fic roundup for november

Dec 01, 2010 10:37

Five ficlets (Or here) (Bandom: Gerard/Mikey, William/Carden, Gabe/Bebe, Pete/Mikey. Community: Britta/Annie)

Count The Miles (Or here) (Bandom, William/Carden, the road trip fic)

Two ficlets (Or here) (Bandom: Gabe/Bebe, Gerard/Mikey)

starts to make you sweat (Or here) (Bandom: Gerard/Mikey, Killjoys 'verse)
Today is rainy and gross and DECEMBER, how the hell did that happen? /o\ Today I MUST get words down on both of my exchange fics, come hell or high water. Also I have to buy forks.

Two links:

Why we hiccup. HUH.

The two tiers of beauty pageants in Colombia. Very interesting.

Have a lovely day, cats and kittens. ♥

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