Alive and Kicking

Apr 14, 2009 15:44

Brick Lane
Originally uploaded by inkognitohI know I’ve become fairly slack at updating this site but it’s a combination of lack of internet access combined with lack of interest for writing about my life. That’s not to say that there is nothing to write about, just that I can’t be bothered doing so at the moment.

I’ve been pretty sick with a head cold, which wiped me out for a week or so, and although the symptoms are now weird and weak - dry, bloody nose and lethargy - they are still mildly persistent. Thank goodness the horrible, gluey, itchy ear thing seems to have passed.

I arrived back into civilisation from my Easter break to find a couple of seriously worried sounding messages from my parents because I hadn’t replied to an email they’d allegedly sent last week (or something) and I can’t tell you how utterly pissed off (in the teenage tantrum sense) I am with them over it. Of course, knowing they had me dead and mentally buried, I phoned them on arrival home in the wee hours of my morning. My father asked me five times if I was alright. After the fifth response, I gave him a short, sharp monologue on why this was not an okay way to behave to your daughter who will be 40 years old in four years and who you haven’t really had much contact with for the last ten years she’s been living in a foreign country. They irritate me so much because communication is their weak point and I have inherited that weak point from them.

If that wasn’t bad enough, my mum became positively ghoulish describing a fatal accident that happened to my sisters’, ex-husband’s brother (still following?). Anyway, I tuned out all the details about how onlookers watched and filmed his death until she started describing what there was/wasn’t left of him at the morgue. Really, last thing I wanted to hear at 2am after a long train journey.

p.s. it is seriously not okay to not know the exact time in the country your child has been living in for the past ten years, in this day and age, with resources such as the world wide effing web at your fingertips.

I think maybe I’m tired and don’t mean to take that out completely on my parents but I am 100% upset with their ‘we’re parents and we worry’ line. It always makes me feel like somehow I’ve misbehaved when in reality I was simply living my life.

:) Proper update to follow.


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