(I think I remember a service called "Dream Journal" from ages ago.... so - Yume Journal instead!).
ANOTHER freaky "death and destruction" dream last night. I was going to post it this morning, but I got caught up in some tasks... Therefore, the details will probably be a little sketchy ^_^;
I was looking out the window in the living room of my home in Adrian. We weren't in the suburbia of Adrian, we were in the middle of farm land - and as I looked out the windows, I noticed a horribly dark and looming cloud in the distance. I turned on the TV and they were talking about the next Typhoon (an incredibly powerful storm that develops over land and moves out to the sea) that's heading in the direction of Adrian.
I started to freak out, but my dad told me to calm down and that he had known that the storm was heading our way for a while. My mom arrived home within a few minutes, and started helping me and my dad pack the SUV (a cheery red Jeep Liberty - which we don't own btw). We had packed the Jeep with everything we could find, including a really long surf board.
As we packed the storm started really picking up - it was too late to evacuate, so we gave up on packing the car. We brought everything into the house that we really wanted to save (and had put into the jeep) and barricaded ourselves into the center of the house, and waited for the storm to pass.
The wind whistled and the rain was leaking in from several of the windows - one or two of them even broke! But my parents, my pets, and I all survived the storm. Out side, there wasn't too much destruction - probably because there was only one house to be seen that was off in the distance.
Chicken n' A Biscuit? NOWAY!
Chicken - 0%
Biscuit - 0%
Cracker - 60%
Salty Seasoning - 40%
Not so "chicken n' a Biscuit..." - IMHO.
Hommmmmeeee Wooooorrrkkkkkkkkk
100% reading only...
~sigh, there's a lot of crap to read too... as well as write. I'm really dreading getting everything done... I've managed to do a decent amount of reading over the weekend so far, but I've still got a lot to do. I've read 2 out of the 6 chapters that I have to read for cultural diversity class, part of chapter 1 for my Active Directory class and I haven't even started on my reading for my Security class. Not to mention all those damn papers I still have to write... Two are due this week.
There's some issue with the temperature control of this room - it's alllways so very cold. I'm usually a guy who sits around in PJs and a white t-shirt all day... But, it's been so cold in this room that I get fully dressed (socks, jeans, white t-shirt, t-shirt, and a denim shirt to top it all off) to keep myself warm enough to live. And even then, it's cold if I walk out into the kitchen (where I usually take off the denim and put on a sweat shirt).
I guess it's a good thing that I'm wearing my socks though - with the 100% tile floor, it gets dirty pretty dang fast. Tim warrned me about living in a dorm that didn't have carpet... And I thought I would never do it, but it's one of those "I'll sacrafice X so I can live with the people I want to live with..." - it's getting a little annoying though. ^_^
Blogger = Spammer
I'm getting so spammed every day... I'm glad that blogger isn't configured to email the comments to me... But the thing is, they aren't "Hey, nice blog! Visit me too - URL" or something like that... Here's one that I got on my "Linux Mount Points" post...
Another Firing Over Blogging Bad About Employer
A marketing and public relations professional working for New York real estate firm Dwelling Quest was fired, according to her, for speaking ill of her firm on her blog.
I was looking for web site traffic information and found it at www.web[URL_REMOVED]pages.com - it was easy!
There are so many others like that on there... I'm going to have to set up filtering or adjust who is allowed to comment on my blog... It's kind of sad. I'm glad I've never had that much trouble at LJ - if it had happened, I probably wouldn't have stayed around.
On a side note - ICQ is being stupid, so I've just shut it down for now... Kopete keeps giving me an "ICQ has disconnected" error messages, but it still looks like I'm online... So, for now, I've just disconnected ICQ... Maybe it's just a stupid thing that'll go away with an update to Kopete or something.