letter: Rare Pair Fest 2015

Jun 17, 2015 21:07

Dear Author/Artist,

First of all, thank you for writing fic/making art for me!

I'll list my likes and dislikes and try to write specific prompts, but don't feel pressured to write/make anything if it's just not your style or my prompts don't inspire you. But please try to watch out for my trigger and dislikes. Despite my long letter, I'm not picky or hard to please. :) And don't worry about what we're matched on, I chose my ships carefully, I love every one of them. I'm not partial to fics either, despite my art prompts being just general prompts and not ship specific, I love fanart! :) I'm angelette on AO3.

[General likes] [General dislikes] [For sex scenes] [For art]
[Sleepy Hollow] [The 100] [Stitchers] [iZombie] [Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.][Alias]

My general likes:
  • focus on relationships and character-driven stories (so character and relationship studies are more than welcome :))
  • casefic (undercover as a couple is always a good choice :D)
  • banter, snark, humor
  • what-if AUs (role reversal, or any little thing happening differently and changing a whole lot of things) and on this note multiple universes, meeting with mirror selves
  • time travel, Groundhog day AU/time loop
  • dystopian/post-apocalyptic AUs
  • hurt/comfort, angst - especially dealing with the traumas, broken people finding/healing themselves with the help of others.
  • darker and edgier than the canon - I'm unashamedly love everything dark, twisted and depressive. I realize it's not for everyone but if you happen to be one of the people who can write dark things, then you can write your most disturbing story idea, and I'll eat that up with a spoon.
  • things that are okay with me: bittersweet or unhappy endings, tragedy, major character death, suicide, deathfic, torture, rape, brainwashing, Stockholm syndrome, detailed scenes of blood, horror and violence (for action scenes or whatnot). I like when my favorites are suffering and even if I do want some romantic/shippy happenings, happy ending isn't required. 
  • also if you like to write crossovers, then by all means, cross over any of my requested fandoms.
Also, any rating is fine, I'm okay with G rated emotional things or explicit sex scenes, I love plotty fic, character studies and PWP just the same. I like dark things but it's not required! I know from this detailed list it seems I'm all for suffering and whatnot (:D) but please don't worry, I know I requested humorous canons too. :) If your tone is like the canon, I'll love the fic.

My general dislikes:

  • curtain fic, domestic fic
  • kidfic, de-age
  • all human and mundane AUs (barista, band, high school AUs), A/B/O
  • established relationship - I like to see how my ships get together, so flashback, non-linear writing or reminiscing about the past is totally okay, but if there is absolutely no note about how they got together I get a bit frustrated. (Well, obviously, in PWP you don't have to make a big fuss about this. :))
  • first person POV

My trigger:
miscarriage - mentioning is okay, very detailed depiction is not.

For the sex scenes:
This is just for safety if you would like to write explicit sex scenes or PWP. I’m absolutely okay with vanilla sex or no sex in shippy fics; I’m just listing these, because I had wondering authors in past exchanges what I like.
  • bites
  • weapon kink (guns and knives)
  • bondage
  • consent play
  • double penetration (for threesomes)
  • non-con
  • dub-con
  • sex pollen / fuck or die (can be non-con for enemy ships, but I love UST resolving this way with my other ships)
  • mind control
  • voyeurism
  • frottage

For Art:
I adore fanart! Any rating is fine, though I'd prefer something I could use as a wallpaper. But if you happen to have a porny/hot idea, that's also okay with me. Draw/make what you like, but here are some general prompts that fits every ship:
- action scene (monster killing, catching bad guys together)
- hand holding
- cute fluffy things (yeah, art is the exception about my no-fluff rule)
- feeding each other (romantic picnic?)
- 'we need to share a bed and awkward cuddling ensues'
- A pins B to a wall
- longing gazes
- wound treating, lingering touches
- if there's a tie involved: A grabbing B by the tie and pulling B to them

Sleepy Hollow:

What I like about the canon: the world building (I'm a sucker for apocalyptic-prophetic-chosen one stories), the monster hunting, the found family trope.

General prompts for this canon: Anything with curses, love spells, truth spells, monsters feeding on fears, doubts and lust which reveals their feelings. Something that makes it possible for them to see into each other thoughts, walk into each other dreams.

Abbie Mills/Jenny Mills: I like their complicated and co-dependent relationship (that's how I like all of my incest ships, really), so anything dealing with their complex relationship would be welcome.

Ichabod Crane/Nick Hawley: I like their bickering, and how they are so different from each other. But I see Hawley as someone lonely, who really wants to fit somewhere. Considering the finale, how about Ichabod going after Nick - searching for some weapon or just to distract himself from his grief - and doing a road trip? Bonus points if it's in Europe. (I know, the show is Sleepy Hollow-centric, but hey, that's why there is fanfic. :))

Ichabod Crane/Nick Hawley/Abbie Mills & Ichabod Crane/Abbie Mills/Jenny Mills: I love found familes and lonely, slightly broken people finding each other, so I'm all for these threesomes. The general prompts for these canon are welcome here. :)

The 100:

What I like about the canon: the world building (especially in s2, I loved all the different groups of survivors), CLARKE (she's everything I love in a female character, smart, compassionate, but fallible, determined, a little bit broken), the moral dilemmas they have to face to survive

Cage Wallace/Clarke Griffin: It's funny because they barely talked, but somehow the idea of their ship got stuck in my head, especially after seeing parallels between them. Both are trying to save their people and facing unthinkable decisions, which leads Cage to fire the missiles on their camp and (though mostly because of persuasion) Clarke letting them die and not evacuating. And after that Clarke decides to save their own people, damning everyone else in Mount Weather. I'd really like to see some canon divergence AU, where Cage makes it, and meets Clarke. They have to work together and see the other's perspective, forgive - or understand - each other and themselves.

Clarke Griffin/Maya Vie: The first episode of s2 totally sold me this ship, with Clarke pushing poor Maya against a wall. Yep, that was the spark for this ship. But I'd really would like to see some AU, where Clarke spends more time in Mount Weahter and she and Maya has to work together to escape or to organize a rebellion.

Bellamy Blake/Octavia Blake: Co-dependent siblings, yay. I don't have much of a prompt idea, but I'd love to see anything about them growing up, how they felt being the only ones with a sibling.


What I like about the canon: It's my new favorite show, and I know it's silly and campy, but it's nonetheless charming. I love the humor and banter, and of course Kirsten and Cameron's dynamic. Also, I like the residual emotions thing and how they are affecting Kirsten, who has no real concept of emotions.

Kirsten Clark/Cameron Goodkin: This is my newest ship, so that's why I can only squee about them. It only took one scene and I already shipped them, and ah, they even kissed in the first episode! So... I love the fact that Kirsten has problems with emotions, so sorting out any feelings about Cameron would be complicated and a little angst-filled. I love Cameron - the geeky sidekick/heroine is one of my favorite tropes, so this show is tailored for my tastes.

I'd like to see how residual emotions affect Kirsten and how she deduces from there that maybe she has feelings for Cameron. Cameron being protective, worried about Kirsten because of what happened to Marta. Cameron and Kirsten working undercover as a couple. If you are in a dark mood, you can write about Kirsten ending up like Marta (never mind that she woke up at the end of episode 3), so a sad fic about Kirsten unraveling would be also welcome. I'm interested in how the Stitchers program started and why Marta and Kirsten are special, (some experiment when they were kid, maybe?) so you could write about Cameron and Kirsten uncovering that mystery.


What I like about the canon: It's based on one of my favorite comics! (But don't worry the comic and the TV show has nothing in common, and I'm not a snob comic book fan, but if you can somehow slip in some reference to the comic books, that's a bonus.) I love the humor and Liv's relationship with everyone, and how each brain affects Liv.

Blaine DeBeers/Liv Moore: Maybe it's only because of David Anders (I'm a big fan of his since Alias), but I like his sleazebag of a character. It's not a lovely, healthy relationship, but a frenemy ship, so any of the darker prompts from my general likes could go here.

Clive Babineaux/Liv Moore: I like how easily Clive accepts Liv, even when she says she has visions, and it's sweet how he cares about her. So I'd like some fic where he finds out about Liv being a zombie, and doesn't freak out, like Peyton or Major. (I can't picture him doing that.) Or any kind of casefic would be wonderful.
Ravi Chakrabarti/Liv Moore: They are absolutely adorable together! I love how Ravi is excited about the whole zombie thing and doesn't think of it as something dangerous or big deal, though helps Liv not think about herself as a monster. Again, a slice-of-life or a casefic would be wonderful.
Clive Babineaux/Ravi Chakrabarti/Liv Moore: I love this crime solving threesome, any casefic, slife-of-life fic, Clive finding out about Liv would be awesome.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.:

What I like about the canon: a spy show! That's kinda it. Also the moral dilemmas,I like how the good guys aren't spotless and squeaky clean and they make mistakes.

Leo Fitz/Grant Ward: I loved this ship from the beginning - being my favorite type of dynamics (geek guy/action hero), so if you want to write something lighthearted, I'd be happy with some case where they have to work together. (Undercover as a couple is always welcome. :D) If you are into something dark and angsty, I'd like to see how they find common ground again or uneasy alliance (with feelings of course). If you are into something darker and twisted, how about Ward building up the new HYDRA, wanting a team and kidnaps Fitz. Brainwashing is optional, because I'm a terrible person.

Note: I can see all of the ships with Ward (and Ward himself) going either way - because the writers are just jumping around from idea to idea, too. So, if you want Ward redemption I'm okay with it. Uneasy alliances, being on opposite sides but pulled toward each other are also okay. Ward being obsessive, unhinged and full-on abusive/creepy and the main villain is also okay.

Leo Fitz/Jemma Simmons/Grant Ward: Adding Jemma to the above mentioned mix. Jemma going dark would be interesting, but Jemma finding herself again is also a welcome theme.

Sunil Bakshi/Jemma Simmons: I'm going to be honest, they didn't have many scenes, but that little sparked my interest. Give me anything about Bakshi's past - the little bit we learned, mostly from Bobbi suggests that he could have a heart, so he's a bit similar character to Ward. I'd be interested in some canon divergence AU where Jemma works for HYDRA in undercover a whole lot longer, so feelings could develop and double agent-y action could ensue. But again, anything from my darker general likes prompts could go here.

Note: I realize that Skye/Ward is/was canon, but apart from the necessary mentioning as one of Ward's past relationships, I wouldn't want to see them as a background ship.

Sunil Bakshi/Jemma Simmons/Grant Ward: Brainwashing, building up the new HYDRA, full on dark Jemma, HYDRA!Jemma AU, anything goes. Or redemption stories.


What I like about the canon: My first canon love ever! A spy show! A spy show with a badass female protagonist, who has sarcastic humor, who is a little bit - later a whole lot more - broken and fights nonetheless. Double agents, undercover works! Also, I've fallen in love with all the Rambaldi prophecy and mystical thing, I love the subtle supernatural elements.

Sydney Bristow/Julian Sark: They were my very first ship (besides my HP ones), and oh, God, I still love them after all this time. I love that Sark is a bit of obsessive about Sydney, and I like that Sydney is relentlessly still a good person no matter what happens to her - I think kinda that's one of the thing Sark likes about her. My favorite was season 3, where Sydney doesn't remember what happened to her, so you can write about Sydney having to work together with Sark to uncover that mystery. If you want, you can write about Sydney having to work together with Sark while undercover in the Covenant. Or a bit earlier when Sark joins SD-6. Darker tones, brainwashed Sydney are okay, as are redemption (or half-redemption :)) for Sark.

fandom: stitchers, language: english, fandom: sleepy hollow, fandom: alias, fandom: izombie, medium: letter, fandom: the 100, fandom: agents of shield

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