September Newsletter - with spanking new NAME & BANNER!!!

Sep 03, 2006 13:09

Your Monthly Update for Fiery Inception

September 2006 Issue


Hogsmeade Carnival

August 26 through 29th

By far our longest event so far at FI, the carnival spanned four days in the game world, three of which were played out on the boards, and included the carnival itself ( Day One, Day Two, and Day Three), a gala ball, an exhibition Quidditch Match, and tours of Hogwarts ( Day One, Day Two, and Day Three). Big announcements were made regarding the restructuring of Hogwarts Sorting System and Quidditch Program at the ball, so be sure to read up on that intro thread if you haven't already! Although the carnival itself is over, playing it out is far from seeing its end. All the threads are still very active and undoubtedly will be for some time, so if you haven't gotten your character(s) into the action yet, don't think it's too late!

Q is for Quidditch

Quidditch was the word of the month for August. With Quality Quidditch Supplies announcing the winners of their Ticket Giveaway, many of the characters had reason to go to professional Quidditch matches for the first time or the first time in a long time. Including one Saviour of the Wizarding World, Harry Potter, who's sighting has led to unsubstantiated rumours (as of yet) that he may be taking over the Seeker position on the Tutshill Tornados. A special thanks to Chelle for organizing the giveaway and to Fuji, who runs and manages anything Quidditch related for FI (including the match scores, teams, and locations). These two gals, along with Cate and Miranda (who play pro Quidditch player characters, Oliver Wood and Katie Bell), have managed to create quite the stir at FI for our favorite sport with the upcoming playoffs and the close of the season! Kudos to you all and keep up the good work!

Publishing as a Past-Time

As soon as the admin team opened up the option to pen articles for any number of the wizarding world publications, you, our players, took to it with gusto. We had to actually space some of the articles out since we received numerous submissions almost immediately. Some player written and submitted headlines included:

Our Saviour's Private Refuge or Love Shack? - Witch Weekly (written by Alex - Hermione)

Top Ten Most Eligible Bachelors of the Wizarding World! - Witch Weekly (written by Cate - Oliver/Lavender) Which has taken on a life of it's own and spurned some rather impressive products by an infamous red haired duo.

Hermione's Baby - The Daily Prophet Society Page (written by Cate - Oliver/Lavender)

Remember, this is a permanent addition to FI. You can pen articles for any of the IC publications or any not mentioned in canon that could possibly exist. This is not limited to your character either. Adopt a pen name and take on an NPC journalist. If you feel your character has done something news worthy, write it up and submit it! If you feel another character has done something especially scandalous or praise worthy, be sure to get their player's permission before writing or submitting anything for publication. Email any articles to the admin team at and be sure to include what publication you want it to be published in.

Business is Booming!

New and old businesses are opening or reopening their doors throughout Hogsmeade all the time. This month, Ollivander's brought the fine art of wandcraft back to the wizarding world, with his new apprentice, Lavender Brown.

Things That Go Bump In The Night

Each full moon, the werewolves come out to play...or, the nice ones stay locked away in Snape's basement under Ministry watch. Fenrir made an appearance once again, this time taking with him a victim (or hostage?). Due to the fact the young man wasn't blessed with red hair, the Minister called off his watchdogs on the Weasleys and Spinner's End. Fenrir's next move is anyone's guess...

And that, our dear players, was August for a rather large nutshell.


The biggest thing going on in September is the reopening of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Hogwarts' reopening and functioning is important to the Wizarding World as the primary source of secondary education, and therefore will have occasional 'news' bits and the like. However, we will not be playing out 'classes' or the like, so whether or not your character has direct contact with the school is up to you, and does not need to affect game-activity as a whole. The game will not be 'Hogwarts Centric' even after the school opens - a teaching position is a 'job' like any other 'job' within our game-confines. Don't have your character out in Diagon Alley if he/she is supposed to be teaching class at that time, etc.

Classes begin tomorrow, Monday, September 4ht...remember that there are quite a few teaching and teaching assistant positions open if your characters are interested. Owl Headmistress McGonagall for further information. Although we are not playing out the day to day runnings of Hogwarts within the game, some important dates to keep in mind include:

Friday, September 1st: Students Arrived via Hogwarts Express, First EVER Sorting ceremony of FIFTH year students was conducted at the feast that night.

Sunday, September 3rd: All professors and teaching assistants should be moved into the castle no later than today.

Monday, September 4th: First day of classes! Remember, if your character is a professor or teaching assistant, keep class schedules in mind when placing your character for other threads. No nooners at The Leaky unless you want to brave the wrath of the Headmistress!


September 1 - Hogwarts Express departs from Platform 9 3/4 to Hogwarts! Sorting Ceremony for Fifth Years that night.

September 4 - First Day of Classes at Hogwarts

September 13 - Full Moon

September 19 - Lucius Malfoy's Birthday

September 19 - Hermione Granger's Birthday


Theodore Nott's Birthday - October 29, 1980

Molly Weasley's Birthday - October 30, 1950

HALLOWEEN - October 31st (Plans in the works and TBA)


Most Recent Pimping Topics:

In the Out of Character Community.

And in the Lurker Community.

Discussion of the Character of the Month idea can be found here in The Lurker Comm. Be sure to put in your two sickles if we want this idea to become reality in the near future.

Courtesy of yours truly and Brig's recent birthday, we now have a cast photo! Be warned, the link is graphics heavy for those of you with slower connections.


Poll results are in and the FI Newsletter has been graced with a new name...Fiery Perception! (Congrats to Cate for having the winning suggestion! Um...she wins...all our love and admiration?) I've worked up the new banner for this lovely little publication of ours - hope you all like it.

The New Synopsis Format - We asked, you answered, we have come up with something hopefully better and more workable for everyone. The new format is now in affect with new Synopses posted ever two weeks.

The tag system has recently been revamped and reorganized (thanks to JL and lisa for all their hard work on this). Please be sure to ADD YOUR OWN TAGS to the threads your characters are in - character, publication, status, location, etc! Anyone can add tags! Ping an admin member once your thread is complete and you need the incompete tag removed. Otherwise, you are responsible for tagging your threads! Thanks!

Help Pimp Your Game! We're always looking for new players to join our RP family here at FI. Instructions on how you can help with this can be found here.

Character-player News:

The character of Ginny Weasley has recently become available once again. Please note that this character is 'reserved' for new players before she will be opened up as a possible second character to current players. Please encourage anyone you might know in any of your other fandoms or games who you think might make a good Ginny here at FI to apply. DIscussion of what we are looking for in a potential Ginny can be found here for reference. Other characters we are currently, actively recruiting for are Lucius Malfoy and Arthur Weasley.

Many of our players are returning or have returned to their busy lives as students as we watch the summer season come to a close. We, as an admin team, are well aware of the decrease in play time that goes along with this shift in priorities and life. The game will continue to march on, but please be considerate of your fellow players who now have class and homework to juggle as well as RP time. And GOOD LUCK to all you first time university and returning students! Have a fabulous and fun filled academic year!

Note: We don't have an official list of player birthdays and important dates, but if you have one coming up, please feel free to ping Tiffany with it so we can include it in future Newsletter announcements!

Open Threads and Underutilized Plots in the game:

This has been vastly under-exploited. Just for the new folks who don't know, the original Quidditch announcement can be found here with more detailed team-schedules and things here. Playoff tickets are also now available! Information can be found here.

A whole bunch of 'Open to anyone' threads can be found here, with plenty of variety of things to do and 'places to go'.

Also, be sure to utilize the OOC community. Plenty of players are 'up' for plotting and have posted in OOC with interest in coming up with new things. Start pinging other players, replying to these OOC threads, get those brains working and see what you can come up with. Sometimes the best plots are the ones that are off the cuff and spur of the moment creations.

Note: For future installments of this newsletter, if you have a character plot going into affect during an upcoming month, feel free to email the admin team at with a brief plot summary before the 1st of that month and we’ll include it in that edition of the newsletter.

game news, admin announcement, plot activity news, newsletter

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