i've got to do something better than ANOTHER SURVEY

Oct 27, 2006 20:49

1. Taco Bell, Chipotle or Baja Fresh?
That is a difficult question. While Taco Bell offers great nasty eats at low prices, Chipotle and Baja Fresh are indeed quite fresher. Baja Fresh has that amazing cheese, and the tortillas are to die for. Chipotle on the other hand, has the burrito bowl, so you can skip the tortilla and eat those amazingly salty chips, which are light as air. But they are owned by McDonald's...and though McDonald's is my favorite thing about being American, it is simultaneously the broke fatty's enemy. Oh, the cones...and the McFlurry...uh...what was I talking about? Oh...I guess Chipotle.

2. Current Favorite song?
'who needs love' (razorlight) is my current anthem - "who needs a perfect girl or boy and who needs to draw that person near, not i, because they always disappear" - indeed, johnny, not i. meanwhile, 'who the fuck are arctic monkeys?' (arctic monkeys) is my favorite song to blast and belt out at the top of my lungs - "in 5 years time will it be [all together now] WHO THE FUCK'S ARCTIC MONKEYS?". at work, i like when they play 'tripping' (robbie williams) so i get that momentary feeling of energy and motivation...which quickly fades at song's end. on the train i'm quite stuck on all of BHAR (muse)...and 'worth the wait' (we are scientists) is another anthem of the moment - "if ihad one shread of common sense i would have already left/don't ask how long i've been waiting here...yeah you can probably guess" - so if you can't tell from all that, that's me...i can't make these sorts of decisions.

3. IM Screen name?
imnotommorello - are we asking for an explanation, here? because i'll give you one. it refers to my inability to play guitar. at the time i made it, i thought tom morello was a mega guitarist...now that i've realized he learned one solo and has built his career off of that alone, i've realized i can just do the same someday. and then i'll have to make my new screen name imsotommorello. or imnomattbellamy. because he is a fucking mega guitarist.

4. Would you change your senior prom date if you had the chance?
no, i just wouldn't have gone at all. i still think about things i could've better spent that money on. like a ticket to LA to crash the noel gallagher show. i would so crash that shit. not touring for the greatest hits...kiss my ass, noel. i didn't mean it, baby, take me back...

5. Skim or Whole Milk? ...
non-fat? is that the same as skim? cause skim sounds like they just skimmed the top of the milk off or something. i don't get it...and what about 1%...and that weird vitamin D shit that i've never understood. i like water.

6. Did you have chicken pox as a kid?
i think that i did, but i don't remember it. and i think i would, as i tend to itch, and dislike that feeling very much, so how would i have forgotten? but i do have a certain fondness for calomine lotion...that might show that i never had them, as my brother hates calomine lotion, after all those poison oak & ivy encounters. and bee stings. i avoided all that, too. i pretty much didn't leave the house, which was apparently the way to go. i never broke a bone either. knock on wood, my god. i am terrified of breaking bones. i have visions of it all the time. and concussions. and large flesh wounds. the kind where you can see the bone underneath. gives me the heeby-jeebies. oh wait, yeah, i totally had chicken pox. in kindergarten. it itched like hell.

7. Price of gas you last paid for?
$2.19 - regular unleaded

8. Wild night of clubbing or hot movie date in front of the fire?
that's a tough question, because first you'd have to define 'wild,' and i don't get if the clubbing would also be a date...is the question 'wild night clubbing with friends or hot movie date in front of the fire'? cause if so, i'd say that i could pull off both in one night. you see, i like older guys, so i could have a hot movie date in front of the fire, and after he falls asleep, go out clubbing with friends. if the question refers to either one with a date, i would go with hot movie date in front of the fire, for the reasons explained above. i like older guys, so he would probably not last long in a club. then again, i don't have a fire place. and i don't really like 'clubbing'...partially because i don't really know what that means. and there is a certain someone that i would enjoy a 'wild night' clubbing with...but only because he promised me a wild night and never delivered. i'd settle for a hot movie date in front of the fire with him, too...he probably has a fire place, so i think that's more fair. but in general, i don't know. another tough one, survey.

9. What's your highest bowling score?
what's the highest score you can have? cause i did that a handful of times. one of those times was one of the many times i have beat keifer sutherland at bowling. that's what i do in my spare time...beat keifer sutherland at things. except he keeps winning all those emmys...fucker. i prefer golf to bowling, anyway. the lower score, it totally throws people. i love it. and i totally kicked keifer's ass at golf, too.

10. Ever signed onto Myspace and under New Cool People, seen someone you know?

11. Have you ever had a red headed slut?
no, but i've had a red-headed non-slut, and i'd never do it again. they're so whiny and irish - if you're gonna go irish, stick with the dark-haired rough-around-the-edges-colin-farrell-types. that is, if you're not afraid of vd. from now on, it's red-headed and slut only, for me. actually, just slut, because i'm not into the fire crotches. which brings us back around to the colin-farrell types. thinking on it, i kind of hate red-headed men in general. i most especially hate the flying fucking tomato. and carrot top, of course. are we seeing the pattern here? have you seen the ginger episode of 'south park'...it's all there. fuck 'em.

12. Worst police-related experience?
officer brown...coming to town...to take me down. i'd say that was my worst police-related experience...if he was, in fact, a police officer. which i don't think he was, considering how clearly mentally unstable he was, how fast he sped away, and the fact that i've yet to receive a ticket from the great state of massachusetts. but thanks to officer brown, that was a worse police related experience than texas...when i was actually doing something wrong, and probably should've been arrested. which i wont elaborate on here, because...people judge you when you drink and drive. but he totally let me off, don't worry. it was a rental.

13. Last concert and with whom?
the kooks, with me, myself, and i. and those guys from 'small sins'...fucking canadians. and the kooks' tour manager, apparently. who's named leif these days anyways? seriously, did his mother name him after leif garrett? because that's just immensely embarassing.

though it's probably more embarassing to actually look like leif garrett...johnny borrell, i'm looking at you. but anyway, you might as well be named mork.

14. The movie you think everyone needs to see?
'batman begins'. if you don't know how batman began, then you don't know shit. it is an intense reflection on love, loss, grief, revenge and justice...but most importantly, it's THE NUMBER 1 GUN SHOW IN THE WORLD...and 'a hard days' night' and 'help!'...everyone should see those, too.

15. The reason you're at your computer right now?
this is the survey i've been waiting my whole life to fill out, and isn't that reason enough? or, you know, because i don't have a lot going on.

16. Would you track your kids with a microchip?

17. Do you own a Nalgene bottle?
a fake nalgene bottle...but don't worry, the proceeds went to a more worthy cause that making mr. nalgene richer...it went to "breast cancer research"...riiiiiight. like that wasn't a load of bullshit they feed people to get them to buy products they don't really need. although i did need it...and i liked it because it was pink. why are real nalgene bottles always camping earth tone colors? what's up with that? do i only drink water when i'm camping? seriously?

18. Favorite sentimental song?
'Baby Got Back' (sir mix-a-lot)...brings a tear to my eye everytime i hear it. that and 'All by Myself,' (eric carmen) naturally. i wonder which of those two has gotten the respective artist laid more? you see, take my response here...go back to the question...and now you know why i wont answer it seriously. ever. unless you ask nicely next time, survey.

19. Favorite accent on someone of the opposite sex?
tie at the moment between manchester and sheffield. the manchester accent has always been there for me...basically, when it comes down to it, the best is anything northern english or cockney scottish, in the sense that i will be immensely attracted to you if i can't understand what you're saying when you're really upset or drunk. though i'm not into the scouse thing. oh, i also like those hybrid variations of different english & scottish accents...like southern/northern mixes, or english/scottish...oh yeah, though i can't spot them, once i know...it's all over.

20. Last time you used your car horn?
when was the last time i didn't use my car horn. i pretty much drive along leaning on it, so that everyone knows i'm around, and that they should avoid me accordingly. if some deaf asshole still doesn't see me, then i have to halt the leaning and slam down on it repeatedly while i jerk the wheel back and forth to swerve the car noticibly enough for said deaf asshole to realize he needs to get the hell out of my way.

21. Did you buy your computer from Dell?
no. thank god.

22. Scariest movies as a child?
could we get a complete sentence here? 'where did you see the scariest movies as a child?' 'who made you watch the scariest movies as a child?' 'what candy did you prefer as comfort food during the scariest movies as a child?' 'did you think independent or blockbuster films were the scariest movies as a child?' 'do you think spielberg or de palma made the scariest movies as a child?' not to be cheeky, but i'm sure you meant 'to you, what were the scariest movies as a child?' but i can't give a proper answer if i don't know the proper question. and it was those clay-mation christmas specials. fucking terrifying.

23. Do you do your own laundry?
who else would be doing it?

24. hip hop or rock?
i'm not going to dignify that with a response beyond this one.

25. Your pick to win the World Series of 2007?

26. Your favorite soft drink?
coca-lite. which you can only get in europe, so you see my dillema. well, you don't, survey...but i do every time i have to buy a diet coke. and i slam my fist into the wall and choke that crap down. yeah, i could just drink water, or some other soda...but then they would win, wouldn't they? those assholes.

27. Shrimp or Steak?

28. Cubed ice or crushed ice?
that sliver ice...that stuff is totally sweet, and hard to find. i also like what i like to call "natural ice," otherwise known as frost i've scraped off of my windshield and into my warm soda. the frost is better there than blocking my view of the road. i need to be able to see...cause the horn thing doesn't get houses, parked cars and lampposts out of my way. believe me, i learned that one the hard way.

29. Favorite piece of clothing?
specific piece, or general article? specific piece at the moment has to be my white sweater. it is light-weight and yet deceptively warm. generally, i like sweaters all around. and socks. socks are really quite important. more than most people even know or will ever realize.

30. Favorite 80s Group?
that's a tough call, so many greats. i'd have to say a tie between the stone roses and the new kids on the block. but who are we kidding, isn't that essentially the same thing? ian brown and jordan knight could be brothers, for pete's sake. wow...i hope ian brown does NOT read my lj. he will kill me. oh, i think it was him that said he doesn't know how to open a laptop...so i think i'm safe for now. so yeah, totally...tie between stone roses & NKOTB.

31. What are you looking forward to?
the sweet release of death. I'M KIDDING! looking forward to dessert!

32. Do you own a planner?

33. Gym buff, or do you think working out is over-rated.
what? is there no in-between? and i feel like the term "gym buff" is not right somehow.

34. Which do you notice first (girls) chest or arms (guys)?
i know i've said this before, but what the hell does this sentence mean? i think my answer is arms. i think. whoever wrote this has both issues with clarity and ogling people at the gym.

35. Can you dance?
is a bee's sole contribution to this world honey? well, no...they also distribute bee stings, but hell yes, i can dance. if robbie williams can dance, you bet your ass i can dance. it's not hard...these days any kind of movement, regardless of rhythm or your own level of comfort with it qualifies as dancing. how else could we have shows like 'so you think you can dance' and that one with the "celebrities" such as joey lawrence...ah, and i've just realized i'm wrong. because i think he won. and he certainly cannot dance.

36. Favorite brand of beer?
i can drink almost anything but domestic, but i always hold tight to my red stripe. and if you'd look at my photos on myspace once in awhile, you'd already know that! god! but i also like guinness, newcastle, heineken, and all sorts of other beers...from around the world...mmm...beer...

37. Do you play the bounce in beer pong?

39. Favorite McDonalds menu item?
refer back to question 1. i did like the veggie burgers, but they took them away. except apparently at the mcDonald's on wall street...but they're 5 dollars, so you see yet another dillema. i do love the cheeseburgers sanza carne. but like every other red-blooded american with a slow-beating, cholesteral-clogged pulse, my heart belongs to mcDonald's fries.

40. Walmart or Target?
target, always...i find good deals, sweet stuff i don't need, lots of shit i do need...and they may pay their employees minimum wage, but at least they're not OUT TO RULE THE WORLD AND END LIFE AS WE KNOW IT - do you even know how fucked up wal-mart is? may i suggest that you get your head out of your ass and do a little research, where you'll soon discover that wal-mart is the premiere example of capitalism gone bad...they avoid employing people full-time, refuse to start anyone over minimum wage, fire people for SPEAKING about unionizing, and a whole other laundry list of short cuts and shady behavior just so YOU can enjoy the rollbacks and low prices. god, OPEN YOUR EYES! i totally get my oil and tires changed there, though. target doesn't have an automotive department.

41. Are there dirty dishes in the sink right now?
no...i very OCDely cleaned them immediately after making dinner tonight. but most of the time, yes...it's a bit of a habit to always have just eaten something.

42. Can you line dance?
what is this obsession with the dancing? fuck no, i don't line dance, square dance, tap dance, ballet dance, hip-hop dance or otherwise. jesus, get off it. oh, that reminds me, jesus can totally line dance. wednesday nights at the Buck-A-Roo...we go down there almost weekly, get wasted on two-fers, and watch j.c. TEAR-IT-UP.

43. Do you own a TI-83?
oooooooh, calculator. i thought it was referring to some sort of gun or helicopter. so, needless to say, no. i might have had one. or maybe that was my brother. don't they have Ti-133s by now?

44. Most hated class in High School?

45. Ever got into a heated debate over religion?
i don't know if it's just a coincidence or what, but i have never really been friends with anyone who was religious enough to get into heated debates over the subject. and if they were, i pretty wisely avoided the topic, apparently. well, except osama...we clash about religion ALL THE TIME...it's getting a little tired, and you'd think i'd give up on converting him to Taoism. but i'm just that persistant.

46. Elephant or Donkey?
elephant. oh wait, is this supposed to be some clever reference to political parties? because that's fucking stupid. just ask. and i'll tell you. NEITHER. i refuse to be a victim of that trickery. it gives people an easy excuse not to actually learn what/who they're voting for. it's all just smoke and fucking mirrors. as far as the creatures go, it's a shame that the worser of the two evils is the better animal. better color, better recognizable feature, better ability to clean itself, better representation at zoos...poor donkeys. i've changed my answer. donkey.

47. What time is it?

48. Elaborate why you have the song you do on your profile:
i don't have a song in my profile. do i? let me know if i do, and i'm sure i'll oblige you.

49. Favorite items of clothing on the opposite sex?
doesn't matter as long as they end up on my floor! oh! um...but really? i don't know...a good belt. shoes are important. jacket and blazer choice is essential. try not to be an optical illusion. sometimes it's all in the fit, as far as jeans, trousers, shirts and what not...no flip-flops, sandals, "tanks" (wifebeaters are okay) or shorts, and i'm pretty square. that's a total lie. i will judge and judge away almost anything you wear unless you just let me pick it out. unless you are a man who has style, which is essentially an oxymoron. not that i'm all that up to par on the fashion, but i'd step up my game if a) i had money, b) i fit in the things i like, or c) i had someone to nag about dressing well and thus the motivation to do it myself to avoid hypocrisy.

50. Who do you feel sorry for?
myself. i mean...have you read my lj? if not, you should...then you would feel sorry for me, too. because i am pathetic.
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