Hollie evacuatation in Jacksonville

Sep 10, 2005 17:24

From MsHollie's LiveJournal:

Camped out: Hurricane Katrina Checkin #3

Sep. 1st, 2005 at 5:42 PM

I ended up seeing a pdoc here in Jacksonville this afternoon because I was running low on my meds. He gave me enough for 2 weeks. I think the man felt sorry for me because I looked and acted like what I was: a refugee from the hurricane. Anyway, the pdoc was really sweet and gave me samples because "we don't want you to go through any additional hassles".

infrogmation has held up extremely well during everything. He's undergoing some added stress because his father underwent surgery this morning. The surgery was successful, and papa frog is recovering as well as can be expected. Poor froggy. I just want to scoop him up and cuddle him.

I'm bored. I'm tired of watching all the gloom and doom on the news. I just want to be able to go home to survey whatever damage has happened to my house. Not to knock the nice digs we have here in Jax, but I wonder if we have homes to return to.

At least I didn't have to hole up in the Dome--Super or Astro. I feel sorry for the poor people who have to shelter there.

I'm thinking about going to soak in the hot tub later on. Goddess knows I need it.

Mood: bored
Music:a vacuum cleaner in the hallway

Sunday Checkin: Day 7

Sep. 4th, 2005 at 10:09 AM

infrogmation paid me the sweetest compliment last night. He told me, "it's better dealing with this with you than without you." I thought that was nice. :)

Meanwhile, I was able to get to my websites without much hassle, so I'm getting the word out about the hurricane relief efforts and Miss CCNO's involvement.

Papa frog continues to improve day by day. He's guesstimating he'll be able to go home Thursday or so. I'm hearing that I'll be able to go home Monday to inspect the damage, but then I'll have to get back out. I'm not sure what we'll do once we leave Jax.

We're thinking of playing on the beach for about half a day, then going to visit St. Augustine for another day.

We're just taking things one day at a time.

Mood: calm
Music:the swimming pool outside


Sep. 5th, 2005 at 6:24 PM

infrogmation and I took a little respite from the hurricane/hospital/gloom and doom today and went down to St. Augustine. In some ways, it reminded me of the Quarter, pre-Katrina. Must be the Spanish colonial architecture. I bought a lovely white Battenburg lace/cutwork blouse and skirt, along with a bracelet made of mah jongg tiles, a frog pin (cutest thing!), and various other stuff. I got a cribbage set for papa frog.

Meanwhile, at the hospital, I met a really nice doctor named John Odell. It took me a few minutes to place his accent, but I did--South Africa. Turns out he is from Cape Town, a city I've heard a lot about and would like to visit someday. We talked for a few minutes about the Springboks, and he mentioned he had been watching the Tri-Nations with great interest. (I think Percy Montgomery, who plays for the Springboks, is a hottie.) Come to think of it, Dr. Odell isn't bad, either. :)

I had never seen an old Spanish fort before, so froggy and I took in the sights at Castillo de San Marcos, the old Spanish fort in St. Augustine. It was nice, and the ranger who guided the tour was rather shy and quiet. She was a knowledgeable guide, though.

We had lunch at the A1A Ale Works. I got buzzed on an orange blossom honey beer...which was interesting. I have never had orange blossom beer before. Frog got Porpoise Pale Ale. No actual porpoises were harmed in the making of the beer.

The owner of the batik gallery gave us a 10% discount on our clothes because we are hurricane survivors, and he is a NOLA expat.

I've been getting free breakfast at the hotel because I'm an evacuee.

Such is the news from Jax. We didn't go to the beach today because the weather didn't cooperate. We won't leave Florida without going to a beach first. I've got to try out my new swimsuit, after all.

Mood: refreshed
Music:WWOZ In Exile on the Internet

"No tall, dark Croatians here..."

Sep. 7th, 2005 at 10:42 PM

infrogmation is camped out at the hospital tonight. I'm here in the room by my little lonesome.

No tall, dark Croatians at this hospital. In my dreams. Right. Only on TV, and he's just eye candy anyway. :)

Well, I did meet an interesting doc from South Africa.

I want to go home, but I can't yet. The mayor is forcing people to evacuate NOLA. There's no power or water in my neighborhood that I know of, and I'm not allowed to return there to live. Yet. So here I am in exile, with my laptop, a nice net connection, a comfortable hotel room, a loaf of bread, a jug of wine, and froggy.

What more could I want?

Mood: sleepy
Music:my new iPod Shuffle

When the going gets tough...

Sep. 8th, 2005 at 7:27 AM

...the tough go shopping. And, the more depressed you are, the more expensive toys you buy. I must have been severely depressed yesterday. I bought a 1GB iPod Shuffle. It was just too damned cute. Well, I was also looking at the G4 Powerbooks, but didn't plunk down for that. Besides, froggy already has one that I use on occasion. It's sitting on the table right next to my Dell. We have to share a net connection here, though.

It looks like the sun may come out and cooperate today. Good. I'm tired of the rain. I want to go out to the beach. I don't want to leave Florida without going to a beach.

Papa frog had another surgery last night, this time to implant a pacemaker. It wasn't as involved as his last surgery, but it was important.

Ahhh, froggy just got back. I think I'll cuddle him.

Mood: awake
Music:the national anthem of South Africa


Sep. 9th, 2005 at 6:31 AM

Well, it looks like our stay here in Jax will come to an end soon. It will depend on when papa frog gets discharged from hospital--probably today or tomorrow. We will be heading west, most likely to Austin, and who knows how the net connection will be once we get there.

It's been real, folks.

I still want to get to a beach. We've got offers in Ft. Walton Beach for a night, and Cristina knows of some good beaches around there. tal_greywolf will try to persuade his roommate/landlord into letting us crash for a night.

We won't try to make Jax-to-Austin in a day, so we're looking for crash space along the way, probably in Monroe, where many of my Miss Louisiana friends are.

I want to go home. I can't. I'm tired of living out of a duffle bag and borrowed clothes. I want my own bed, my own shower and breakfast from my own fridge. I want to get meds from my own pdoc instead of having to rely on the kindness of strangers.

At least I have a home to return to. Others in NOLA aren't so lucky.

Mood: anxious
Music:froggy snoring in bed.

Road Trip Update

Sep. 9th, 2005 at 8:32 PM

tal_greywolf tells us that I-10/I-12 is open all the way. We can take I-12 to Baton Rouge and bypass NOLA. So, infrogmation and I are considering that. We've got logistics to work out, and it looks like we may be paying a call on Lezli and family. It'll be nice to see Alex again. :)

In other news, papa frog got discharged today. No more hospital, at least for a while. He has a clinic appointment Monday, but that's outpatient, so that's good. Mama frog is exhausted, poor dear. She needs sleeeeeeeeep. And a long lounge on the beach with a good book.

Meanwhile, I've developed terrible eczema patches on my skin. It comes naturally, since Lezli and Alex both have it, too. I'll just have to change my soap and use Aveeno lotion (I like the one with lavender and chamomile).

We're watching the History Channel because we've been oversaturated with hurricane news.

Of all the times to evacuate with froggy, and we end up with the Big One.

Mood: drained
Music:the History Channel

Beach Update

Sep. 10th, 2005 at 5:24 PM

Froggy and I went to Jacksonville Beach today. The sea was white with foam--sudsy beach! (God Bless America)We had a good time, and I got slightly sunburned. Yes, I used sunscreen.

We later went to eat at Brazil 360, a Brazilian restaurant. It seems that Jacksonville has a sizable Brazilian community, since they spoke nothing but Portuguese. Full account in infrogmation's journal.

We're trying to convince mama frog that she needs to take a little "me" time and not stress out about taking care of other people. She deserves it.

We're just going to kick back tonight and tomorrow--maybe play a little cribbage with papa frog if he's feeling up to it.

And so to Austin we go, but not before stopping in the Panhandle to visit with Cristina and tal_greywolf.

Mood: calm
Music:Mother Nature, "Ocean Waves"

evacucation, jacksonville, #3, mshollie, katrina

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