Mar 06, 2008 17:19
This has to be the worst week of my life.
So this morning my brother drove me to work. The road by my work is extremely icy, but it doesn't compare to the kennels driveway. It's terrible. The sewage drain pumps out water (and other nastiness) right onto the driveway. Therefore, in the winter it is extremely icey. We had to drive the truck since it's one of the only realiable vehicles we have. It doesn't have good traction to begin with but that shouldn't matter, right? Well, we're driving up the driveway and he starts slipping backwards towards a tree. I told him to stop before he did anymore damage and I'd get my employer to pull him out.
1) Negligence. The driveway is too icy. He knows this. It's been like this all winter. He said so himself. Easy fix #1: Salt. Sand. Easy fix #2: Scrape the driveway. He owns a bobcat.
Mike (my employer, not my brother) decides to pull my brother out backwards. BACKWARDS. This is never smart. Especially on an icy hill, in which you are pulling DOWN.
As I hear it (I was not there at the time, I had gone inside to help clean kennels), Mike was pulling my brother down the icy hill. The truck began to roll and my brother didn't hit the brakes and hit Mike's truck, damaging the bumper. Later, Dale goes to check Mike's truck and relays to me that there is no damage at all. Only one of the brackets popped off. Easy fix #3: Pop it back in. This pisses me off, because when Mike came back in, he started yelling at me.
"If anyone else get's stuck, tell them to fucking call AMA," he says (this is pretty much word for word). "I'm tired of having MY vehicle damaged pulling people out."
I asked what happened, and Mike says, "I pulled him out and he started to roll and hit my bumper." To that extent. I'm pretty sure there was more explicit words in there, and a mention of $800 worth of damage. I thought, oh shit. My poor brother. Obviously Mike can't ask for insurance or anything because it was on his driveway and we could turn it around and fuck him over.
The day goes by without anymore hitches (except for maybe Meghan being a cow and saying she was leaving early without consulting any of us).
Ashly comes in for the PM shift and I'm by myself and we were talking about, and she drops the bomb on me.
"There's no window left."
"A branch went through the window and there's nothing left."
Later, my brother explains to me how Mike was pulling him backwards, and BEFORE he hit Mike's bumper, my brother came very close to hitting the branch. At this point, he tries to stop and tell Mike to stop because he's DANGEROUSLY CLOSE to the branch (a very, very large branch, I might add.) He turned off the truck and wanted to get out, but he didn't have time because Mike yanked him AGAIN and sent him into the branch, destroying the driver's window. Afterwards, he slipped and hit Mike's bumper because he had turned OFF the vehicle and the brakes were pretty much useless since the vehicle was turned OFF.
Mike swore at my brother, probably scared (and pissed off) my brother, who then left. No one told me a TREE BRANCH had gone through the window, shattering glass all over my brother and almost came closer to IMPALING HIS HEAD.
Then Mike proceeds to yell at ME? About his BUMPER? That has practically no damage AT ALL? WTF?! Excuse me, boss, but what world are you living on? Planet Mike?
So I came home, FURIOUS. Absolutely fucking STEAMING. This was it. I'm not working for him ANYMORE. Not after this bullshit. Not after he almost hurt my brother and DIDN'T CARE EXCEPT THAT HIS PRECIOUS TRUCK WAS DAMAGED.
I called Nicole and left a message. "Nicole, I'm sorry but I can't come in tomorrow and I won't be coming in on Sunday either. I refuse to work for Mike anymore. Call me back, at xxx-xxxx."
She calls me back quick as you like and asks, "Jami, what's wrong?" I explain and she tries to convince me that Mike was just in one of his "heated" moods. Sorry, Nicole, but my brother was almost seriously injured and all he cared about was his truck, nevermind that it was his fault the driveway was the way it was. She then starts to cry. CRY. I thought at first she was just in her "exageration" mode, but she started to cry on the other side of the phone. "I don't want you to leave!" she says. "My ultrasound is tomorrow and there's no one else to come in for you and we need someone to do customers. I'm not going to risk the health of my baby for this shit. I might as well quit, too." I almost wanted to say, "Yes, do it!" But I didn't. She's crying and I feel terrible. I repeat that I'm sorry and that I'll call her back when I think some more. She offers to talk to Mike about it, but I told her to hold off, I might want to do that myself.
Now I'm stuck. I don't know if I should buck up and come in for at least tomorrow, or if I should just absolutely refuse. What do you do when you're in this situation? I don't want to leave Nicole stranded, but I do not want to even see Mike after what he did. I'm thinking I might be overreacting. I don't know.
But then again, the only reason Nicole burst into tears is because there is just no one else to cover my shift tomorrow and she has to go to the doctor and then there will be no one to do customers. Does she actually care about me or just the fact that I'm her stand-in and what if I'm not there to do her dirty work? Do I let her talk to Mike about it and see if we can settle it civilly? I don't want to go through this and have Mike somehow screw me over. He doesn't care about people, only money and I'm fairly sure he doesn't like me anyway.
I just don't know what to do and I have to figure it out by tonight. I can't just hide from this problem until it goes away.