Fanfic: Chasing the Shadows (Chapter 2)

Feb 29, 2012 18:13

TItle: Chasing the Shadows
Characters: Hey Say Best
Disclaimer: I don't own anything
Genre: romance
Summary: Kota transfer university from Tokyo U. to Meiji U.. Everyone thinks that he is crazy about his decision but our protagonist has his reason why he decided to do it. He meet new friends like Yuya who is his roommate in the dormitory where he is living and Hikaru who is his classmates and also Kei who is famously known because of some falsified rumors.

Chasing the Shadows
Chapter 2

Kota is on his way to library when his phone rings. He fish the touch screen phone out of his pocket and then he saw his friend's picture, his friend is calling him and his name is Daiki.

"What?" the first thing he asked.

"What the hell is that? You didn't call me like what you promised and then now that i call you, you will just greet me with what?" Daiki complained. "You didn't show yourself when you transfer to Meiji, do you know how everyone misses you already here in Tokyo U."

"Yeah...yeah of course i miss everyone there but in order to cope up with a new environment i need to set a side the past for a moment so i didn't call nor send message to everyone." Kota answered him honestly. "So how is everyone? Are they surprised with my sudden decision?"

"Stupid! Who will not be surprised with what you have done? Suddenly disappearing and then we will know that you transfer to a new university. Tell me, did you find that someone you are looking for?" the other line asked.

"Not yet, i am about to look in the student's registration lists. I will sort those students who have an initial of K.I. With that my population will lessen up. There are 483 plus student in the architecture department and if i will do that then it will be lessen to 1/4 already. "

"You are really serious about it. Ne, tell me if she is beautiful ones you found her."

"Fine... I need to hang out already i need to go to the library. I will call you back later."

"Okay, bye." Daiki ended.

Kota went straight to the library where the registrar office is located. He asked if he can access the list of students in the Department of Architecture using a laptop and they give him the password for him to use without any hesitation besides his family name is so popular that it is not hard for him to transactions coz ones they hears his name everyone will immediately down their head and greeted him formally.

He sit down to a table near the window and start browsing around the website. He download the file where the list of students can be found and then start his job. All in all there are 483 students in the department from 1st year to 4th year. While doing some manipulations so that only student that have K.I. As their initials will be left, the population drop to 1/8 of the population which leaves him only 60 students with initial of K.I. In this 60 students 14 are from 4th year, 25 in 3rd year, 10 in 2nd year and then 11 in 1st year. In the 4th year there are 7 girls and 7 boys, in 3rd year there are 16 girls and 9 boys, in 2nd year there 7 girls and 3 boys and in 1st year there are 6 girls and 5 boys.

"This is harder than i thought." Kota whispered. "But nevertheless, i know i can find you soon."


It's already 1pm, when Kei opens his eyes and sit down. His head is aching because of hangover and he has no energy to move. He looks around and it feels things are normal. He look at his body and then he noticed that he has bondage on his hands. He can't remember what happened last night. All he can remember i that he and his boyfriend has a date and then they drink together with the others. Kei doesn't want to drink but he is been force to do it. His plan is just to drink a little but it turns out to be more than it and the rest of what happened are all blurred.

With a messy hair and crumpled pajama, Kei went straight to the bathroom to wash his face. No one is outside at that moment, everyone is in their class so the dormitory is so silent.  He look at himself in the mirror and think but he end up just looking at his tired face.

"I really can't remember what happened last night?" he whispered. While he is fixing his hair, the servant named Alera who is working as a janitor in the dormitory saw him.

"Inoo-san, are you feeling alright?"

"Good morning Alera... Yeah feeling a little better but my head is still aching."

"Yeah i know i know... Come down in the dining hall. I will prepare something for you. That newbie told me that ones you wake up i will give you something to eat and to sober you up. "


"Yeah... The tall guy with brown hair and cute eyes. He is Yuya's roommate."


"Yup that guy... This morning he knock on the admin office and then he wanted to borrow a first aid kit. I asked who is hurt and then he said that you hurt your hands. He also wakes up Yuya to help cleaning your wounds."

"I...I can't remember anything." Kei whispered. "But Alera, i'm hungry."


Kota went back to the dormitory, he feels so tired after looking around the campus. He went straight to his room and then put his things back to where he place it. He lay down on his bed for a while and then start to think. Today he went to the 4th year area to search for that someone but anyone whom he asked said that they doesn't know him or they didn't meet him.

After thinking about those things he stand up and then look at the wall clock on the room. It's already 4pm in the afternoon and he wonders if Kei is already fine. He went straight to Kei's room and when he is about to knock the door opens. He saw Kei, fully dress and seems like he will going to go outside again.

"Where are you going?" Kota asked him.

"I'm going to meet my boyfriend." Kei answered.

"Huh? You have a slight fever this morning, you can't just go, you need rest."

"I am fine." Kei replied but Kota grab his hand and then pulled him closer to him. He put his hands on Kei's forehead and then feel if Kei is really fine to go outside and see his boyfriend. Kei immediately push Kota away from him. "What the hell are you doing? You don't have right to touch anyone whom you want."

"You are still sick. Go back inside of your room and rest."

"No, i will going outside and meet my boyfriend."

"Do you want your fever go high? It's cold outside and staying the whole night again outside will just cause more problem. You have lots of time to have a date with your boyfriend so leave it for this day." Kota told him and then he grab again Kei's hand and pulled him inside his room.

"Let me go, you bastard." Kei uttered as he trying to take off Kota's hand away from him but he is too weak to do it. Kota is right, he knows that he is still suffering a fever but he need to see his boyfriend or else it will got mad. Kumi is so strict about him, when he said that they should meet, Kei should meet him or else he will do something on him. Kei thinks that its a little bit tiring, dating a guy who is too demanding but for some reason he can't leave that guy. "Why do you need to interfere in my life?"

"I am not interfering. I am just concern... Do you know how pathetic looking you are last night? You should take care of yourself." Kota told him. "Last night, i let Yuya check you up. He said that you got thinner and then you look so weak. You are escaping meals according to Alera and there are wounds on your body that you are hiding. I don't know what is happening to your life but you should be careful with your health."

Kei give up in arguing, he feels too weak to say anything and his head just hurt more. He seated down on his bed and then get his phone and call someone on it. "Kumi, i'm sorry i can't go today. I am sick, i am really sorry." he ended the call and then look at Kota who is watching him from the beginning of the call. "Are you happy now?"

"No, since you are still sick." Kota answered him back. "I will let Alera cook something warm for you. I will go outside for a while go buy some medicine. Change your clothes and go to your bed and don't do anything. Just wait for me until i come back."

Kei didn't answered back. Kota went out of the room and went to the dining hall where Alera and other servant are busy preparing food for dinner. He asked Alera to cook something soft and warm for Kei which she immediately oblige. On the other hand since the medicine that is needed are already consume and there is no extra anymore and Yuya who is a medical student is not yet home, he decided to go outside and buy some.

Ones he arrived, Kei is already eating the warm soup that Alera made. She immediately leave the room since he needs to let the other borders to eat their dinner. Kota put the plastic of medicines on the side table and then without saying anything he touch Kei's forehead again.

"Don't touch me freely." Kei told him.

"Your temperature is a lot better." Kota told him and then he smiled.

"Why the hell are you helping me?" he asked all of a sudden. "Are you pitying me?"

"You think so?"

"You worry so much about me. If other people will see me, they will just let me go but then you are different. If you are just pitying about me then i don't need your kindness. I live by myself for so many years and  i don't need any accompany coming from you."

"I don't pity you." Kota answered him directly. "I am here not because i feel sorry about you. I heard things about you, what you are suffering. Last night you told me your problems. As of now i think i already know lots of things about you. I am a psychology student, i can easily understand what people wanted to say with just their actions."

"I am... I am different from what they are talking about me." Kei suddenly uttered while he take a sip on his glass of tea.

"Of course i know about it." Kota answered him back. "I know that you are still a virgin."

Kei blush in embarrassment, he didn't expect that Kota will say that word so directly and specially in front of him.  Kota noticed Kei's reaction and he feels that he said something that should not be said.

Kei continue to drink his warm tea, the room is filled with silence for a moment. No one start to talk between the two. Kei has a bad impression on Kota when he first say him. He came from Tokyo U. So everyone knows that he is smart, he is also good looking and he came from a rich family. He is love by people, he is friendly and charming. For some reason Kei think that Kota is just an attention seeker but he prove it wrong. His gentleness make every people likes and loves him.

"I'm going back to my room already. You just need to rest and you will be fine. You should drink your medicine at 9pm and also i will lean you my notes about our topic today since you didn't attend the class but i already excuse you so don't worry about it. If you need something just knock on our room." Kota told him but before he leave he is surprised when Kei grab his hand. Kota look at him and he is thinking what is Kei planning to do.

When Kei noticed that he and Kota are having an eye to eye contact he immediately tilted his head and also free Kota's hand. "I... I just want to say thank you."

Kota smiled and then pat Kei's head and ruffles his hair. Kei's hair is curly and very messy so he is like a puppy with fluffy skin. "Get well soon." his last words and then he leave the room.

"Wait..." Kei whispered. "I think... I saw him already before?"

To be continued:

Author's Note: Among the songs contained in the regular edition of Super Delicate, my favorite are HSB Suriru and then Jump Around the World. I love Yabu's voice in SURIRU... very very very muchXD i keep repeating his parts in the song. For Jump Around the World, it catch my attention i love playing it continuously. But i am still hoping that in HSB's future song Kei will also has his solo part... pleaseXD

pairing: yabunoo, chaptered: chasing the shadows

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