents get his body and said that they will bury him to their place. I asked the nurse what happened and they said that he jumped off the building and he died immediately coz he hit his head. " Keito explained to him. "That time, Kota came in rush and is looking for Kanata asking if he is fine."

When Hikaru heard what Keito just said he remembers that time that Kota leave the house and he is in a hurry. Hikaru feels frustrated and agitated and the same time. While feeling the loss of a friend, the face that he didn't want to see that very moment came. Kota is on his way to their direction with the sad look on his face.

"Kota, that time that you rush on your way out of this place. Did you know that... Did you know that Kanata will going to die?" Hikaru suddenly asked him and that make Keito surprised. Kota just look at Hikaru without saying anything. He is not in good mood to argue about it. Yeah he knows about, he knows that Kanata will die but even he tried his best to stop it he didn't make it in time. He blame himself but blaming didn't make him feel good at all.

"Hikaru what are you talking about?" Keito asked him. He also can't understand what is going on Hikaru's mind. He always blame on Kota but why?

"You know it right? You are hiding something... You really know something. Kanata... Why do Kanata need to die? He is a nice guy, he is kind... He is my friend!" Hikaru shouted and Kei heard it from the house and so he went out to take a look what is going on outside. He saw Kota standing in front of the two and it seems like they are having quarrels and arguments.

"Kanata... He is also my friend." Kota whispered to him. "Do you think I like him to die like that?"

Kei heard the word die and so he interrupted the conversation and know what is happening but it seems like the two are exchanging glares that he can't understand. All this time he wonder why these two are too cold to each other. Daiki said that they are classmate when high school but they are in different class but he really can't remember anything about them. "What is going on here?" he asked.

"This is nothing." Kota answered.

"Bu...but i hear you shouting and so i..." Kei answered and then he feels that someone grab his hand and it is Keito.

"Let's leave them together." Keito told him and then Kei did what he is told to. He follows Keito inside the house and they went to the kitchen area where they can only see the two but they can't hear what they are talking about.

"Keito, what is Kota and Hikaru's relationship? I have this feeling that they really know each other but also i have this feeling that they didn't get along." Kei asked the guy who is sitting beside him.

"They are friends, the 3 of us are best friends but something happened that change everything."

"Really? What?"

Keito is not sure if it is right to say such story between the two. Everything happened in their high school and Kei is already part of their life that time. If he said something about high school he is thinking about the possibility that he can touch on topic that will trigger his memories to come back. Daiki told him not to do anything at all and not say anything to him. That time he is also wonders about the strange actions that Daiki is doing. Why he didn't want Kei to remember anything?

To be continued...


A/n: Good day everyone, how are you doing? Me? i think i catch a cold, yesterday me together with my 2 sisters went to the mall to celebrate Kei's birthday, we eat dinner and also buy cake and its really cold last night and i didn't brought my jacket and so now i am suffering from a runny nose.

So Chapter 13, the main focus is all about the past between Yuya, Daiki and Kei. i can imagine bratty Daiki lol. I am really doing my best to finish this fic, among all that i am writing right now this is my favorite coz i love themes like this. Next few chapters will focus on flashbacks of the pastXP

jya ne.

pairing: yamajima, pairing: yabunoo, pairing: hikato, pairing: tadaiki, chaptered: never to betray you again

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