something to motivate myself

Feb 14, 2015 23:54

It's funny that being sick could motivate me. I mean, I had always problems with putting aside my inner editor and just write, but now I think I kind of reevaluated everything in my life and though I'm still pretty depressed (but I'm so hoping I could start my treatment someday soon!), I kinda want to be positive and do productive things: which is writing.

I scrapped my Agents of SHIELD fic, but I figured out what was wrong with it: I started it before s2 and I have to rework a "few" scene, so now I'm outlining hard... and I get the feeling it will be much longer than expected. (But who am I kidding? I always write much longer stories than I want to.) The other thing is I haven't fangirled in a while, but I watched a few fanvids and yeah, I still like this ship I'm writing for, even if canon sunk it. By that I mean there aren't any scenes between Ward, Simmons and Fitz... but I'm still not giving up, and yes, I want to be accountable for it, so that's why I'm writing about in public. I need my cheerleaders. :D (And ha-ha, this fic is so long over due.)

And I've signed up for Ship Swap, and it seems the fic exchange gods love me, because my bad luck with recips* seems to have ended. I got someone who seems to be a lovely person and I already saved their letter to treat. :) I'm outlining fics for them already, but I need to rewatch the canons. I'm so nervous, I don't want to disappoint them and yes, I know this anxiety is what kills my muse, so positive thoughts!

* I don't always get the non-commenter/defaulters, but I had my fair share.

But the main point of this post, I need some writing resolutions! So here they are:
  • to write that Agents of SHIELD threesome fic already. Possibly before SHIELD returns, but that would be a miracle, so I settle for April. (which means 6000 words per week?)
  • to write a long-ish fic for the April CampNano - possibilities are: a threesome/foursome Agent Carter fic (Daniel/Jarvis/Jack/Peggy) or threesome Sleepy Hollow fic (Nick/Ichabod/Abbie)
  • to write a long-ish fic for the July CampNano - possibilities are endless (Constantine, Arrow, OUAT?)
  • to write a long-ish fic for NaNoWrimo
  • to write my poor original novel... and find an editor.
  • to write at least two treats for Ship Swap.
  • how about that first sex scene I'm not running away from screaming?
  • to write 100 k words, that should be enough of a challenge

language: english, my personal drama, writing woes, fandom: agents of shield

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