My internet connection is driving me crazy today. My cable connection is working about as fast as a dial-up for some reason. All day! Gah!
I had a guitar lesson today and got to learn some Rolling Stones, Eric Clapton (Cocaine!) and Cream today. Loved it! Playing Sam Scott's Thingy got a bit easier, too. Big thanks to him for providing the music for the song to me.
I came across
this picture of Age Pryor today in the Flickr Wellington photo group. It's from his CD release party the other night for his new album, Shanks' Pony. I get a kick out of the photo, because I can't help but think that he looks like Paul Reuben in Buffy The Vampire Slayer! Eh Eh Eh! hee!
Dinner tonight was really good. I had broccolini and scallops wrapped in bacon. The scallops were first marinated in a mixture of lime juice, soy sauce, ground ginger, honey and olive oil. Very tasty. Definitely something to do again. We tried the scallops wrapped in bacon last summer on the grill, but the bacon burned and the scallops were still raw. Tonight, I broiled them and they worked out much better.