A Mid-Month Update on 'what is going on here'?

Jul 16, 2006 14:15

Hello Again Everyone!

We've had so many new characters and so much activity on the game lately - Yay! - but this does make it so that the game friends-pages are moving quickly and some 'game wide' and 'open' things are not getting the attention they deserve. I'm sending this email and also posting it on the OoC community so everyone can have a chance to get involved in whatever they might be 'missing'.

Journal Entries Reminder:

Please remember that Journal entries not marked as "Private" can be viewed by anyone. Please take advantage of this! For some of our very new players, an accidental 'public' journal entry is one of the easiest ways for them to become 'reacquainted' with their former friends/schoolmates and/or make new acquaintences! Corny, sure, but easy, and helps our newbies get a jump-start in the game. Please take the time to read these public entries and respond to them if it would be in-character for your character to do so!

Newbies - please remember this goes both ways. ;) Your character may respond to any public entries, too! Sometimes a good 'argument' is a great way to get going! *grin*

Order of the Phoenix:

A meeting is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, the 18th, at Hogwarts, at 1:00 p.m. If your character was a member of the Order, either in Canon or in your application, you are 'invited'. Order Members may bring one guest whom they trust implicitly. This is not going to be a 'top secret' sort of meeting, so it is a good opportunity for 'recruitment'. If your character is not a Member of the Order, but you think he/she could/should be, start finding your fellow players with whom your character interacts and arrange to be invited.

(No, Bellatrix, Severus will not invite you no matter how nicely you ask!)

The 'RSVP' post regarding this meeting is found here:


This has been so vastly under-exploited, and I honestly don't quite know why. Just for the new folks who don't know, the original Quidditch announcement can be found here:
With other team schedules and things found here:

Fuji, who plays Seamus, has gone to a great deal of detail, time and effort to make this as realistic as possible, and even has things worked out like special reports that ticket-holders would receive that others do not and things, which has not had to be utilised because no one has bought tickets! heh. Obviously, it just isn't "in character" for some people to go to quidditch games, but there should be lots of Quidditch potentials out there, and there are several games every week.

Quality Quidditch Supplies is running a 'Drawing' for Quidditch Tickets, here:

Random 'open' threads and topics in-game:
Oliver Wood is looking for child-care for his daughter, here:

Various Admin Announcements as a reminder:
Make sure your birthday for your character is accurate and up-to-date:

Remember to add our three new players' journals to your friends lists:

Our New, but still as of yet Unnamed Newsletter, first Edition, here:

Remember to ping the admin team, or 'reply' to the newsletter, with any upcoming events that ought to be added into this newsletter - hopefully we can get more 'attention' for some of these 'open' topics now that we have this going. :)

The 'scoop' on the Potter/Longbottom Birthday Party can be found in OoC community, with the link to the 'invitation', here:

The discussion for the upcoming Hogsmeade Carnival is in full-swing - with LOADS of brilliant ideas, here:

A couple of minor rule-changes and clarifications that have just been posted, here:

As you can see, there is lots to do at present, and lots coming up - this doesn't even touch on any of the personal character plots that many of you have going with your own characters, or the admin-team 'bad-guy-stuff' that always has to come up here and there. ;) If you are 'bored', it is because you are not looking around for things to do!

Of course, if you are *busy* - well, sorry to make you feel guilty about all the fun stuff you're missing out on, and hope to see you soon!


game news, plot activity news

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