011; guess i'll always be lying

Oct 28, 2007 15:22


Here be the meme results; I'll add to this as people request. Or as the first 15 request anyways.

1. ( pin; halloween costumes. ) -- for spurious
2. ryoda; your smile fits the curve of my mind.

You don't know what it is that starts it this time, you just knows it wasn't anything you initiated.

But one moment you're talking to Jin and the next moment Nishikido is sneering in your face, raising an eyebrow and making stray implications about your smile, of all things.

"Excuse me," you hear yourself say, stung, "do you have a problem? With my smile?"

He looks at you and smirks, "Well there's always something wrong with you."

Nishikido smiles then, a picture-perfect smile, and claps you heartily on your shoulder as if you are the best of friends. "See you, Jin!" He calls over his shoulder.

You turn around to see Jin looking from you to Nishikido's retreating back and back again. "Ne, Uebo," he whispers, "I think Ryo-chan really likes you."

- - -

It shouldn't bother you this much, it really shouldn't. But Nishikido's words don't stop repeating in your head as you walk your way home, and so you end up stretching your mouth in different directions, trying to imitate the many smiles of your friends. This earns you lots of questioning looks from the other passengers and a sore jaw.

You're home and you still don't know what exactly Nishikido had meant by his remarks. You look at yourself in the mirror and smile. The corners of your mouth turn up, hesitantly; you smile like you are afraid of showing your teeth.

Dismayed, you realize there just may be something wrong with your smile. You rarely smile like you are happy.

You spend the rest of the night in front of your mirror, poking at your cheeks, practicing.

- - -

The next day, you walk into work, darker than normal circles underneath your eyes, Jin's pair of oversized sunglasses perched on your nose.

"Jin," you whisper furtively, and tug on his sleeve. "Can you teach me how to smile?"

Jin looks around before looking at you and whispers back, "Ne, Tat-chan. Why?"

"Because." You mumble, not wanting to cite Nishikido as the real reason. "My photoshoots don't turn out good."

Jin laughs though, a silvery laugh and pats you on the shoulder. "Silly Uebo! Your smile is fine," and then throws you a smile of his own, bright like the sun and as beautiful as. Not fair, you want to argue. You are only saying that because yours is brighter than anyone else's.

Instead, you force a smile of your own, mumbling a quiet thanks. You turn to walk away but then Jin's warm fingers poke your cheeks, your sides, until you're laughing, until you're forgetting that you don't like your teeth, your gums.

You're breathless and maybe sort of intoxicated with Jin's smile before you stop and look at him. "Thanks," you really say this time (and mean it too!) and smiles.

"There we go," Jin says softly, and pats you on your head affectionately. "See, you do know how to smile."

- - -

Thus, you walk around the Jimusho now, smiling more, albeit still shyly. It does wonders for you, people smile at you more and you feel that maybe people respect you more than they ever have. The Juniors aren't quite so worried to talk to you anymore, and you find that when some of the more perverted senpai talk to you, they lean over quiet a bit more and touch your shoulder, your arm, sometimes your waist when they talk (which is also quite a bit more).

You're not sure if you should be disturbed greatly (by the last one) or slightly more grateful. (To Nishikido? Never.)

It does come, however, as a bit of a shock when you're talking to Takki-senpai (who, really, is only a bit older than you) and he's doing that whole leaning thing and then Nishikido walks by and hisses, "Slut," before disdainfully turning his head.

You gape after him, opening and closing your mouth. Takki-senpai does the same before looking at you apologetically. "Sorry," he says, "I heard from Yamapi you don't really like each other."

You shake your head, "No, I guess not."

- - -

"Excuse me," you whisper angrily to Nishikido when he has walked by you at least four times in the last week, each time calling you a different variation of the word, 'slut.'

"What," he says, and levels a glare at you.

"Why are you doing this?" You glare furiously back at him, trying to fight the angry redness already blotching your cheeks. "Why are you calling me...you know. What did I ever do to you?"

"Nothing," he says, and shrugs, "It's just that, you exist, you know?"

Stung, you try to swallow your tears for a second before stopping him again by stepping in front of him. Ignoring the slightly terrified looks of the Juniors trying to get around you into the dining room, you pull him off into the nearest dressing room you can find (it's NEWS' dressing room) and glare at Yamapi and Jin before they slink off, looking properly scared. Finally, you turn to face Nishikido, who is looking at you impassively.

"Why are you doing this?" You hiss again, "you never used to before."

He blinks, steps closer, one eyebrow raised. "What, you prefer being called donkey boy? Gackt fanboy? Fish lips?"

"No!" You almost scream, "stop it! Why can't you just. Why can't we just be civil? You were the one who told me that my smile sucked, and now when I change it, all you do is call me a slut! What the hell am I supposed to think?" You're breathing angrily through your nose when you finish your tirade and glare pointedly at him from under your eyebrows.

"When," he says, smirking, "did you start caring about what I tell you? When," he steps closer again, "did you ever care about a word I ever said to you?"

"Stupid," you almost shout. "Of course I would notice if you start calling me a slut when I'm just talking to Yamashita-kun and -- "

You stop abruptly when he raises a warm hand to place against your cheek, thumb smoothing away the frown lines between your eyebrows. You almost choke when he's suddenly leaning in, eyes dark, and blows a ticklish breath over your collarbone. You fight off a slightly nervous giggle in spite of yourself and bite your lip, feeling a smile come along.

"Come on," he breathes again, "smile for me. I think I deserve it."

"What," you choke out, "I don't. You. What are you doing, Nishikido?"

"I want you to smile," he enunciates carefully, slowly.

"Why?" You stutter, but the corners of your mouth are curling upward and you're not so much scared as you are amused.

"Because," he says, rolls his eyes. Leans forward and places his mouth hesitantly on yours, smiles against your mouth when you don't pull away. "I like your smile, I like the curve of your smile. Okay?"

"You're really bad at explaining," you whisper, but you smile, you smile because this just may be the strangest thing that's ever happened to you and it doesn't matter if it's a dream, it doesn't matter that you don't normally kiss boys, it doesn't matter that Nishikido's tracing your smile with his lips, it doesn't matter because that this is Nishikido, Nishikido Ryo, Ryo.

You're happy.
-- for jeauexe
3. ( akame; i woke up in my hotel room. ) -- for trangai
4. ( pin; midnight snacking. ) -- for 4_03_am
5. ( akame; one of three prompts. ) -- for tia_junan
6. kame/tamaki/jin/yamapi/ryo/ueda/kyouya/voldemort; i have no clue why i wrote this. -- for yuxo

"Blasphemous," Yamapi cries, looking wounded. He presses a hand to his heart and stares at the letter in his hand.

"I know, right," Jin cheers. "This is great! Now that Tamaki loves me, obviously it means Operation: Get Kame Back From That Stupid Half-Foreigner Who Thinks He's All That, Well You Know What, Blonde Hair Is Unattractive Anyways is working!!"

Yamapi takes one look at Jin's half-unbuttoned jeans, artfully torn shirt and Calvin Klein boxers poking out over his waistband and runs into the hallway, crying.

...Straight into Ryo, who then smirks and leads Yamapi into another room for 'consolation.'

The next few days are basically chaos, what with Kame trying to throw himself at Tamaki who is busy shouting indistinct but amorous French phrases at Jin who woefully tells all of his problems to a sniveling Yamapi who then runs crying to Ryo. When he's not busy making out with Ueda, that is.


Kyouya rubs his temples, decides he's getting a migraine and pulls out his phone. Pressing 5 on speed dial, he waits patiently until a voice hisses, "What do you want?"

Kyouya carefully outlines his objective, his demands and his payment. The voice on the other end agrees.

The next day, all of Kyouya's 'problems', namely Kame, Tamaki, Jin, Yamapi, Ryo and Ueda disappear. He shakes hands with a pale man who distinctly resembles a snake, smiles his businessman's smile. "Thank you."

"It was a pleasure," Lord Voldemort hisses imperiously and sweeps out.


Kyouya's problems vanish and turn up in some teenage girl's bedroom.

Jin blinks confusedly. "Where are we?" He asks Yamapi, who promptly starts crying again.

Ryo pets his head carefully and Ueda answers, "Canada, I think."

Something crashes near the doorway, and 6 very attractive heads turn to see a pale, stuttering Asian girl in the doorway, looking from the dropped glass at her feet to the 6 men in front of her.

"Hello!" Jin screams cheerfully, glad that he's allowed a chance to practice his English, finally. "How are you?"

The girl faints. Ryo pats her down, leering all the while and then pulls out a wallet.

"Yu-xi," he reads out loud. He frowns. "What the fuck?"
-- for yuxo
7. ( ryojin; ryo talks jin out of something stupid. ) -- for anamuan
8. ( akame?; kame fanboys miyavi, jin is Not Amused. ) -- for lilmatchgirl007
9. ryouchi/uchiryo; sharing clothes. -- for bloodybrilliant
10. ryoshige; because Ryo is human, too, (even though Shige sometimes forgets this)--and humans have feelings. -- for inkryo
11. ( kokijin; his chapstick tasted like coconuts and sugar, pina coladas. ) -- for anamuan (again! :D)

fic: je, pin, ryoda, i still owe a lot of fic, fic, hi i love prompts, meme results

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