
Jun 14, 2015 00:06

I'm back after a big hiatus. Yep, my life just got "better." After months of unidentified pain, the doctors still don't know shit, and the hospitals are a joke. (I got some infection in one of them right after I get better... that's how well our health system is working. Yay for hygiene, right?) Anyway, I'm so tired and in pain all the time, and I don't know... I want to write, obviously, but in fanfic terms I'm done. I don't know I always want to write something long and then when I'm there, I lose my enthusiasm, see: Agents of SHIELD. (I blame that my ships didn't get enough screen time but still... Why do I always lose inspiration when I have a detailed outline? :D)

Right now I've fallen in love with the Stitchers, which I know is so cheesy and unrealistic and the show itself doesn't know what it wants to be, but god, the shipping feels found me. So who knows, if it lasts long enough (and it remains this kind of cheesy) maybe I write fanfic in that fandom. But right now my main focus is writing my original fic. Funny, the Stitchers actually helped me, kinda freed me from the pressure I always feel to write something that appeals to others, when really, I don't need to write something profound and I can just have some fun. So I pour all my shipping feelings into my writing, creating some ship I really would want to see on screen or on the pages.

So onward to the poly, OT3 madness! (And I'm refusing to go to hospital in July, really, I need to write. Fuck the health system.)

language: english, my personal drama

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