Sitting alone, sipping twenty-one year old whisky and editing photos while rocking out with Pandora. I'm trying to wrap up spring's photoblitz before summer gets here. It seems that in orchid hunting, there's a richness of easy-to-find orchids in spring and summer, but there's this empty space in June where only really rare things flower. We haven't been so lucky finding them. But, rewind a month, and there's pink lady's slippers everywhere:
That's Cypripedium acaule, the most common orchid in New Jersey, which we found in (relative) abundance at the John A. Phillips preserve. The rest of the pictures from that trip are
here. I've also finished off a set from
Sourland Mountain preserve with fantastic Galearis spectabilis in bloom and Aplectrum hyemale with flower spikes. And, fresh off the press tonight, a few pictures from
Turkey Mountain that we visited with out of town guest
paper_crystals. My original plans were thwarted by roads still out from Hurricane Irene last year, but we managed to find a place with fantastic scenery, and I convinced her that I was, in fact, an orchid hunter by finding a single flowering Cypripedium acaule about a hundred feet off the trail.
In unrelated news, I learned today that
Baldur's Gate is being re-released. Count me excited.