013; [fic: NwP] don't believe in silence (shuuji/akira; 50 sentences)

Nov 12, 2007 03:16


Title: don't believe in silence
Rating: PG-13 at the very most.
Pairing/Characters: Shuuji/Akira, sometimes Shuuji/Akira/Nobuta by proxy.
Disclaimer: These boys don't even exist in real life.
Notes: For 1sentence. A lot of these are Shuuji/Akira/Nobuta because it is impossible to write for the NwP fandom without this threesome.

1; walking.

Shuuji’s sometimes a little bit embarrassed to be seen walking with Akira: Akira walks like he’s about to trip, about to tip over, flailing his arms and constantly losing his balance.

2; waltz.

Akira grabs Nobuta around the waist when they see her again, finally, and draws her into an impromptu waltz right there in the train station; Shuuji’s quite amused to see Nobuta’s mortified face and silently mouths at her, this is what I had to put up with.

3; wishes.

“Make a wish,” Akira says enthusiastically as the clock hits 11:11 but before Shuuji can even say a word, Akira has his eyes tightly closed, mumbling something that sounds suspiciously like, “let me and Shuuji always be together,” and then waiting expectantly for Shuuji, who can only say that he had wished for the same thing.

4; wonder.

“I wonder if Nobuta misses me,” Akira says softly, eyes falling shut and Shuuji wants to shake him, wants to hold him, wants to tell him, of course she does, who wouldn’t?

5; worry.

“Stupid Shuuji-kun,” Akira breathes, arms circled firmly around a slightly uncomfortable Shuuji, “don’t ever get lost again.”

6; whimsy.

“Why are we always doing this,” Shuuji asks Nobuta (only, it’s not really a question), whose only answer is a shake of her head (she doesn’t know either) because this is Akira and there’s just something about him that neither Shuuji nor Nobuta can ever say no to.

7; waste/wasteland.

Shuuji’s not thinking properly when Akira leaves, doesn’t ask him to stay, doesn’t cry, doesn’t do any of the things he means; Shuuji thinks that if this is what it’s like to be in control, he’d rather be with Akira again than be king of his wasteland of a heart.

8; whiskey and rum.

Shuuji and Akira’s way of ‘drowning their sorrows’ involves copious amounts of alcohol which leads to drunken and incoherent text messages to Nobuta, whose only answer is, stop raiding Akira’s father’s wine cabinet.

9; war.

Shuuji can see the conflict in Akira’s eyes about leaving Nobuta for the second time and Shuuji doesn’t want him to choose, but all the same, please stay with me, he pleads.

10; weddings.

Akira receives an invitation to Nobuta’s wedding through the mail, a sticker of a pig stuck to the corner (that night, he cries, and Shuuji holds him close and pretends he doesn’t have tears running down his face as well).

11; birthday.

Nobuta comes to visit for all of their birthdays, so when it’s finally hers, they take the earliest train they can find, heads nodding on each other’s shoulders, just so they can be there to watch the sun rise with Nobuta.

12; blessing.

Shuuji’s pretty glad Akira’s father likes him.

13; bias.

“This tastes really good, ne,” Akira says, and smiles, biting again into the slightly burnt pie Shuuji had made for Nobuta’s birthday; Nobuta quietly agrees.

14; burning.

Shuuji’s afraid this is going to eat him up from the inside out or maybe burn a hole straight through his heart because it might just be the stupidest thing in the world to fall in love with your best friend.

15; breathing.

Akira can’t always sleep at night so instead he stays awake, counting breaths and feeling the arm he’s thrown across Shuuji’s waist move up and down, up and down.

16; breaking.

“I don’t know if I can do this,” Shuuji tells Akira after they first kiss, pupils dilated with worry and fear, “I don’t think I could break what we have with Nobuta, ever.”

17; belief.

Shuuji privately thinks Akira’s sort of gullible if he would really believe that drinking soy milk five times a day is all he needs for nutrition.

18; balloon.

When Akira sees the balloons, he wants one, he really wants one though all Shuuji can remember is the time he bought a balloon for Mariko that popped two days later (he hopes this one will never pop).

19; balcony.

The balcony at Akira’s new apartment isn’t the same as the roof.

20; bane.

Akira glares in what he hopes is an unsettling and intimidating manner at the little puppy (that Shuuji is currently holding and not Akira) Shuuji had found in front of their apartment.

21; quiet.

Shuuji’s wakes up early the morning after, slightly nervous about the very familiar half-naked body next to his until he tries to speak and a heavy arm shoots out of the blankets to settle around his waist, muttering, “go back to sleep.”

22; quirks.

“Kusano-kun sure is strange, huh,” their classmates laugh when Akira leaves tiny folded pigs in Shuuji’s desk or pressed between the pages of his textbook or in his shoes, always three at a time.

23; question.

Akira hesitates and looks at Shuuji, a question in his eyes, who answers with a roll of his eyes and holds his face in his hands, murmuring, “you’re too slow, Akira,” before pressing the barest hint of a kiss to his mouth.

24; quarrel.

Shuuji can’t stand fighting with Akira because Akira never fights back and though he doesn’t mean to, only makes Shuuji feel bad, even if it wasn’t his fault in the first place.

25; quitting.

Shuuji steps back, lets his hands fall from around Akira’s wrists, pushes Akira backwards and says softly, “I can’t do this anymore.”

26; jump.

Akira pushes Shuuji into the water with a wicked grin and jumps in right after him laughing at Nobuta who is smiling as Shuuji shakes the water out of his eyes and tackles Akira.

27; jester.

Shuuji’s really bad at making jokes but Akira likes him anyways.

28; jousting.

Akira doesn’t know a thing about history, so Shuuji finds it quite endearing to see Akira bent over his book on medieval Europe, scratching his nose and looking utterly confused.

29; jewel.

“The stars are like diamonds,” Nobuta says when she visits and Akira and Shuuji grin delightedly at each other, “we’re glad you like them,” they chorus.

30; just.

Akira’s a fair and thorough person; he presses a kiss to Shuuji’s right eyelid, then his left and works his way down to his mouth.

31; smirk.

Shuuji holds Akira to him closely and presses a long kiss to his mouth, always behind closed doors, always in the shadows because Shuuji doesn’t want to see their condescending smirks, doesn’t want to hear their spiteful whispers, wants to protect Akira - quirky, naïve Akira - from all the prejudices of the world.

32; sorrow.

Akira knows that Shuuji knows that he’s seen the picture and because both of them will never mention it, Akira will never know just how sorry Shuuji really is.

33; stupidity.

Akira’s not stupid, he isn’t, but that doesn’t explain why he knows he shouldn’t be doing this, shouldn’t be twining his fingers with Shuuji’s, shouldn’t be thinking Shuuji just may be the most important thing to him, shouldn’t be in love with his best friend and yet he’s doing it anyways.

34; serenade.

Shuuji falls asleep listening to the song Akira sang for Nobuta, and it’s stupid because he knows that it’s not for him and never will be for him.

35; sarcasm.

“I like Nobuta,” Akira tells Shuuji, a blinding smile on his lips and Shuuji resists the urge to say something sarcastic until - “but,” Akira continues, “I like Shuuji too.”

36; sordid.

Akira can’t help but entertain these thoughts: he wants Shuuji all to himself and he wants Nobuta all to himself; he’s so selfish and greedy and needy that sometimes he really hates himself.

37; soliloquy.

“When we die,” Akira speaks to an empty room, three wooden pigs his audience, “I want us to be together in every life after this one.”

38; sojourn.

They both know that this is going to be forever, that this isn’t just a temporary phase.

39; share.

Akira hates sharing most of the time but he doesn’t mind being selfless for Shuuji and Nobuta.

40; solitary.

For Shuuji, who has been alone for most of his life, Akira is like a star: one that is brilliantly bright and fills up so much of the empty space in his heart.

41; nowhere.

“This would go nowhere,” Shuuji tells him softly, “this would amount to nothing at all.”

42; neutral.

Shuuji doesn’t think he could ever make the choice Akira had to.

43; nuance.

The way Shuuji says his name is different from the way Nobuta says his name, all soft edges and rounded syllables as opposed to hard vowels and awkward mumbling.

44; near.

Shuuji would never tell anyone, not a soul, but he’s always afraid of his heart beating itself out of his chest anytime he is near Akira.

45; natural.

Shuuji thinks that Akira’s always been the one of their trio who has always stayed the same because he is just fine the way he is, albeit a bit strange.

46; horizon.

Akira loves the beach, loves the waves, loves the sun disappearing just under the horizon, loves this moment right now because Nobuta has a towel wrapped so tightly around herself, Akira is scared she might faint and Shuuji is chasing after him because he put a clam on his stomach.

47; valiant.

“He was so brave,” they’ll tell him, “he saved your life,” but Shuuji doesn’t want to live a life without Akira.

48; virtuous.

“You’re still a virgin,” Akira snickers but catches his breath when Shuuji runs a tongue along the lines of his neck and murmurs, “so are you.”

49; victory.

Whenever Akira thinks he’s gotten the better of Shuuji, Shuuji just grins and lets it slide; he likes seeing Akira’s happy face anyways.

50; defeat.

“I will always love Nobuta,” Akira says, and Shuuji is pretty sure his heart’s going to break until Akira concedes, “but I love Shuuji more.”

I feel so accomplished.

i feel accomplished, fic: nwp, 50 sentences, shuujiakira, fic, nobuta power!

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