This is the stuff I can't put on Facebook

Aug 05, 2011 11:16

Hello LJ,

It's been a while. Do any of you still come here? I know I don't, but I have decided to try this again. Simply because there are just things you can't put on Facebook without sounding like a massive douche. That and I actually have command of the English language and would like to write down my thoughts in more than 350 characters.

I just sent this follow up email to someone who owes us money.

Hello Deena,

It has been 2 weeks since I last followed up with you and I have yet to receive a response. If you are not the right person to contact, I would appreciate it if you could let me know who can help me. I have been following up with your company since June.

Thank you.


Hey Dick,

Please stop being a dick. I am not going away, you asshole.

Fuck you.



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