* I managed to get an idea in mind for
hpvalensmut finally and wrote nearly 5,000 words today. O_O It's not done yet, of course, but OMG so glad to have something started even if it might be total crap!
* It's funny how a really, really bad characterization of a character you used to enjoy can make you just detest even seeing the name of said character. There's someone I used to enjoy but I've now had to endure various characterizations (in difference circumstances) that make me want to scream and spork my eyes out, and I realized while writing Valensmut today that said character has moved to my Blech list. Hmm.
* I am still sick. Coughing terribly with sore throat and barely being able to speak. Also quite tired and probably need a full night of just sleeping but can't do hacking cough. Bah.
* I wrote a ficlet yesterday that I really liked and, thankfully, the person it was for liked it, too. Not surprised that very few are reading it, of course, but it's nice to write again!
* Tonight is another episode of Top Chef. I'm also looking forward to Top Designer, which starts after Top Chef. *dances*
* Are there any Dean Thomas or Alastor Moody fans about? We could really use both at Stoatshead Hill, especially Dean! *loves Dean*
* Lots of love to
florahart and
seshat1* I should try to continue the momentum on my fic that I started today but I have RPs scheduled. RPs are fun, at least, so no complaints. Maybe I can work on it more tomorrow. *crosses fingers* I need to finish it and get it beta'd and turned in by like Monday. Way to wait until the last minute muse!
* Hope all of y'all are having a great week so far!