019; the secret of life is...well the truth is, there is no secret.

Nov 28, 2007 21:15

PS. Amanda, you shouldn't read this because though it contains shiny, pretty boys in bands, they're not your sort of shiny, pretty boys in bands. :(

This entry is titled (informally), Why I Should Never Talk To Iso Ever Again. (Especially Not When I Have To Finish My je_holiday Fic And It Is Like. Two In The Morning. Yeah.)

pairing: Ohkura/Ryo/Tegoshi/Shige.
notes: The pairing's all you really need to know to realize that this is complete and utter fail. :) Also, I have no idea how to write Ohkura, sorry for any Ohkura-fans that I have probably deeply and terribly offended right about...now.

When Ryo walks into the NEWS dressing room, he does a double take, walks back out, looks at the nameplate and then walks back in again. He sputters confusedly, "What the hell are you doing here, Tacchon?"

Ohkura looks up placidly where he's busy playing a hand game with Tegoshi and Shige that involves a lot of complicated clapping and shrugs a shoulder, "Hey, Ryo-chan. I dunno, Tegoshi-kun wanted me to play a game with him."

Ryo stops glaring at Shige who is visibly shrinking into his chair in confusion and nods, as if it all makes sense. "Oh," he says simply, and pecks Tegoshi on the cheek. "Okay, have fun."

Shige glares at Ryo, "Not fair," he mutters, though not loud enough so Ryo can hear. Ohkura looks at him strangely and Tegoshi settles himself in Ohkura's lap.

"Ne, Tacchon, (I can call you that, right) we should all go out to eat someday!" Tegoshi beams and Shige can see Ohkura slowly nodding. "Yay!" Tegoshi cheers, and then loops an arm around Shige's shoulders so they're all pressed together in a strange sort of group huddle;
Shige whispers a quick apology when his mohawk pokes Ohkura's cheek and his nose connects with Ohkura's shoulder. "Ne, Tacchon, Shige, let's all be good friends, okay!"

Ryo, who is obviously feeling decidedly left out, leans over, sticks his face right in Shige's face, and maneuvers Tegoshi so he's sitting in Ryo's lap instead. Tegoshi blinks at the change of location, shrugs, and snuggles into Ryo instead. Ohkura looks lost for a second, but then seems to find a Tegoshi-substitute in Shige, who he throws a casual arm over and leans heavily against. Ryo has a strange look on his face, a cross between jealousy and desire that only makes him look extremely extremely angry.

Shige gulps slightly, shifts so that he's pressed a little closer to Ohkura, maybe Ryo won't hurt him if there's a risk of hurting Ohkura too? Shige hopes.

Tegoshi, however, pouts, "Ryo-tan," he complains, and it's obvious the lack of attention is causing Tegoshi to feel a bit left out. He tugs on Ryo's collar gently, until they're forehead to forehead and Ryo's stopped glaring at Shige, who has such a death grip on Ohkura that Shige's almost afraid of breaking something (if, you know, he wasn't too busy worrying about his life and whatnot).

Tegoshi presses a soft kiss to the corner of Ryo's mouth and giggles when Ryo lets out a breath that makes Tegoshi's hair flutter. "Yay, Ryo-tan!" He cheers. "Ryo-tan's so cool," Tegoshi says again, and winds his arms around Ryo's neck. Ryo smirks, looking extremely satisfied and Shige shrugs a shoulder before remembering that he's still basically connected at the hip with

"Er," he mumbles, flushing a bright red. "Sorry, Ohkura-kun."

Ohkura doesn't seem to mind so much, and smiles passively. "It's okay, Shige -- I can call you Shige, right -- I don't mind."

Shige then realizes a same sort of harmless self-centeredness in Ohkura that is also prevalent in Tegoshi and groans inwardly.

Ryo, who has been watching the two (while still being pampered by Tegoshi), finally sighs exasperatedly. "Tego-nyan," he asks Tegoshi nicely, "can you go occupy Tacchon's lap for a second?"

Tegoshi thinks for a second, then brightens. "Okay!" he says cheerfully. "Hi again, Tacchon," and beams, pressing a chaste kiss to Ohkura's cheek. Ohkura raises a hand to his cheek, surprised, but then shrugs, as if deciding it would be too much trouble to argue anyways. He smiles at Tegoshi and slings an arm around his waist, "How are you, Tegoshi-kun."

Shige recoils in his chair at the look on Ryo's face and curses the fact that Ohkura's no longer protecting him. Dammit, he curses inwardly, and casts a jealous look at where Tegoshi's busy telling Ohkura about his day and Ohkura's nodding, a lazy smile on his face.

"So, Shige," Shige hears and looks up at Ryo.

"Uhm." Shige stutters.

That's about as far as Shige gets though, because Ryo puts heavy hands on Shige's shoulders and nips at the inside of Shige's bottom lip. Shige winces and Ryo laughs, a ticklish feeling along the inside of his mouth. Tegoshi's stopped talking and looking on with mild interest, as if Ryo and Shige are merely a very interesting diversion. Then, he turns to Ohkura. "Ne, Tacchon!" He chirps brightly, and smiles his most dazzling smile. "Let's try that too, ne."

:| Sorry, guys.

Here, I'll make it up to you:
Funeral For A Friend - Walk Away
Brand New - Me Vs. Maradona Vs. Elvis

ohkura!, fic: je, i am susceptible to many things, fic, i don't sleep apparently

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