Fanfic: Pandora's Box (Chapter 11)

Mar 04, 2012 10:07

TItle: Pandora's Box
Main Character: Kei Inoo, Kota Yabu, HIkaru Yaotome, Daiki Arioka, Yuya Takaki, Yuto Nakajima, Ryosuke Yamada
Disclaimer: I don't own anything
Genre: romance, drama
Summary: As Kota arrives to his new school, the first thing that he watch is the play of Pandora's Box. He loss his memories of his childhood and from that time he thinks that his memories is locked in a box and someday someone will upon it and brings him back his memories.

Pandora's Box
Chapter 11
"The Fireworks in the Festival"

Kota rush running to where Yuto is. His voice is trembling and is really weak. That time it is raining in the city area and he didn't bring any umbrella with him. Ones he arrive, he saw Yuto sitting down in the waiting area, head facing down and also he didn't bring any umbrella with him so he is totally wet.

"Yuto." Kota called and as he hears his name called, Yuto look at the direction where is sounded to his ear.

Ones Yuto look at Kota, he is startled coz Yuto's face has bruises. He immediately approach him and touch his face gently.

"A...are you alright?" he asked him.

"Ko...Kota, can i stay in your house for a while. I...i can't go back home with this kind of face." Yuto told him.

"What happened to you? Where did you get this wound?"

"Some bully did this to me, but everything is already fine. My boyfriend fight back for my sake but can i?." Yuto explained and asked again.

Kota agree without any hesitation. Even the two broke up already, Kota still cares about him. Those years that they are together makes it hard to accept separation but that's the only ties that the two have from each other. Yuto went back home together with Kota. Like normal, Kota just went straight to his room dragging Yuto together with him.

"You didn't change." Yuto said ones he arrives in Kota's bed. "If you keeps ignoring your mother, this will create a gap between the two of you. Are you sure you wanted something like this to happen? Even you love her so much."

Kota is preparing for the futon where he will going to sleep. He didn't answer for a moment and Yuto is not expecting an answer either but he is surprised when Kota replied him back. "If i start being close to her there is a chance that I...i'm going to ask about what happened to my past which i know she is trying to hide for me so hard. I don't want her to be hurt by telling me something she doesn't want. I know that she really loves me and i can feel it."

"Do you.... Still want to remember your past? Your childhood memories?" Yuto asked him seriously.

"Of course i am. I... I wanted to know, how i first meet you. How we develop this feelings. We are childhoood friends right? You are the only one i can remember in my blurry mind. A child playing together with me."

"Ko... I... I wanted to sleep already." Yuto said as he lay down on Kota's bed and fix the blanket over him. "I'm tired."

"Alright, good night." Kota whispered.

"I wonder what will you think of me, if you discovered that i never existed in your past." Yuto thought to himself.


Daiki and Yuya are looking at the window of their classroom, their teacher told him to have a self study but it's not something a student will do freely. While looking around they saw Ryosuke lifting so many things, being the vice president is surely a busy thing. While holding those things a tall guy suddenly help him lifting some of what he is holding.

"The president is surely a good looking guy." Daiki whispered but Yuya heard it coz both are the same are looking at the same scene. "Ne, Yuya aren't you and Ryo-chan are not talking that much this few days. Something happened from the two of you?"

"Nothing." Yuya answered briefly but the thoughts of that words that Ryosuke told him that he will going to stop loving him already keeps on echoing repeatedly on his mind. All this time, he knows Ryosuke likes him but now knowing that the latter will not love him anymore makes him feels uneasy.

"Really? You know what, you are not a good liar. It's definitely obvious that there is something wrong between the two of you. Even Ryo-chan acts normally i can see that there is some changes which goes the same as you. But i don't want to enter your private life and mess it up. What i wanted to say is that you must fix this misunderstanding before it turns late."

"You're the one to talk." Yuya answered him back.

Daiki smiled and then glare at the taller guy. "Eh... Did Hikaru told something to you?"

"Something obvious should not be told by someone."

"Yeah i guess you are right."

Kota is looking at Kei who is busy scribbling something on his notebook. He is happy that Kei is already fine and the pale look on his face that moment is already vanished but then he think that he just turn skinnier than the usual. He is about to approach him when Hikaru suddenly enter the classroom and went straight to Kei's table. He is holding  a paper advertisement and he showed it to him.

"Firework?" Kei asked. "Ahhh yeah today is the end of the festival right?"

"Do you want to go here? Let us watch the fireworks."

Kei is about to get the piece of paper when Daiki immediately snatch it away and read the things written on it. "Whoa, this seems like exciting and besides it is free."

"Daiki, you want to go?" Kei asked him.

"Yeah, i am really planning to go here of course together with my boyfriend." Daiki answered him. Hikaru immediately look at Daiki and then when the little guy glares at him he also avert his eyes away. "If we will go can i ask permission to bring him with us?"

Kei looks around and it seems like there is no  one who is against it so he decided to just agree with what Daiki wanted to do. That moment, Ryosuke also entered the room and then Kei asked him to go with them and without any hesitation he agreed with it.

After the class, the group are preparing to go to the fireworks when Kei saw Kota on its way out of the room. He followed him and then call his attention.

"Ko...Kota." Kei called. "Do you want to go with us in the fireworks display?"

"Aren't you going with your friends?" Kota asked him. "Why mind inviting me?"

"It's enjoyable if there are lots of us."

"I am tired of hearing that kind of answer. Your friends is not my friend and i am not comfortable hanging around with everyone. Besides you can watch the fireworks even without me so go on and enjoy the show."

Kei pauses for a moment but then he smiled. "Yes we can watch it without you but it will never be the same without you around. If you don't consider my friends as your friends then it's alright, but you consider me as your friend right? I am not... I am not someone who is nothing to you right?" Kei asked with his serious voice.

"The truth is...  I don't know." Kota answered him directly pausing a little before the phrase 'i don't know'. "For me you are strange. I don't know you but i have this feeling that you know me well. Are you not telling something to me? Do you know who i am? You know that i loss my memories right? You know that i can't remember anything about my past right?"

"I...i'm sorry but i don't know anything about you." Kei but his lower lips and then after a second of silence he look back at Kota and then smiled and sigh. "Alright...i will not force you to go with us but if you like then you can come. I need to go already see you later."


"Daiki, you didn't told me that you have a boyfriend already." Hikaru said while the two are going home together to prepare for the event that night.

"Oh yeah i forgot to tell you."

"Forgot? We are friends right? Who is this boyfriend of yours? Why are you randomly choosing guy to be your boyfriend? What if he is like the old one that you have?"

"It's out of your business Hikaru and besides i used my mind in choosing this one. He is not someone who is like that guy you've meet."

"Wait, that is not my point." Hikaru told him. "Daiki, my point is that, aren't we are in the deal?"

"Are you taking that seriously?" Daiki chuckled. "Hikaru, i am just playing around with you. It's nothing but a play, a game i did to enjoy my boring life. Let's end the deal... It's already over." he continued while looking at Hikaru eye to eye. "Besides, i don't want to get mingle into something i should not join. You really like Kei, the two of you will be a good couple together."

"You're acting different."


"Who else? Is there something wrong with you? Are you sick?"

"I am fine... Ne, Hikaru, can you do me a favor?" Daiki asked him. "I will... I will not ask you something after this so... Can you do it for me?"


"Can i... Can i kiss you?"


The call time for the fireworks display is 9:30pm and it will sparks around 10pm. Kei and the others comes early coz they wanted to look around the area. They wanted to enjoy the festival together. Like what Daiki said he bring his boyfriend with him. He is a good looking guy but he is older than them. He is already in a university taking up civil engineering. Yuya is force to come with them, actually he doesn't like to go but since he has nothing to do in his life he just joined them. Ryosuke came late coz he needs to finish something but what surprised everyone is that he is together with the school student's council president named Eiji.

"I am happy to join you." Eiji told everyone.

Kei smiled back and so as the others. They welcome Eiji warmly and in a short period of time its like the group became soft on him.

"It's only 10 minutes before the firework display. Let us find a good place to watch it." Hikaru recommended. They look around for a good place, they plan on separating and just contact each other if they find a good place. Hikaru is together with Yuya, Ryosuke is together with Eiji, Daiki i together with his boyfriend while Kei go alone.

After 5 minutes, Daiki and his boyfriend send them a message that they found a good place to watch the fireworks and everyone are gathered there except for Kei who is not coming back.


"I'm exhausted..."Kei whispered. He is tired after walking so much just to fine a right place. He received a message to his phone and it is Hikaru telling him that they found a great place and he should come there already. Upon reading a message he is about to step forward when a strike of pain in his chest startled him. He look at the view of him but he can't see clearly and he feels that everything is turning upside down.

He sit down for a while and try to calm his body. He is catching his breathe and clenching on the part of his chest. After few minutes things back to normal already and when he is about to stand up someone called his name and that surprised him.  He look at his back and then he saw Kota standing near a tree and looking over him.

"Ko...Kota. Wh...what are you doing here? Are you here to watch the fireworks?"

"Not exactly..." he answered. "Are you alright? You look pale? Are you still sick?"

" i am alright." Kei answered. "I'm going with Hikaru's place, they found a great area where you can see the fireworks clearly. Do you want to join? Besides you are already here so maybe you can hang around with us."

"It's not like i am welcome."

"Of course you are." Kei told him not noticing that his voice raise a little. "I...I mean... Of course they are, don't think that you doesn't have friends and that you are always alone. When you decided to join the outreach program everyone accepted you already. They always talk about how great you sing well, I didn't have a chance to hear you that time but i believe the same way. You are a great singer and with your voice you can find friends that you can trust."

"When i loss my memories i decided to not trust anyone. I am thinking that maybe they can use that as their advantage to hold onto my neck, that's the reason i didn't believe to anyone except for Yuto. When i loss my memories, there is one vague memories of someone that keeps on flashing on my mind. I know i have a friend that i cherish so much and it is Yuto. That's the reason i love him so much and it really hurts me when he broke up with me but then you came and comforted me. You are strange suddenly popping up in front of me and then start to turn my world around. I don't know how to interpret what you are doing, Kei, i hate people who is very nice to me coz i can't stop myself loving them."

Kota step forward towards Kei direction, the latter is not moving an inch from his place. He just watch Kota as he went near him. Kota's words petrified his body, for some reason he think that Kota just confess to him.

"Hi...Hikaru... Hikaru is waiting for us. I think we should go already." Kei said and then he tries his best to move his right foot but when is about to step another forward Kota grab his hand and twist him just to see his face. Kei is startled with the sudden action and it is more surprising when he look at Kota, the latter's face is just an inch away from his. He can feel Kota's warm breathe on his face, and he can see every pores of the taller guy's face.

"Take responsibility... For making me love you." Kota whispered on him and without a split of seconds, the two soft lips touch each other together with the start of the fireworks, lighting up that vast dark sky.

To Be Continued...

pairing: takayama, pairing: yabunoo, pairing: yabujima, pairing: hikadai, chaptered: pandora's box

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