Aug 16, 2007 18:38
nobody's perfect. and i mean nobody. and we don't always make the right decisions, and are often left with a feeling of regret. a sense of loss pertaining to the things we've done in the past. but as we get older, it gradually changes from the things we've done, to the things we haven't done. i have a drumset in my garage collecting dust, and my only excuse for not pursuing music full throttle is the fact that i am no longer confident as a drummer. i haven't stayed on top of my game, and i'm letting opportunity pass me by. since 5th grade, it's the only thing i've ever felt passionate about. i truly believe we all have one thing that makes us special...that identifies us...and makes us who we are. some people are artists. some are mechanics. some can cook up a fancy dinner while others can run a 5 minute mile. and for me, music was my one thing. i also believe that we don't always realize exactly what is going on in our head until we sit down and write out our thoughts for us to see. maybe that's why i'm home right now writing this instead of partying at jaratt's with my friends.
but aside from the profound sudden realization i just had... i also regret letting that girl i met at the great plate run off with my tie. it was my favorite one. that tie and i have been through many battles together; long nights of dancing, tie pulling, and drink spilling. see ya around, buddy.
on a completely separate note, i believe it's important to occasionally take breaks from our friends to test just how much you really like that person...not just as a possible significant other, but on a platonic level, as well. i don't always miss the people that come and go in my life, but there are a few that come to mind right now. god, i know what you're thinking. this story is getting old. i'm fully aware that this topic is becoming a reoccurring theme within my writing. we all have our own ways of dealing. i just don't hope i become a 'bitch and moan' sort of writer. i'd like to keep whoever reads this somewhat entertained.
speaking of reoccurring themes. i've been dreaming the same dream over and over lately. about this girl. i recognize her, but can't seem to put a name to her face. i have this feeling we used to be close, but lost complete touch with one another. and i sit there asking myself "why haven't i spoken to her in so long?" it's confusing, because like i said...i feel like i know her, but i can't really tell who it is. maybe she represents something much more than a single person. i just haven't sat down and examined the big picture yet. open for interpretation, so you make the call.
sorry for getting all deep on you. let's switch up the mood a bit and change the pace.
three things a girl should never talk about. by james murray.
1.) old sex stories.
- i don't want to know who you've hooked up with, or how crazy/drunk you got one time and woke up next to some strange guy naked, or how many people you've been with. we men like to believe all women out there are virgins. end of story.
2.) pooping.
- as far as i'm concerned, girls do not poop. "well then how does it come out?" damn, i don't have the answer to that. but girls do not poop. that's the trouble with having a girl as a roommate. i don't think i'd be able to handle it if i walked in on her pooping or stinking up the bathroom.
3.) farting.
- not nearly as bad as pooping. i might be able to handle it. but if you're a girl i'm even remotely interested, key advice; don't pass gas! at least go to the bathroom and do it. spray a dash of febreez in the air while you're at it. although febreez is a dead give-a-way that something shady took place.
while i'm on this topic; all girls should be hairless from the neck down. they're allowed to have facial hair. just kidding. sort of.
no matter how careful i am, while eating any sort of food with mustard on it, the mustard always seems to find a way to get on my clothes. i swear. i can wear a full body painters suit over my clothes, and it wouldn't change a thing. i love mustard, just not on my clothes. note: if we ever go on a lunch date, don't let me order an italian bmt with extra mustard. take my bank card away if you have to.
while we're on the subject of food, i feel the need to mention that i am progressively becoming addicted to yogurt. don't ask me why or how...well, i'll tell you...i found some hidden in the side compartment of my fridge and wolfed one down for a quick breafast the other morning. i found it to be delicious and low in calories.
the town of tracy. the town of unknown/unreasonable grudges. seriously. say it with me now. this town is FULL of all of these unknown vendetta's and grudges. i would say i'd like to know why, but i already do. tracy is small in size, but large in population. everyone seems to know everyone here, and we're all connected in one way or another. sickening. and since this town lacks anything fun to do, townies strike up stupid grudges to keep things interesting. it's like...they're sitting there watching some mtv reality based show, biting their nails over all the drama taking place in it, and decide "hey, i wish my life were like that." for instance, one time someone randomly said "oh, i don't like that guy james. he thinks he's the shit." first off, that's not true. and furthermore, to my knowledge, i never remember even meeting the kid.
but that reminds me of the time i was leaving my friend cathy's apartment. someone asked "where are you going?" to which i replied "swimming. you coming?" and this tall fat guy in glasses said "psh, fuck that. we hate james murray." i said "that's cool that you know my name, guy." sigh. only in tracy.
i failed to mention i'll never date a townie, either. having an out of town girlfriend has so much more perks and benefits.
a.) it makes it that much more difficult for her to fall into any girl talk that may come back to you and bite you in the ass.
b.) you get your space. more time to hang out with your friends, workout, play music, etc. without feeling smothered all the time.
c.) i've only met a handful of tracy girls that i thought were actually cool. deanna was one of them.
top five greatest feelings in the world. by james murray.
1.) finding money
2.) unexpected compliments
3.) fixing something extremely difficult.
4.) proving someone wrong.
5.) blow jobs
i hate the singers face from relient k.
i feel pretty bummed at the moment. like a dick head. because someone just drove from manteca to hang out, and i decided to stay in like a baby. maybe this is the start of something new. maybe i'm a closet recluse. i have strawberry cheese-cake ice cream in the freezer with my name all over it. i don't know...sometimes i just feel like sitting indian style on a computer chair and writing. tonight was one of those nights.
attention: something really weird just took place. i just received a missed call from a number i didn't recognize, so i returned it with curiosity. a girl answered, sounded like i woke her up.
her: hello?
me: you called?
her: no. wrong number, sorry.
me" i just got your missed call like 2 seconds ago.
her: um, no not me.
me: well. do you know a guy named james?
her: your voice sounds familiar but no.
me: maybe someone used your phone?
her: no. this is my cell. sorry
there's hard evidence that this girl called me. it's programmed in my phone. no talking your way out of that one, sista. unless it's some stranger that knew she'd make it into my blog if she did this. in that case, you've succeeded.
in closing. i'll leave you all with this.
7 ways to ruin a friendship. yet another list by james murray.
1. never having enough money to go to the city with me or somewhere fun. and maybe even investing in a bottle of Cristal.
2. sharing personal information about me. if i trust you enough to tell you something private, be a friend a keep it private.
3. flaking on me. i know i can be fickle sometimes, but i still don't like a flake, and never will. not keeping a promise can fall under this one, too.
4. always playing it safe. sometimes you gotta wing it, baby. even if you have to wake up early the next morning.
5. body odor. take a shower. rock some deodorant. axe spray. anything! brush your tongue, too.
6. borrowing something from me and failing to return it. i don't even know how many cd's/dvds/clothes of mine are floating around out there.
7. flooding myspace with bulletins. i will hate you!
finished to the point where i'm done.
i'm off for a good night sleep. catch you gorgeous people in dreamland.
p.s. what happens when i stop making sense?