Monday Morning Whinges

Jan 22, 2007 17:38

My eyes hurt. They hurt lots.

So, the optician gave me this new lens solution since I am supposedly allergic to the old stuff. But the catch is, this new stuff has bleach in it, since it's not intelligent enough to tell bacteria from eye, and will attempt to kill both on contact. Luckily there's a bit of metal at the bottom of my new case to react and neutralise said bleach until it's nice, safe, friendly saline. Wore new lenses on Saturday night for the partying, and then spent Sunday without any in.

Ok, fastforward to this morning. I pop in my right eye, no problems. The left? Not so successful. I get one of those shock-through-the-eyeball flashes of monster-pain. This is not so unusual... I think if I blink enough I'll dislodge whatever horrible substance is causing the pain and I'll be fine.


Walking to school, I was still blinking through the pain, rubbing my eye to try and ease it (how clever am I?) and generally gritting my teeth, but by the time I get to school, it feels a bit better. My eyes are still watery, but all seems to be improving. HAHA. After sitting indoors for a while, the pain was fading in and out, and my eye was streaming quite freely. But, being the tough little trooper I am, I went straight on to French and proceeded to whimper, flinch and sob my way through fifty minutes of optical agony. Just as I was reaching my breaking point, the teacher said, "Are you ok?" and I was able to mumble something along the lines of "canigoandfixmylensitshurtingquiteabitthanks" and ran off to the toilets.

I got the lens out in the toilets but then realised with a growing sense of dread that I had neither case, solution or glasses. Oh, crap, I thought. What happens now? I decided I was being a total wet blanket and put the lens back in.

When I came back down off the ceiling, I decided I had been right the first time. -_-" Then I dropped the lens.*headsink* Left with no other options, I took out the other lens and went home to dunk my head in an eyebath and get my glasses.

Now my eyes are still all tender. But what's bothering me is that the right eye didn't go. Was it really the bleachy-solution that made the left hurt so damn much? Or did I do something really, really stupid that could have been avoided?

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