November & December Fic List

Jan 04, 2015 09:38

Any Age/Teen

Fic: Snowflakes and Cider.Harry/Hermione. Summary: Hermione is spending the holiday at Hogwarts
Fic: Sharing Memories.Sirius, Harry. Summary: Sirius is in his old bedroom staring at the ceiling when Harry finds him.
Fic: Anniversary Dance. Hermione/Ron. Summary: It’s their fiftieth anniversary. Bathilda Bagshot Bingo Challenge.
Fic: Maze. Pansy/Hermione. Summary: Pansy has good navigational skills
Fic: Remembering Fred. George, Oliver, Alicia, Angelina, Katie, Harry. Summary: It’s the day of Fred’s funeral
Fic: Camaraderie.Hermione, Michael Corner, Seamus. Summary: The Three Broomsticks is crowded when Hermione arrives for lunch. Bathilda Bagshot Bingo Challenge.
Fic: Just a Taste.Spike/Hermione. Summary: Hermione arrives home to find her flat invaded by a pest named Spike.
Fic: The Potions Tutor.Draco/Harry. Summary: Harry keeps getting distracted
Fic: A Quiet Moment.Neville/Hermione. Summary: The attention is stifling.
Fic: In the Woods.Rodolphus, Hermione. Summary: Rodolphus is in the woods
Fic: Hugs.Severus/Hagrid. Summary: Severus isn’t sure if death wouldn’t be an improvement
Fic: Lemons.Hermione/Loki. Summary: Hermione isn’t sure if she’s going to hex him or snog him
Fic: Unexpected Attraction.Bill/Hermione. Summary: It doesn’t happen gradually.
Fic: Nights.Remus/Sirius. Summary: Nights are the worst.
Fic: Someone Else’s Bed.Harry/Pansy. Summary: Pansy wakes up in someone else’s bed
Fic: Babysitting Duty.James/Scorpius. Summary: James is stuck on babysitting duty after switching nights with Albus
Fic: Special Negotiations.Hermione, Sam Wilson. Summary: Hermione Granger walks into a pub and meets...Sam Wilson
Fic: Visiting Hugo.Hermione, Hugo. Summary: Hermione visits Hugo. Bathilda Bagshot Bingo Challenge.
Fic: Temptation.Draco/Albus Severus. Summary: The boy is very tempting.
Fic: The Invitation.Hermione. Summary: The invitation brings back memories. Bathilda Bagshot Bingo Challenge.
Fic: Awakening.Rose/Scorpius. Summary: Rose knows what she has to do.
Fic: Another Bad Date.Hermione/Percy. Summary: The knock on his door at half-ten isn’t very surprising.
Fic: Holiday Moment.Blaise. Summary: A moment between a boy and his mother during Christmas holidays.
Fic: Moving On.Blaise/Hermione. Summary: It’s taken her time to realize that it’s okay to move on. Bathilda Bagshot Bingo Challenge.
Fic: A Special Gift.Rose/James. Summary: James gives Rose a special gift for Christmas
Fic: Fortunate.Draco/Hermione. Summary: Hermione’s never considered why Malfoy always happens to be around when she takes a lunch break.
Fic: Compatibility.Kingsley/Hermione. Summary: Hermione’s late night at work is interrupted by Kingsley.


Fic: Devotion.Bellatrix/Rodolphus. Summary: Bellatrix doesn’t flinch
Fic: Further Experimentation. Tonks/Remus/Hermione/Kingsley. Summary: Tonks arranges a couple of new research partners to assist Hermione in her research. Sequel to An Impasse.
Fic: My Special Boy.Draco/Rodolphus. Summary: Draco doesn’t want to be his uncle’s special boy
Fic: Consequences.Hermione/Ginny/Pansy. Summary: They both agreed without realizing the consequences.
Fic: The Center. Hermione/Draco, Hermione/Narcissa, Hermione/Lucius, Ginny/Carrows, Neville/Lestrange Brothers. Summary: The Center is formed after the war.
Fic: Product Testing.Fred/George. Summary: The twins get their new product wrong
Fic: The Hard Way.Hermione/Chris Argent. Summary: Hermione gets more than she bargained for when she agrees to help an old family friend of the Delacours.
Fic: Whisper.Blaise/Hermione. Summary: The room is too warm.
Fic: Knossos.Original Fic. Summary: When Maggie visits the archaeological site at Knossos, her excitement at visiting ancient ruins turns into horror as she finds herself unable to leave.
Fic: Lost in the Woods.Original Fic. Summary: When Karen answers a call about a missing camper, she doesn’t plan on getting lost nor does she expect to be found by a group of creatures unlike anything she’s ever seen.
Fic: Checkmate.Hugo/Harry. Summary: Hugo isn’t sure why Uncle Harry’s here, but he’s curious to find out.
Fic: Competitive Nature.Cormac/Hermione. Summary: Cormac and Hermione are both rather competitive, even when it comes to sex.
Fic: An Adventure.Hugo/Lily. Summary: Hugo doubts this is what Lily intended when she suggested they go on an adventure
Fic: For the Cause.Narcissa/Greyback. Summary: Voldemort forces Narcissa to prove her loyalty to the cause
Fic: We’ll Never Tell. Mundungus Fletcher/Molly II/Lucy/Audrey. Summary: Dung blames it all on Shackelbolt for recruiting him to be Father Christmas this holiday season. [Note: F-locked due to chan warning

Fic: A Surprise Visit.Ron/Scorpius. Summary: Ron receives a surprise visit at work
Fic: An Enjoyable Distraction.Ron/Scorpius. Summary: Ron can’t fix the situation with Rose, but he can provide an enjoyable distraction for his boy

Fic: Journalistic Integrity.Hugo/Rita Skeeter. Summary: Hugo’s reached a point where his tolerance of the freedom of the press has been exceeded.
Fic: Banking Business.Hugo/Narcissa, brief mention of Goblin/Narcissa. Summary: During his winter break from school, Hugo takes care of some banking business
Fic: Shenanigans.Hugo/Alicia. Summary: Hugo does a favor for Aunt Audrey
Fic: Something Special.Hugo/Hermione/Lily. Summary: Hugo has something special planned for his two favorite women on Christmas Eve
Fic: In the Garden.Hugo/Luna. Summary: Hugo follows Aunt Luna into the garden during a holiday party
Fic: Two of a Kind.Hugo/OFC, Hugo/OFC/Gabrielle. Summary: Hugo takes a train to the end of line to have dinner with Aunt Gabrielle
Fic: Another Satisfied Customer.Hugo/Penelope. Summary: Hugo meets a new client in Oxford.
Fic: Everybody’s Looking for Something.Hugo/Hannah/Neville. Summary: Uncle Neville has an unusual request for Hugo involving a special Valentine’s Day gift for Aunt Hannah

all my fanfiction, monthly fic list, 2014 fanfic

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