May 31, 2005 06:36
im updating at an ungodly hour of the day. an hour i might see only twice between june 27 and september whenever. and that would be for like six flags or something. anyways, i had this dire urge to update. dont ask me why. nothing about spilling my guts and my emotions onto a computer screen for the world to see is really exciting. i guess i just kinda wanna lighten the mood of my journal. my last entry was desperately yearning some love.
ok, so ill just start out by saying saturday sucked ass. but you know that. sunday sucked too, but fuck sunday, sundays always suck.
however. sunday was my day to see mike come home. i was a little bit disappointed that he wasnt coming home at his usual time, but it ended up being ok, because i was wrapped up in my sunday night law&order rerun marathon.*nerd*.anywho, he was on his way home at like 10 and im sitting there with my big wide-eyed face, concentrating on the show, when mom yelled up the stairs "bridget!!(you all know that voice) he's here". i had no idea wtf she was talking about. so i came down. he was standing in the doorway waiting for a hug. a car full of girl urging him on in the background to gimme a kiss. it was so cute. im proud to say it was all his idea to come see me on the way home, even tho his dad said no. hahaha the things that put me on cloud nine. im so retarded.
monday, well...let me tell you about monday. the parade munched some serious cock. abuot ten ppl passed out, and i was going to be next. but i was alright. i went home, and at about 1 mike's dad picked me up and we were off to the train station. our destination: boston. woot. so we get there, go to newbury street. condomworld wouldnt let us in. >.< .so i went to newbury comics and bought myself some leg warmers.hehe. then we mosied our way around town. then i broke down. i still dont know why. all i know is i feel horrible about it. some guy scared the shit out of me by almost hitting us. that triggered it. i pretty much ruined everything right there. i flipped out at mike for nothing. he felt like a tool. i couldnt take back anything id said because i hadnt said anything logical. i hope he forgives me. we got to fire&ice, our original destination. that place was so cool. he got to show me the ropes and we had three dinners each. it was so much fun. we had a ton of time to spare between the train and dinner, so we just strolled around and tried to make sense of our rediculous map. it was a blast. the ride home was relaxing, except they didnt announce the stops, nor could i see out the window so i had to count. it stunk. but it turned out fine in the end. i had a great time. eeey i cant wait to do it again. ive never been in teh hancock building and aparently thats a big to-do, so i gotta see that. and i wanna go to Quincy Market. whew. it made it so nice that it was mike and i lost in the city. it made it that much more fun. haha.
ok, so i dno what time this things gonna show, because i entered it way after 630 this morning. but whatever. its all good. im happy. i think thats what matters right now. :)
spent today (tuesday) watching Braveheart and thinking it was a white day and a monday. cool beans.
goodnight everyone.