reposting commentfics

Nov 21, 2010 10:27

1. Gabe/Bebe for sleepherealone

He doesn't want her to think that she's tamed him or anything weird like that. He's still Gabe Saporta. Dating a hot chick doesn't make him not Gabe Saporta. He is going to make that as clear as possible. He has a plan.

Every time he describes his plan to his friends, they laugh a lot and hang up on him. William and Pete have each hung up on him nine times. He hates them both and is not going to hang out with them anymore. Ryland's only hung up on him five times. Ryland can stay.

"I'm going out," he tells Bebe, standing in the doorway with his hands on his hips. He's already dressed for the club. His mind is made up. He will make his point.

She doesn't look up from her laptop. "Okay."

He waits a minute. "I'm going out."

"I heard you."

"To the club. I'll be gone, like, all night. Probably until sometime tomorrow morning, actually."

She looks over the edge of the screen at him. "Okay. You know, you could even go back to your own apartment. If you wanted. Or not. Either way is cool."

He stands there for a minute after she goes back to typing. "Okay, but, like..."

"Have fun."

"Oh, I will. I always have fun. That's what I do. It's my superpower." He is talking too much and knows it. What the hell is happening to him?

She still isn't looking up. "Okay."

"Well...what are you going to do?"

She clicks something and tilts her head, frowning at the screen. "Probably have some tea and watch a movie."

"What movie?"

"Does it matter? You're going out."

"Well." He hates it when he chokes on his own words. "If it's a really good movie."

She's smiling just a little bit. "It's really good tea, too."

Fuck his life. Pete and William are going to laugh at him so hard.

2. Gerard/Mikey, version Killjoys, the night before the events depicted in the Sing video, for pearl_o.

After the planning is done, after Gerard's talked about why they're going to do it (because that's what he does, even though they already know) and Ray's reminded them to triple-check their weapons (because that's what he does, even though they've all been at this for a long time now) and Frank's told them to kick some motherfucking ass and not get themselves killed (because that's what he does, even though they wouldn't be going into Battery City to shake hands and have tea)...after all of that, they all go away from each other for a while. Ray and Frank go out the door, Gerard vanishes into the garage, and Mikey stays seated at the table, looking at Gerard's sketches and diagrams of a plan that cannot possibly work.

He touches the figure that Gerard labelled with a K, right next to the one marked with a P. Side by side. Going in together. He stares at the paper for a long time, running his finger over the lightly sketched pictures until the pencil lines blur.

When he goes into the garage, it takes a minute for his eyes to adjust to the light. When he can finally see, he finds Gerard right away, sitting on the floor and leaning back against the front tire of the Trans Am. He doesn't look up when Mikey sits beside him, just keeps tracing lines on the concrete with his fingers.

"Are you ready?" Mikey asks when the silence starts to make his skin crawl.

"Of course. It's my idea. I have to be ready."

"Pretty sure it doesn't work like that."

"It's fine, Mikey."

Mikey bites his tongue and counts to ten before he lets himself lean against Gerard's shoulder. "Gee..."

"If it goes bad." Gerard's body doesn't relax into Mikey's, and his eyes don't leave the floor. "I want you to save yourself. I want you to run. Don't come back for me, do you hear me? Go. Get out. Save the girl, help the guys, but don't try to come back for me. If it goes bad, I'm already gone."

Mikey holds still for a moment, letting all of that sink in. "Well, that's a lot of dramatic bullshit."

Gerard gives an irritated huff. "Mikey--"

"No." Mikey turns and grabs Gerard's chin, forcing him to meet his eyes. "It's bullshit."

Gerard's got that set to his jaw that means he's going to keep arguing, so Mikey kisses him, because he doesn't want to hear it right now, can't hear it right now, or something's going to break in his chest.

Gerard's still for a minute, not resistant but not cooperating, and then it's like a switch flips and he kisses back, hungry and desperate, his hands coming up to grip Mikey's arms hard enough to ache. He hauls Mikey against him, straddling his lap, his own head banging back against the fender of the Trans Am, and Mikey closes his eyes and hangs on as much as he can. He doesn't want Gerard to say anything. He just wants to feel and taste and remember.

If this is it, they're going out together. Always together. That's how it started and if it has to end, it ends that way too. Mikey loves his friends and he loves their motorbaby, but blood is blood and Gerard is his brother, and he's not letting the lights go out on either of them alone.

If you want to read a better thing than either of those, rsadelle wrote Gabe/Bebe/Victoria here and it's wonderful.

I feel needy and fragile and upset and I'm going go get the oil changed in my car. :( Terrible things.

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ficlets/drabbles/nonsense, fic_2010, fic_bandom

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