Jan 24, 2007 19:42
How To Take a History Exam:
1. Open paper.
2. Feel ridiculously jealous of the really cool and exciting topics other people get to do
3. Read questions
4. Read questions again, just in case they've miraculously changed
5. Pick the least agonising question, preferably not the one that just focusses on one stinking year.
6. Plan Essay: Remember, the plan is there for a reason. If you write "Stresa Front" in your plan, be sure to incorporate it into the essay itself, not shoehorn it in at the end because you forgot about it.
7. Write essay, remembering all the handy hints your teacher has given you. Like, "You're not telling a story, just make sure you get all the relevant information in" and "be sure to DEVELOP your argument" and "I marked you down because I didn't agree with you".
8. Don't panic
9. Try to avoid hand cramps by holding your pen like a normal human being and not a caveperson. If hand still cramps, bear in mind that whimpering isn't going to get you extra marks.
10. Close the paper and *headdesk* with all your might. Then exit the exam hall in an orderly fashion and cry a little bit with your equally stricken comrades.
11. Go back into school the next day and start a whole new topic.
So yes, I've bid farewell to Hitler and his shoddy foreign policy, (provided I passed) and can now look forward to months of studying the decline of the Liberal party in Britain (1900-1939), omg yay!