Fanfic: Never to Betray You Again (Chapter 14)

Jun 25, 2012 11:08

Title: Never to Betray You Again
Disclaimer: I don't own anything except the plot.
Characters: Hey Say Best, Yuto Nakajima, Keito Okamoto & Ryosuke Yamada
Genre: romance, angst, death
Rating: PG-13- NC-17, this depends on the chapter but in this chapter it is NC-17 for kissing and touching.
Summary: The story focus on Kota Yabu who after 3 years meet his first love and try to correct the mistake that he did before by protecting him. In the process, he is also trying to solve who is that someone who start to ruined the life of those 5 individual who is engaged in an event happened 3 years ago.

Never To Betray You Again
Chapter 14

Flashback of Kota, Hikaru and Keito's past:

Kota rush going to his room, with his face blushing and his heart beat raising. He can't believe it himself that the first person he meet on that beautiful day is the guy that he really adores since the first day of his first year in high school. He smiled at him cheerfully and greeted him plus calling his name. That time Hikaru is already in classroom and like always Keito is there to spend his vacant time.

"What happen to you?" Hikaru asked his friend.

"Hikaru... Hikaru..."Kota called repeatedly as he approach his friend and grab on his pants. "H...he knows my name."

"Huh? Who?"

"I...Inoo-san knows my name." he said excitedly and it is obvious on his face that he is really happy about it. They are already in 2nd year of high school and until now he is in love to that guy that he meet on the first day of school. "I can't believe it... heart is beating so fast it's like it will going to explode anytime."

"Guys in love is so cute."Keito said all of a sudden and the two look at him. "Hikaru here also has a great news. Tiffany and him are dating already."

"You don't need to say that."Hikaru said and then he saw that puppy look on Kota's face and asking if it is really real. He push his friend's face away of him and then he smirk. "Fine, yeah he already said yes to me yesterday when we go out to eat."

"That's good news Hikaru. I am happy for you."Kota told him. "Finally you get what you really love." he continued.

"You shut up" Hikaru told him. "Do you think I will just let myself to be happy. Of course you too... I will help you."

"On what?" Keito and Kota asked at the same time.

"To get closer to Kei." Hikaru answered and then he smirked. All this time Kota is such a coward, he just wanted to watch from a far, sneaking a look to the guy that he really likes. He feels embarrass and he knows already that he can't say anything if ever they will have a chance to talk to each other. But all this time he really adores the beauty of that guy in the next class, his smiles makes his day bright and when he heard his voice its like a lullaby. He also know that the latter plays the piano and whenever he will went to the music room he will follows and listen to it. If you will think about it, Kota became a stalker.

Keito and Hikaru did the ring thing, they purposely put the ring on Kei's table and they know that Kota will going to search for it coz it is important. That actions turn out to be successful coz that's the first time that the two talk to each other and know each other.

When a grand ball is conducted in the school, the 3 went and Kei's class has this event wherein the guys will wear gowns while the girls are the one who will wear suit. It's been a great day but it should not be ended without Kota dancing his princess and so wearing a mask, he asked Kei to dance with him and he really have a great day that time.

The next day, he found out that his ring is missing and he didn't know where he left it. He search for it in their house but its useless coz it is not there. He tried his best but it gives no result and so he already give up. In the next few days, Keito and Hikaru noticed that Kota and Kei's relationship are starting to move on. They talk to each other, they laugh and they even walk together going back home. The 2 are really happy for their friend because he now he gain his happiness but that didn't end there cause another guy suddenly show himself to break the two apart and that guy is Hiro Kasuko of another class. He is the prince of another class who confess his feelings for Kei but remained unanswered. It didn't became easy for Kota to compete with him, Hiro is really appealing and good looking and he is famous because of his great charm and tsundere attitude and many girls are really disappointed that his type is a guy.

Hikaru and Keito came to their usual place where they always go and they saw Kota there and sulking on his own. Hikaru tap his shoulder and then asked what is his problem.

"I saw Inoo together with Kasuko."Kota answered. "I hate this, i can't in against him."

"What are you talking about... How come you are so negative. I hate that." Hikaru told him.

"Yeah, Kou-chan you should be more optimistic. They are just together but they are not dating yet right?" Keito said.

"The how can i win against me? I...i can't see something i excel with compare to him. Why do i feel so worst." he sulk again.

Hikaru hate this side of Kota but he is his friend so he wanted to help me that much but how if he himself is like that. He sit down besides Kota and think of a way to boost his friend's confidence and then he saw a piece of paper sticking on his pocket and then he pick it up and start reading it.

"Who write this?" Hikaru asked Kota as he shows him the piece of paper.

"I don't know, someone put that in my locker in the first day of school when we are first year. I always wonder who write that but i really can't discover who." Kota answered. "Can you recognize the hand written?"

"No... I don't."

"Let me take a look." Keito said. Hikaru give the piece of paper and Keito read it. " You save a dog in the first day of school?"

"Yeah...i did. I didn't know that someone saw me that time."

Keito smiled and then he slap Kota's back that make the latter startled and also Hikaru wonder with the sudden action of their friend. It seems like he discovered something worthy.

"I am not expecting this but looking at it it must be you who he is talking about that time." Keito said making the two more curious about what he is talking about. "My cousin Dai-chan is Kei's best friend right? He told me something about.... Kei meeting a guy in the first day of school that saves a dog and he even give him a letter when he give his fallen identification card in the street."

Kota straighten his back upon hearing what just Keito said. He get the piece of paper and take a look at it again. It's true that he saves a dog and he get that letter and also that can explain why Kei knows his name even they didn't talk to each other yet. His heart start to beat fast as he can't believe that twist of events that just happened. He really have no idea who give him that paper and there is no one showing some clue. "Wh...what should i do...i...i am so happy." Kota whispered.

"Dai-chan said that Inoo really admire that guy because of that heroic deed. Kou-chan, isn't that great news?"

"That's it... That is one thing you excel from that Hiro. Inoo is just a nice person so he is hanging around with Hiro." Hikaru said. "You did it Kota... You can win Kei's heart." he said happily.

Kota and Kei's relationship start to get better, they have more time to talk to each other and more time to spend with each other. Keito and Hikaru didn't know how they got closer to each other like that in just a short expand of time. But happiness will not stay forever, a time will come that everything will end.

Kota is in the lab and working alone to his project when someone enters the room and it is Tiffany, Hikaru's girlfriend.

"Kota, what are you doing here?"

"I'm finishing the science project, how about you? Why are you here? I thought you have date together with Hikaru today?" Kota asked her as he is busy looking at the toads that are in the glass case. But he immediately jolted when he feels a hand suddenly roaming under his private parts. He immediately push Tiffany away of him and face the girl who is surprised with the sudden action. "What are you doing?"

Tiffany sigh "Didn't i told you that i like you?" she said.

"Tiffany, you have Hikaru already don't do this." Kota said.

Tiffany grab Kota's hand and then put it around her breast. She is definitely seducing Kota with her charm and sexy body. Around the campus Tiffany is one of the girls who has really perfect shapes and curves. He press Kota's hand around his breast and she purposely moaned on it. "I love you Kota, you are the one that i like and not Hikaru."

Kota take away his hand and back off a little distance to the girl that is giving him temptation. Tiffany confess to him before but he rejected her, not because she is Hikaru's precious girlfriend but he is already in love with someone else.

"I... I don't like Hikaru. I just date with him because he is your close friend and i know that i will have a chance to get along with you ones i did it which really happened. From the very beginning it's really you Kota so... Want to sleep together with me?"

"Enough of this, do you know what you are talking about? You talk like a slut. I'm going... And stop this nonsense. Just concentrate on Hikaru, that guy really loves you. He really likes you so don't ever hurt his feeling."Kota told her and then he get his bag and leave the room. But Tiffany didn't stop her actions through Kota, she always follows him around and seduce him all the time but because Kota is so loyal to Kei and he really respect his friend. He knows how Hikaru really loves Tiffany and he can't believe that that girl is acting to bitch. He wanted to show Hikaru that Tiffany is not the right girl for him. One time he asked Hikaru if what if Tiffany is dating someone other than him but because of his friend's trust to that girl he answered "I know Tiffany will not do that."

Hikaru start to doubt his friend, he always telling him not to trust Tiffany when before he really likes the latter. Kota always told him to break with her cause she is not the best girl but he doesn't want to listen cause his friend doesn't want to give his point why he is saying those words. Did he see Tiffany going out with other guys? Does she like another men other than him? That girl is always by his side, she is so caring and loving that he can't think of her betraying him.

One day Kota was invited by someone in a karaoke bar. They sing and enjoy the party but suddenly he feels something weird. He feels that he drink something that makes him feel hot and uncomfortable and so he went to the restroom to do his stuffs but he is surprised when someone enter the place and it is Tiffany wearing a very seductive attire. Taking the opportunity that Kota is weak and drank, Tiffany kiss Kota to his mouth using her tongue and letting him touch her breast.

"I love you Kota, i really like you." Tiffany told him but Kota is not responding. Because he is drunk he didn't know what he is doing that time, he is not in his own self but he is enjoying the pleasure that he is receiving but without knowing it Hikaru is watching them from the main door of the comfort room. Someone called him to go to the comfort room and then he saw the 2 in action and then he immediately go away with a broken heart and a feeling of betrayal.

In the next day, Hikaru didn't go to school and Kota is really worried at him. He called their house but they said that he didn't go back home yet. He asked Keito if Hikaru shows himself to him but he answer no but actually it is a lie. That night that he discovered about Kota and Tiffany, he went straight to Keito's residence.

Hikaru didn't show himself and because of that he is really worried.

"Kota." Tiffany called while they are in the corridor. Kota didn't attend his class at that time coz he is thinking about Hikaru and Tiffany as well didn't attend her class coz she wanted to make things clear about them.

"What are you still doing here?" Kota asked her.

"Why did you reject me? Why can't you love me?"

"I can't betray my friend, Hikaru really loves you and so i can't ruined that trust."

"But i didn't like Hikaru, even you rejected me I will not stay to his side forever. His love is unrequited and will never be back to him." she said and then she nod her head her eyes looking at her luxurious shoes. That time she also feel that she is suffering from an unrequited love, loving someone that can give you the same love that you wanted. That night in the karaoke bar, she is sure that Kota drink something so that his sexual feeling will be trigger. She is desperate to have sex with him that time but before it start, Kota push her away from him. He is always talking about not betraying Hikaru's feeling, about not wanting to ruined his trust. But she knows there is more than that, it is not only Hikaru the reason why he is acting like that. He is in love, not with her, but with Kei.

The next day, Hikaru already went to school but he never talk to Kota even the latter is always greeting him like he always do. Kota doesn't have an idea that Hikaru knows about his relationship with Tiffany and he has no idea why Hikaru is acting coldly on him. Hikaru hates that acting of Kota as if nothing happened and still being so nice to him. He hates the fact that the girl that he really loves likes someone else and that night that they are together they sleep in each other side by side.

The class ended without something happened, Hikaru went straight out of the classroom and Kota follows him wanting to know what is bothering to his friends mind.

"Hikaru, why are you not talking to me?"Kota asked him, wanting to know coz he doesn't like being ignored by him. "Hikaru."

Hikaru stop walking and when he turns around he punch Kota on his face making the latter fall down the ground, touching his cheeks that is burning in pain like hell. He is surprised with that, why did Hikaru punch him all of a sudden.

"Stop calling my name so familiar!" Hikaru shouted on him. "I trust you... I trust you so much Kota but why? Why did you betray me?" he shouted with all his might. He is mad, he is angry to him and he wanted to release all that frustration that he is feeling that time. For all the people who can betray him, why it need to be Kota? He is his best friend, he is the one he trust so much but why? Why? Why?

"I... Didn't betray you."

"You liar! Do you still want to run away? You are really such a coward. I saw it Kota, you and Tiffany sleeping together, you wanted to fuck her right? Go do it! I don't care anymore besides you are not my friend anymore." Hikaru said directly. With his fierce look, he turns his body around and start walking again. Kota didn't have a chance to move to his place, he feels that his world will going to crumble. He wanted to explain everything, he wanted Hikaru to understand that nothing really happened but... But can't Hikaru see it? He is not the one who is at fault, it is Tiffany from the very beginning.

To be continued...


A/n: This chapter is Kota, Hika and Keito's past, how is their relationship before everything else started to happen. That Tiffany is a bitch! XP

i have my quiz later but i planned on updating. There is another fanfic coming to my mind and so i really need to finish everything *w*

jya neXD

pairing: yamajima, pairing: yabunoo, pairing: hikato, pairing: tadaiki, chaptered: never to betray you again

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