Long Time, No See

Jan 23, 2017 18:05

It's been 3 years since I've written in this thing. Nowadays, I look through my archive of entries and cringe at some of the stuff I've posted. You know, for fun. I like to look at who I was then compared to who I am now. So, if you're not friends with me on Facebook or Instagram (the_jamesiest) or if you don't read my wordpress, let's re-cap the last 3 years. In short:

1. I've been divorced for about 3 years. And single for the same amount of time.
2. I've been writing a ton. Short stories, poetry, and general life stuff.
3. I've made new friends while still keeping the old.
4. I've found new music while still listening to the old.
5. My grandma died on Halloween of 2015 after a 9-year battle with Alzheimer's. She visits me in my dreams, often as someone who was never sick in the first place. It's heartbreaking but somehow comforting at the same time.
6. I've recently begun performing my poetry at open mic nights here in Olympia.
7. Last night, I performed in a queer poetry slam in Seattle. I didn't win a place in the finals (which are tomorrow night) but I won the satisfaction of performing and putting myself out there.
8. I made the difficult (but right) decision to put my dog, Sage, to sleep almost a year ago (April 7, 2016). She was 13 and ready to go. The vet came to my house and Sage took her last breath on my bed. She lived longer than her breed, pit bull, is generally expected to. I miss her terribly. She also visits me in my dreams. So does my childhood dog, Theodore, on occasion. Death is interesting like that.
9. My family is good. My parents visited a few days after I put Sage down so it's been almost a year since I've seen them. I usually go back to St. Louis for one of the winter holidays but this year, I'm choosing to visit in the spring or summer.
10. I've had a life out here in the pacific northwest for the last 12 years, 4 months, and 1 day. I'm sure the list of things that have happened in the last 3 years could be longer but I'll leave it at 10.
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