genprompt bingo reloaded

Jun 17, 2015 19:45

It will be really challenging but I hope it'll motivate my creative flow.

Word count: 1,628
Fandoms: iZombie (1)
Category: F/M (1)

Tornados Violence Rich and Poor Confessions Exhaustion Glorious Cowboy AU Nicaragua Smoke and Fog Writing, Text and Quotes Abduction and kidnapping Crackfic Wild CardSouth America Ship and Captain / Mount and Rider A Blackmail Attempt Luck Home-cooking (Liv/Ravi - iZombie)
Shapeshifting Dreams, Daydreams, Wishes Fear / Terror May Morning Humour The Hermit Minorities / Characters of Colour / Women in Canon - Please be careful not to use offensive stereotypes

language: english, challenge: genprompt bingo

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