(no subject)

Apr 29, 2005 22:45

Getting up to 90mph is pretty easy.
The scary thing is to know, that with a small amount of energy;
Just enough to lift a glass of milk; and you can turn the car directly into the path of a pole, or a wall.
And scarier still, is that thought, if even for a second. It flashes across your mind, and you often dismiss it as retarted.
I had a scary drive home tonight, that thought followed me past ever pole, and ever wall, every ditch. They all just called out my name. And the thing is, I'm not suicidal at all. I don't understand why people go through with it, I guess I just don't have it as hard as they do/did. And I hope to God that I don't.
But it was there, the entire way home, that it didn't matter.... It's like the angel and the devil were on my shoulders and they both had had enough and whispered ever so softly. "It doesn't matter...."

But damnit, it does matter. There would be people that missed me, there would be people that would cry. Perhaps even people that miss me and people that would feel bad for not saying something they meant to. I'm pretty damned sure there are.

I'm going through a shit load of hatred right now. Fuck all you stupid mother fuckers that ever put me second. Thank you to anyone that put me first. Fuck you stupid lying bitches. Fuck you free loaders and 'calls when they need something's. Fuck you negligant flaky assholes. Fuck you lazy mother fuckers. Fuck EVERYone that just waits for their turn to talk, WHY DON'T YOU TRY LISTENING FOR A FUCKING CHANGE, YOUR STUPID ASS MIGHT LEARN SOMETHING. Fuck, above all, FUCK you ignorant, twenty years in the past, stereotyping DUMB MOTHER FUCKERS! I hope the last group dies horrible fucking deaths at my hands, as God thanks me for taking out the trash as he sends them straight to fucking hell.

Maybe I'm socially awkward cause people KEEP FUCKING ME OVER! It's getting to the point where I'm getting fucking scared of meeting new people. Odds are now a days, they aren't worth your time. And odds are high, though not exactly in favor of, they'll just fuck you over. Sorry again to everyone reading this negative shit. . . it's all my life consists of right now.
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