♥ I hope everyone had a great New Year's Eve! I had to work part of the day, then my coughing thing I've had going on a couple of weeks got pretty bad. I ended up in bed by like 10pm. I'm feeling better now, though, so yay for that!
♥ I should have known better than to get too excited about writing and fandom plans. At the moment, I ended up barely writing in December at all, and I have some RL/Work issues happening that are some stressful, which is making my muse take a vacation. I fear that I'm going to have to drop the prompts I chose at two different prompt fests, and I am trying not to get anxious about having to write something for
hp_3somes by the end of the month, as I don't want to drop that when I'm assigned someone specific. I don't feel as bad if it's just a prompt, but I don't want to let someone specific down, so I hope to find time next week to try to start writing something for that fest.
♥ The person who works my same assignment at the end of the week has had some health issues, and the powers that be have decided that I should be assigned to take over the tasks all week, so my schedule changes tomorrow to a mandatory overtime type thing where I work Mon-Fri indefinitely. The overtime is just moving from 36 hours/week to 40 hours/week, but it's going from four days off to two days off with commute time almost doubled (due to driving to downtown 5 days instead of 3) which adds an additional 2 hours to the 8 hour work day, and, yeah, there's also stress at work due to TPTB likely removing the other coworker from the assignment and passive-aggressive nonsense aimed my way despite me having nothing to do with it all. Needless to say, by the time I get home at night, I'll probably be trying to de-stress from that and not feeling like writing romantic porny anything. Sigh.
♥ The thing is, I'm actually okay with where I am mentally with writing. I feel like I probably could write something if I focused and really just let something talk, which is different than wanting to write but not having any ideas. It's not really a block so much as prioritizing everything I've got happening in life right now and writing taking a lower priority to other things. If I can at least get that fest fic written, I think I'd be totally fine with being able to write sometimes when I do get time without feeling obligated to spend what time I do have trying to write. If any of that makes sense. Besides, I'd already decided pre-work issues that 2015 was going to be the year I tried to focus more on original writing, and maybe this will give me a chance to do so if I don't have so much time for writing anyway.
♥ My mother, her best friend, my oldest younger brother, possibly my youngest brother, and I are tentatively making plans to save money to take a major vacation in April 2016 to Rome & Florence, Italy. It's in the major tentative planning stage, as we're first checking out the possible itineraries and budgets to determine if it's even doable, but I am looking forward to some planning. Of course, we'd love to do everything possible, but we'll probably only have about 13 days not including flight days, so we know we'll need to focus on our 'must do' things. Plus we'll be doing it on our own, can't speak Italian, and our only European travel has been to England, so I know the language thing might be an issue. Anyway, if anyone has been to Italy, lives there, or whatever, feel free to comment and give advice and input!
♥ I am going to get my December fic list (short as it is...sigh) together in a bit, I just realized I never did a November fic list either Gah! and I need to compile my 2014 fic list. I'm interested in seeing that, actually, as I know I've written a pretty interesting variety of stuff since coming back to fandom. Fandom has changed in some ways, some good and some I'm not so fond of, and it's been an odd experience returning, in a way. Can't really describe it so I don't even plan on trying. I love writing so much, and it's always nice when other people enjoy what you write, but it's also nice to write what you want (whether it's a ship, kink, or even a squick to just challenge yourself) and be content even if no one else does read. I feel pretty good to have reached the point where I can honestly say I've written stuff just for me and no/low/high comments doesn't impact my feelings about what I've written.
♥ Anyway, I hope all of you have an awesome and amazing 2015, personally/professionally/fandomly! Since I've written here that I probably won't be writing much at all in the near future as I adjust to the new schedule and longer hours unavailable every weekday, my muse will probably come back from her vacation with Hugo doing who knows what (side eyes them both) and prove me a liar. But, if she doesn't, just know that I am lurking around and will write whenever I get a chance. I'll also probably be more active on Tumblr during the busier times as it's easier to click a button to reblog something than it is to actually write words when you're tired/stressed.
♥ I miss seeing
tamlane around LJ. :(
♥ Love and hugs to all of you!!!!