* Finished my
hpvalensmut fic and have received it back from beta. Now, I just need to make the few edits, read it over again, and send it off. *dances* I really like it, though it's one that I'm not sure will be liked by others. I do think it fits the request and that the recipient should like it, which is what really matters. Whee.
* Over at
stoatshead_hill, Hermione's had some unexpected turns of event. Fun thing about RP is never quite knowing what to expect! She and Ron
had a fight that was really draining, not planned at all, but such fun to write. Huge kudos to our fabulous Ron player because he's just so IC and makes me want to smack him sometimes! *grin* Of course, the fight meant that Hermione wouldn't shut up last night so today she
made some changes. God, I love writing her in this game! *bounces*
* Am still dealing with bad cough and sneezing, but it has to get better soon, right?
* Weather is all wacky. Might have ice storm on Sunday/Monday, and they mention a possibility of losing power if the lines break etc. O_O *clings to 'net*
* Now that all my fic committments are met or given up, I'm free! Free of ficathons and exchanges! No more, says I and the muse. I can hopefully focus on the ABC Challenge now and start writing for fun and pleasure.
* Hope all of y'all have a great weekend!