Quidditch Alumni Match (BACKDATED)

Aug 28, 2006 22:50

Date: August 27th
Time: Afternoon
Location: Hogwarts' Brand New Quidditch Pitch
Characters Involved: Oliver, "God Moded": Katie, Charlie, George, Fred, Draco, Harry, Adrian, Montague, Lisa and NPCs Aladair, Joey, Beverly, Gweong
Rating: PG

The Quidditch match had begun. There had been plenty of fanfare and the new pitch was more than completely full. People had even begun spreading out blankets on the floor, using special wizarding binoculars to get a good view even from down there. No witch wanted to miss this match, not with six of the top 10 Bachelors going at it against each other.

The crowds went wild when the fourteen players entered the field on their brooms. Oliver’s team got the first two goals - the first by Montague and the second by Aladair. Katie and Gwenog had excellent team work going on - but Beater Joey from the Cannons was getting along great with Fred. The bludger almost knocked Katie off her broom, but she managed to get a goal past Oliver who had been trusting Fred’s skills to do the job.

The third goal went to Adrian. It was now 30 to 10, Oliver’s team winning. Oliver was still in a good mood, but he was barking orders at Harry who didn’t seem to be doing as well as he had done at the practice. Harry’s flying was off, he didn’t seem into the game. Not good enough for Wood, not at all.

Katie’s Seeker, Draco, wasn’t doing very well either. He seemed to be simply enjoying a fly, swooping around here and there as though he was trying to give half a care.

Oliver’s yelling about how a Quidditch match wasn’t a bloody tea party kept him distracted and both Lisa and Gweong managed to get a goal on him. 30 to 30.

Montague took possession of one of the Quaffles, driving it straight towards the opposite rings. He made it in, earning dirty looks from Beverly who was not at all happy to be losing against Oliver’s team. As soon as he could, Aladair was back with Quaffle in hand and did a fantastic fake out, having learned what worked against Beverly at an earlier match.

It was odd to have the twins against each other, but they didn’t hold themselves back. Joey knicked Gweong’s broom pretty well, and Fred got a great knock at Beverly, almost tossing her from her broom. George, probably glad to finally have a chance to do it after all of his domineering coaching, almost got Oliver in the head but the pro-player managed to zoom away just in time, but not without shouting out a few choice words at his ex-teammate.

Draco seemed to get more into the game when the score was at 50 to 30, his team losing, but still seemed off enough on his game that both Katie and Beverly were exchanging worried glances. Oliver gave his attention to Harry long enough for Lisa to get a goal in, and then blamed Harry for taking his attention away. When he was blaming Harry, Katie got a goal in. 50 to 50.

Charlie seemed to be most focused on getting Adrian for some reason. Adrian couldn’t keep the quaffle long enough without a bludger hitting him to score another goal.

Wood was furious and shouting out at Fred and Joey to stop being gentlemen and knock the ladies off their brooms. It wasn’t really necessary because both guys were quite keen to win - though not as keen as Oliver was. No one wanted to win this match more than him.

Aladair got another two goals in, grinning smugley at Montague. Adrian did a good try, but it was blocked by Beverly. Lisa and Katie were both doing their best to get goals across Oliver, but Oliver had abandoned his yelling at Harry for fear he’d let another goal in. He was back to his professionalism, guarding the goals as though they were his daughter’s life. He wasn’t going to let another in. 70 to 50.

Joey got a good smack on Beverly’s leg, and a time out was called so that she could be tended to by the medics. By the time everyone was back in the air, Montague was doing better than before and got another two goals on Beverly. Oliver was beaming with pride now. They were almost double the score of the Harp-No, not the Harpies, team two. It was hard for him to forget that this wasn’t a pro match when he was watching half the Harpies team fly around in uniforms that were mostly purple.

Adrian finally managed to get back George and Charlie’s bludgers, and the bludger meant for him pounded against the goal hoop as the Quaffle made it in. In the euphoria of finally getting double the other team’s score, 100 to 50, there was a sudden woosh down at the other end of the field, above the player’s heads.

The snitch had been spotted. Screams rang out through the crowd. Everything was going so fast. Draco and Harry both zooming - but Draco had spotted it first. Harry wasn’t going to be able to catch up, and -

Oliver didn’t even notice Lisa score on him. He was confused, thirty minutes later, to learn that the final score was 100 to 210. His mouth had dropped open. Since when did Harry not get the snitch? Harry bloody Potter.

While everyone else hit the showers, Oliver was found hitting Harry with his broom. Viktor Krum pulled him off the younger player, and Oliver tried to drown himself, as he had often done before, in the showers.

character: katie bell, status: complete, character: oliver wood, character: adrian pucey, character: lisa turpin, character: harry potter, event: carnival, location: hogwarts, event: quidditch match, character: charlie weasley, character: george weasley, character: draco malfoy, character: fred weasley, character: montague morsus

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