May 02, 2005 11:20
I have a strange ability. For as long as I can remember, people have always come to me to vent there frustrations of the world. So was born "The worlds ear." And I was good at it. I, unlike many, (see previous post about listening) am a damn good listener. My abilities of remembering everything have dwindled due to haveing a lot on my mind, and excessive brain damage that occured some time ago. But I digress.
Anyway, so being a true listener of people. I learned that you can know entirely too much about people, more than you should really know. Not that it is scaring or anything. But in my case, I started to learn people better than they knew themselves. "That isn't possible, how could you know someone better than they know themselves??!?" You might say. "Easy" I would respond.
Not even taking into consideration basic human interactions and responces, natural mass habitual behaviors, and the basics of human sociology you don't even need to take a class to learn and understand; there is this concept: People want to be okay with everything in there life. No one wants to hurt, or to regret, or to cry, or have ANY negative feelings about anything, especially when it concerns them directly. So what do they do? Lie.
Everyone lies to themselves about things, can't help it. And why not, if it makes you feel better. I'm not saying it is wrong or right, cause every situation is different. But, some of you would be suprised to find out just how many of us lie to ourselves and just how often. And with this concept I answer the question one paragraph above.
If you listen to people, and I mean really listen, you can find out the world about them. Their darkest fears, their deepest desires and fantasies. Their favorite anything, their preference to anything. Further analysis can show you many things in smaller intervals. The inflections in their voice can tell you how they feel about a subject with out them needing to say it. Their thought patterns can tell you their mood. The amount they talk can tell you how if they have something on their mind, sometimes WHAT is on their mind, and/or if they are avoiding something or lying. Ah, and there it is, the key. "Lying" . . .
Talk to someone long enough and you can tell a few crucial things. 1) Their general feelings about a subject. 2) The way they think, as in usual thought patterns and specifically on a subject (face it, how many times do you know exactly what your best friend is thinking or is going to say) and 3) When they are lying.
So, given these things, when someone you know very well is lying about a subject they feel very dear about and talk about often. It is quite easy to tell that they are lying. Now when people lie to themselve, they are more willing to believe, since they are doing it for a reason. And because of this, it also lets their guard down for trying to hide it. So lets recap:
-It is a subject they care about. (Which you can tell via tone, voice speed, inflections, mannerisms and vocabulary)
-It is something they've talk about often. (Strengthes the above, and gives you crucial details)
-They are lying. (Often change stances on subject quickly. Often fierce about this change, insisting it has been this way for some time. Inflections change to being guarded which is opposite their normal position on the subject)
-Their guard is down. (Different from being "guarded" as stated above. Above is more defensive type of "guarded." Their guard here, is their communicational guard that lets the listener know that something isn't quite the way it should be. That something is off, that someone is perhaps. . .lying.)
Given these things, the knowledge of listening. Knowing someone personally. And having a situation you know people lie about often. You can tell, quite eaisly, if you just care to take the time to really learn someone, to know them better than they do. Cause people will always try and take the easy way out of a lot of things, and often times they have to lie to themselves to except that easy way out. Over the many years I have been "The Worlds Ear" I have had the pleasure of knowing at least a dozen people better than they know themselves and know at least 3 people currently. At least two of them would tell you that I do know them better than they know themselves. And the third varies.
So to all of you out there that know what I say here is true. Or to anyone that knows someone like this. Or to anyone that has been enlightened by this, I say unto you. I am out there, and I am listening, and I will pick out your lies, and I will know you better than you do. And for fucks sake, try to be happy without lying to yourself. Cause you'll only end up hurting more when you realize you wasted your time lying.
I dedicate these thoughs to those of you out there I loved enough to learn. I hope you realize your lies and find happiness without them.