Random Subject I

Aug 30, 2008 12:00

Basically, I sometimes just write about random stuff when I'm bored. Now I'm going to make it more into a habit and post it here.

I wish to write something with a philosophical "ring" to it...but I find it hard for some reason. (Maybe it's because I always have the feeling that its been discussed before.)

I actually prefer if people asked philosophical questions that I could answer.

Yet I think I'm confusing the term "philosophical questions" with what I really want to ask and answer.

My interests have always been in human behavior in social contexts and societal behaviors/trends.

One thing that burns into my mind is the concepts of relationships between people.

I feel that sometimes it's quite easy to predict when people will break up. Actually, most (in a relationship) will break up eventually unless, due to the conceits of capitalism, there's a monetary incentive (it could be unequal or equal, really) to continue a "loving relationship".

Many people like to dream about "true love" and all sorts of rubbish but it seems that's all bs or "extremely difficult to find".

However, in comparison, a somewhat similar relationship called friendship seems, in general-usually, to last.


One idea I have was that friendships usually had little to no "expectations" projected unto another and has a more casual attitude to it. I think love relationships are however fraught with "expectations" of one another and the enforcment is attempted in the name of "we, us, etc." There's also, among some, more preocupations, whether it be of formalities, petty jealousy, etc.

There are also other reasons such as that people get into these relationships without knowing the person very very well. Another one, which is quite cruel, is that a person thinks he "has a shot" with another and thus breaks up so to be with this other person. I actually see that happen (probably twice too) and usually it's because the other person is more "promiscous."

However, I'm more inclined that there are even more reasons and patterns. Personally, I would like to study this kind of stuff via naturalistic observation.

What about those newer relationship patterns like "friends with benefits" and "fuck buddies"?

I don't know because I never seen people ever be in that kind of relationships per se.

Actually I was a while ago thinking about "tomboys" (although this term doesn't really convey what I want exactly...maybe I'll use a more scientific term: heterosocial females. Girls who prefer to befriend guys and share certain mannerisms/attitudes/likes that guys usually have.) and I think I never meet one in person (although I've meet, and "befriended", one while playing an online game...).

I bet I was thinking of this while in a larger wavelenght of thought called "What kind of qualities would you like in a girlfriend?"

That question is today a very "myspace question," probably with pre-made bulletin surveys and such; probably it was a "writer's block" question in LJ.

But I never answered it so I'll give it a shot:

I probably prefer a "heterosocial" girl who can be "one with the guys" but not have the "negative guy characterisitcs" and with an intellectual apptitude of sorts (not the pseudo-intellectual type of stuff though...but that's hard to define. In simple terms I say one who doesn't like philosophy/a-priori mysticism but likes soft sciences like psychology, sociology, etc). Someone preferably with light eyes, especially green.
MUST have the opposite personality of mine, opposite of reserved, quiet, serious etc. I would like someone funny, brave, outgoing, adventurous, yet laid-back and irreverent in a sense (not preocupied with petty jealousy, formalities, etc. Carefree might be a better word to describe this). However, the person should have some of my "perspective" like being a realist yet mostly optimistic (since I'm a realist but I'm mostly a cynic; i.e. I usually focus on the bad possibilities of a situation instead of the good possibilites.) Also this person must bring out the "best in me" (i.e. have the touch of making me act the opposite of the negative parts of my personality). Personally, I don't care if they're liberal and not as left as I am but they must be open to accept that difference. I like a person who can be a great listener, and question-asker, when I get the urge to "lecture" yet does most of the talking. On a less serious note, I prefer if this girl was a bisexual and I would let her have her own girlfriend on the side (Polyamory FTW) and even better if everyone was ok with a threeway (2 girls, 1 guy). Lastly, the person must be either an agnostic or an atheist.

I think that covers it...maybe.

heterosocial, random subject, preferences in a girl, tomboy, people

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