Fanfic: Never to Betray You Again (Chapter 7)

Feb 04, 2012 15:01

Title: Never to Betray You Again
Disclaimer: I don't own anything except the plot.
Characters: Hey Say Best, Yuto Nakajima, Keito Okamoto & Ryosuke Yamada
Genre: romance, angst, death
Rating: PG-13- NC-17, this depends on the chapter but in this chapter it is PG-13
Summary: The story focus on Kota Yabu who after 3 years meet his first love and try to correct the mistake that he did before by protecting him. In the process, he is also trying to solve who is that someone who start to ruined the life of those 5 individual who is engaged in an event happened 3 years ago.
Author's Note: I recommend that you should read the first 6 chapters before reading this chapter. My reason is written in here and also the link to the other chapters can be found here:  CLICK HERE

Never To Betray You Again
Chapter 7

Ryosuke is walking together with Sano while he is busy looking at his phone. He receives a message coming from Kota that Kanata meet a dangerous situation and now he is confined in a hospital. He also told him that Kanata is not saying anything even he is asked so many times by the doctors and even Kota. He thinks that someone is commanding him not to talk and so he just keep his mouth shut.

"I heard about what happened to Kanata, is he alright?" Ryosuke asked him.

Sano sigh and put his cellphone back to his pocket. "It is his fault for being unguarded. Don't worry, he will not die."

"Of course i am not thinking that he will going to die. I am just worried. He is also our friend right. But i wonder who did this to him? Do you know someone who is against him?"

"Not really, among everyone of us he is the most silent and collective but also the coward." Sano described. "I can't pitch you later after school. I'm going to visit Kanata in the hospital is that alright?"

"You don't need to tell that to me." Ryosuke said and then he noticed that Sano also keep on checking his phone. He is like Kanata that time when they are in the club. Are they receiving the same kind of message? It is bothering Ryosuke but he didn't want to asked anymore about it.


When Hiro came in the private restaurant owned by Sano's family where they decided to meet, he feels an awkward silent he can't explain. There is a tension coming from everyone's aura and he knows the reason why. Someone is playing with them, someone is playing with their own fate that they didn't expect to come.

"How did you know that Kanata will be the first victim?" Ono asked Kota who is just silent where he is sitting down, playing with his fingers and looking at the other side of the counter. After all that is happening, he didn't know what to do anymore. Addition to his problem is the fact that Hikaru told him while they are in the hospital that keeps on echoing in his ears. "Kota i am asking you." he said madly.

"I...I receive a call. I receive a call from him saying that Kanata will be in danger. He said that Kanata will going to die 3 days from now." Kota answered.

"He told you? Why did he call someone like you? So you know that that will happen to Kanata and you search for him to stop what can happen?" Sano asked him again. Now he is been interrogated.

Kota nodded his head. "So... Is he planning to tell you who's going next? Who will be the next victim?" Hiro asked again.

"I don't know... And i don't like if it is like that. I feel guilty that I didn't have a chance to save Kanata, I know that he will suffer but i... I didn't do anything to save him. Why it should be me? Why do I need to suffer this guilt?" Kota complained. Ono, Sano and Hiro just watch as Kota cries in front of them. 3 years has passed but still he didn't change. A coward will be a coward forever.

"Isn't it great? If the guy called you, just contact us. Maybe he is just playing with us. He said that Kanata will going to die after 3 days, the question is what if he didn't? He is telling Kota what he is doing next and we just need to move fast to avoid what he is planning to do." Sano commented after analyzing what is going on. He has his points, why is the master planning to tell things to him? It's just a like a game, he is enjoying seeing them playing his own game which he consider as a revenge.

"Aren't you being simple minded?" Hiro suddenly said and then Sano glare at him. Sano hates Hiro coz he act so smart since before. He thinks that his ideas are always right and he always contradict whatever he will going to say. "From the very beginning this is already real. He is planning to kill us no matter what will happen. The point of calling Kota and telling him what he is planning is maybe to torture him." he continued. Everyone eyes look at Hiro as he said those words.

"What do you mean?" Ono asked him.

"Why me?" Kota asked as well.

"Maybe you did something worst than what we did." Hiro said seriously and Kota was startled to what just Hiro said. He didn't commented about it and just stare at Hiro that time.

Hiro and Kota have an eye to eye contact with each other but after few seconds a punch hit Hiro's face and it is Sano who can't take what Hiro is talking about. Who is simple minded to them? How can Hiro said those kind of things when the 4 of them knows that Kota is just dragged to that sin that they did. "You are talking nonsense."

Hiro wipes away the blood that he receive from the cut on his lips because of that punch and then he also punch Sano back. Ono and Kota try to stop them and said that it is not the right time for them to fight each other. They are not enemies but companion. They should not fight to each other or else things will just got worst than it is already.

"What we should be thinking is about who is doing this to us." Ono suddenly said. "if we knows who is this someone doing this to us  we will not be bothered anymore by this fear and calls and messages. We will not be afraid that someone wanted us to die." he continued and then silence for a moment filled the atmosphere. Ono is right, that is the best thing that they can do but who could be that someone who is doing this to them? "Do you think this is done by that guy?"

"Who?" Sano asked.

"Kei Inoo, Sakura's friend." Ono answered him back. "We have no idea if he is alive or not and if he is alive he is the only who can do this to us."

"No!" Kota suddenly shouted as he stand up from where he is sitting down. "Do...don't blame him. I mean... After all that happened to him, after all the torture that you've given to him do you think he can still be like he is before? If ever he is alive he will just be as fragile as he is. This is... Not definitely his doing." he defended. He didn't want them to blame Kei about this. He is the only one among the group who knows that Kei is still alive and he knows in what situation he is in. He suffered so much already and he didn't deserve anything more.

" are not sure about that."

"I am... If... If this is Kei's doing you can kill if you want to." Kota told them.

Sano shrugged his shoulder and then went closer to where Kota is sitting down "Don't you think you are caring too much about that guy? As far as i can remember before you are always watching over him from a far and when we are doing that shit to him he is calling your name to save him. Are you close to each other?"


"If I know that you are involve in this, I'm the one who will going to kill you. Remember that." Sano declared and then after he said those words he already leave the place. Hiro also leave the place without saying anything. That very moment Kota is there sitting down without saying anything. He is expressionless at that moment and he is not moving to his place. Is he making things worst? What should he do now?


"His name is Kei Inoo." Keito told Yuto as they sit down for a while before going to their class. They still have time to waste and so Keito decided to tell Yuto about the things that he wanted to know. At first he has a little hesitation coz he thinks that he is not the right person to tell all this things but then he think that Yuto needs to know about Kota's past.

"So i was right..." Yuto mentioned and then he sigh.

"Yeah, he actually like that guy. No...he loves him so much." Keito answered as he look up at the sky. It is still so bright and the sky is all blue with cotton candy like clouds on it. He saw 2 birds flying freely above it and he feels like he wanted to be one. When he heard no response to Yuto, he look back at him and saw him sulking for some reason. He really looks good, he thought to himself. He is admiring him for so many years already and that admiration does not vanish even he wants to. Honestly speaking he is hurt whenever he saw Kota and Yuto together. He is jealous, why is it the guy that he likes loves his best friend? "Why are you asking?" he asked again.

Yuto look back at him and their eyes meet each other. "I... I just think that Kota is acting weird this few days. For some reason he is acting cold and I am thinking that the reason is that... He is still thinking about that first love of him."

Keito sigh and then he smiled. When Kota and Yuto become in relationship he decided to support the pairing even it is painful. Besides it's for his own sake and also to the 2 person important to his life. "Aren't you thinking too much?" Keito asked him. "Kota loves you so you don't need to be bother by someone else."

"I know but can stop me from thinking about it. Humans are prone to changes and Kota is not an exception."

While the two are talking someone called Keito's name. Keito glance at where he can hear the voice and also Yuto did and then he saw Daiki, his cousin weaving his hand and smiling. It is rare for them to see each other in the university so he is a little shock. He is wearing his white uniform that time. Like what he receive in the message that morning coming from him, they will have their practicals today.

"What are you doing here?" Keito asked Daiki.

"Well i am waiting for Kei-chan to arrive and they i saw you." Daiki answered and the guy that is with Yuto. He thinks that he is really tall and he feels so small on his part.

"This is Yuto Nakajima, he is my classmate." Keito introduced. "Yuto, this is Daiki Arioka my cousin."

"Eh? are just 2nd year? You're so tall... And i feel bad about it." Daiki commented feeling depress about what he just heard. He hates being small coz people think that he is just a high school student when he is really not and he feels more insulted when a lower year is taller than him.

"It's normal to our family to be this tall." Yuto replied back.

"It's my first time to see you but this is not the first time i hear your name. Keito always talk about you in his stories. Nice meeting you." Daiki said and then Keito startled when he heard his cousin talking about some important matters that he didn't want Yuto to know about him. He feels embarrassed but Yuto just smile about what he heard. While the three are talking, Kei came and approach Daiki. Yuto is looking at him, he think that he is sick so he is wearing a mask to cover his face. He is also wearing the white uniform like Daiki is wearing.

"Oh, Kei this is Yuto Nakajima. Keito's friend and Yuto this Kei Inoo my friend." Daiki introduced instead of Keito doing it. Yuto stare at Kei for a moment, he is not expecting that they will see each other just after he knows about who he is. He is Kota's first love, someone he can't erase to his mind. He didn't know that he is studying in the same university as they are. He wonders if Kota knows about this.

Why is he covering his face? Yuto thought to himself. He wanted to see how he looks like, he wanted to see the face of that someone he is fighting with against Kota's heart. But by just looking at his eyes he knows that he is not a bad individual. His eyes are so gentle and passionate and he is a good friend to Keito who is also a nice individual.

Kei remembers his face, he is the guy who is together with Kota when they saw each other in the parking area. The one who hugs Kota's arms freely and lovingly. "Good day... You are...Yabu-san's boyfriend right?" he asked momentarily as all eyes are set into him.


Hikaru didn't leave the hospital when Kota and Keito leave. He said that he will going to stay and watch over Kanata since his parents are not yet there to see him. His family are in abroad and it will take time for them to go back to the country to see their son. Kanata gain his consciousness but he is not saying anything. Even how many times Hikaru asked him what really happened he didn't want to say anything as if it is sealed.

"If you will not say anything how can i help you with this?" Hikaru asked him. Looking at his wounded friend is hurting him. For some reason he can't believe himself being worried about Kanata. Before, when they are still in high school he hated him that much. He hates him because he is one of those guys who are bullying Kota, his best friend. But now he became his friend because they have the same interest in  music.

"Kanata, tell me... Why did you call Kota first? Is there something happening that i didn't know? I hear Kota calling Ono and the others? Aren't the 5 of you are together always before? Is there someone taking a grudge against you? Di...did you do something?" Hikaru asked again but he just received a moan from Kanata. He is staring at him when all of a sudden he saw tears coming out from his eyes. Kanata is crying but still he didn't want to talk. Hikaru feels that someone told him to shut his mouth and there is really something happening that he needs to know.

He already throw away his connection to Kota but if in order to know what is happening to Kanata he doesn't care anymore.


The practical is already over and Kei and Daiki already feel relief. Like what is expected Kei get the highest score again. Daiki feel frustrated coz he only just did a small mistake and so he didn't get a perfect score. On their way, they talk about Hikaru who didn't come to the class. It is rare for him to be absent and so it became a big deal inside the classroom.

"Kei, seems like your relationship with Hikaru is improving. You talk to him a lot this few days." Daiki said while they are walking in the street going to the train station. "But i think you should be careful or else this will be a big problem. If the same rumours will occur again like when high school..." he said and then he sigh "It's hard to be famous."

"High school? What do you mean? Did you know Yaotome-san since high school?" Kei asked Daiki as he stop walking in the middle of the street. It is rare for Daiki to talk about things when they are in high school. What he knows is that they went in the same high school in Tokyo but he never mentioned what happened back then. He think that Daiki is not talking about it since there is nothing good to reminisce and so he didn't bother to asked but he wanted to know about it.

He is also wondering why there are no other people wanting to know about him. If he study before in Tokyo while he is in highschool at least there are students who will noticed him even he has that scar on his face because of the accident but it seems like he is a total stranger in the city. But he wanted to think positive about the things that is surrounding him even he knows and he feel that they are lying and pretending that they didn't know. Maybe they have good reasons why they are doing it.

It is obvious in Daiki's face that he is troubled to answer Kei's question. He thinks that he open his mouth and say unnecessary things that should not be stated.


May 13, 3 years ago, when Daiki discovered about what happened to their classmate Sakura Minato. Ones he arrived to their classroom, he saw Tiffany, Sakura's best friend crying. Other girls are also crying while doing their best to cheer her up. That one noisy classroom whenever he arrives turns to be a silent graveyard. That time, Daiki already heard about what happened to Sakura but he is not expecting that it is true until someone confirmed it to him and that is when reality strikes him but what worst is that his best friend, Kei Inoo suddenly vanish without no one knowing about it until a news spread that when Sakura's body are found they also found a boy's body together with her and they confirm that it is Kei Inoo.

Struck about what he heard, he didn't attend school for about a week. He can't believe that his best friend is nowhere to found and he even experience such tragic experience. All he do is cry and cry and cry coz he feels that half of his life is already missing and gone. After a week, he is force by his parents to go back to school and continue life without him in this world. He feels so empty that time but it seems like his classmates already move on about what just happened. That time his cousin, who is a 2nd year high school comforted him and he also talked about the unusual behaviour that Kota is doing in his class.

Daiki decided to visit Kei's grandfather to know if he is alright. He came to the village where he knows Kei's close grandfather is living together with Keito. In that silent village is where he meet him again, even his body is fall of bandage he knows that it is Kei. He hugged him tightly in his arms like he didn't see him for a years.

"Kei... I am glad... I am glad..." he repeated so many times as tears flow from his eyes. "I thought that you already leave me alone... I am glad."

"Dai-chan?" Kei asked and the smiled. "It's been 3 years since i didn't saw you. You look bigger that before." he uttered and then Daiki slowly lift his head and look at his friend. His face looks tragic. His hair is cut differently, the other side of his hair is normally long while the other seems like it is forcedly cut. There are wounds near his eyes and a big bandage covering his right part of his face. His hands are also bandage and he is using a clench to walk.

"3 years?" Daiki asked him surprisingly. What is Kei talking about? They just see each other just a week ago he thought to himself. Kei also look at Keito who is also surprised about what he heard.

"Keito, your hair grown so fast." Kei commented again.

"Ne, Kei... Di...did you loss your memories? What are you talking about? 3 years? We just... We just meet last week right?"

Dr. Eiji saw Daiki and Keito talking to Kei and that time he explained what really happened. How he saw Kei, what happened to him and the thing that they should keep for his sake. Kei loss his memories of 3 years ago. Everything that happened 3 years ago from that time is gone, which means everything that happened on his high school life is totally gone. He can remember Daiki is someone who is small that he played together before and Keito who is Daiki's small cousin who he consider as his brother. Dr. Eiji told them that they should shut their mouth and don't say anything that Kei is still alive and he loss his memories from everyone. His existence should be keep coz what happened to him is too cruel to be remembered. Keito and Daiki agreed with it and promised that they will not say anything about it to anyone.

End of Flashback:

"Actually... We attend the same high school together with Hikaru and... Kota Yabu but they are in different class so we didn't know them that much." Daiki answered him.

"So... Yabu-san really knows me since we attend in the same school. That's the reason he acts so familiar about me." Kei whispered.


Kei nodded his head. "When we first saw each other he acts like he knows me and he even knows my favourite food. Daiki, are we close to each other? Yabu-san and me? Are we friends?" he asked again. Daiki stare at Kei longer and then he tilted his head.

"How can he know about your favourite food when... You are not really talking to each other."

"Eh? So we are not that close to each other? We are not talking to each other means that we are not friends when we are in high school? We are just strangers? You said that he is in different class so maybe... That is possible that we didn't talk to each other. Maybe... i... I didn't know him at all." Kei uttered and then he sigh and pout his lips.

Daiki didn't respond anymore, he look at his watch and said that it is already late so they need to go to the train station as soon as possible. As he walks fast , ideas are flashing on his mind.

"Kei, Kota is not a stranger to you. know everything about him even you rarely talk to each other. It is because... Kota Yabu is... Your first love." Daiki thought to himself as he walk faster than his normal phase.


It is the first day of school, Kei is excited to attend his first day in high school. It is spring time, cherry's petals are falling from its trees and sticking to people walking as they pass the trees. It is Kei's favourite season, he loves the sunlight, the blue sky, the cool wind blowing and the pink petals flying slowly as it reaches the ground. While walking to the road going to their school, he saw a cute puppy in the middle of the road, thinking that it could be hit by a car he immediately went there to save it but before he is able to do that someone already saves the dog.

He is a tall guy with a skinny  physique and he is wearing the same uniform as he is. That time he didn't noticed Kei and just walk straight going to the school but that first encounter already leave a mark inside him. He saw that something falls down from the guy's pocket and when he pick it up, it is his identification card. He flip it over and saw the picture of the guy's face. He has small eyes, but his eyes are smiling.

His name is Kota Yabu and just a year older than him but he is also a first year student.

Kota rush going to the head office and there he claim his loss ID. He is been scolded coz it is only the first day of school but he already carelessly loss his ID and fortunately someone pick it up and handled it to the office. Kota is very thankful and when he went out of the office he noticed that there is something sticking out of his id. It is a piece of paper and he pulled it and unwrap it. Something is written on that piece of paper saying:

"Good day, thank you for saving that dog early morning. I didn't thought that there are still people who cares about animal in this days. I am happy that i found one. You look so cool when you save it. Hope you will have  good start as a freshman. Good luck."

"I wonder who write this one?" Kota whispered and then he wrap the paper again and then hide it to his pocket with a smile on his face.

End of Flashback

To Be Continued...

pairing: yabunoo, pairing: hikato, pairing: tadaiki, chaptered: never to betray you again

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