Season of Mists

Oct 12, 2010 19:31

Once the morning cloud has burned off it's been a wonderfully bright sunny (if breezy) couple of days and Draco's morning walk in the woods has been glorious. The floor is covered in delicate yellow and gold beech, hornbeam and oak leaves which positively gleam where the sun falls through the trees. The paths are so obscured that I found myself navigating by the shadows of the tree-trunks. Magical.

The electrician comes tomorrow morning. Mostly he'll be replacing the old 60s protruding power sockets with flush ones - which means (1) that we have to move everything away from the wall to given him space to work and (2) there will be banging as he chips away the plaster and brickwork. So (3) the cats will have to be locked up somewhere.

So far we have shifted one bookcase downstairs, and moved the sofas away from the wall. Still need to shift the kittening box (which, in the absence of pregnant cats, is full of my painting gear), and the chest with the LPs and filk tapes in.

This means an early start in the morning.

I probably should not be drinking wine tonight then.

And a thread on posh food in HP_Britglish sent me hunting for 'multi-bird roasts' on Google (we do have a butcher who supplies these, having once gone through the rigmarole of de-boneing a chicken I prefer to leave the job to an expert) which in turn led me to this splendid site on medieval feasts and other Historical Foods.

Roast swan, anyone?

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biography, dog, house, food

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